Chapter 8: Second Battle of Alnus Hill

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Just some note that may be useful or useless, first word typed into this chapter is at 6th April 2024 GMT+7. Here are some of the stuff

Talking: "Asep"
Thought: (Asep)
Action: [Asep]

The conversation that got no names on them means that the name of the character is not known a single bit by me or even the entire fandom, maybe those who know can tell me. And if the number is replaced by X, that means that the approximate number is also unknown to me, mathematicians may help :).

Also to help differentiate Japan and the Greater Japanese Tolerant Monarchy, I will make Japan simply Japan while the GJTM as G.Japan, aight? aight. any question is allowed anyways. Also anything related to G.Japan will have the Greater Indonesia in it, since once again, they are not entirely independent.

Perhaps the third blow to imperialism, enjoy :)


The Socialist Union Tripartite Pact had just disbanded. After the for nations, the Greater Indonesia, G.Japan, United 4Chan Federation, and Japan, signed the 'Pact of the First Multiverse' (PFM) as it is called, both (Japan and NKRSIRT-U4F) sides agreed to divide Alnus Hill based on the GATE structure, the entrance to half of the structure is under Japanese Jurisdiction, while the other half is under the Greater Indonesian and United 4Chan Federation joint occupation. Indonesian researchers can access the GATE structure to be studied while being protected by the Battle Animatronics sent by Afton Robotics, mainly Ennard and F-131.

The JSDF troops are kinda mad when they learn that in the other world, Japan is the puppet state of Indonesia, so they tried to threat the researcher several times, but in the end, they stopped trying due to some stuff. One time the JSDF tried to threat the researchers by aiming their tank at them, but it don't even bother the Indonesians, as F-131 appreaches the tank and proceed to take the entire barrel off before bending it hard, so yeah, the stuff that was said before is property damage, in which Japan can't sue them for it due to the fact that most International Law set up by the West is not applicable to the Greater Indonesia, after all, they are from an entirely different universe, what can you expect?

Also, side note here, the Suparlan base (NKRSIRT-U4F) remains invisible most of the time, not only to hide their presence, but also to help surprise attacks and giving false hopes to the enemy. How do they do this? read the previous one or two chapters, they got a ton of Sound Illusion Disks.



After the defeat at Alnus Hill, the Empire is weakened really hard. The Emperor, along with the Senates, are here to discuss over their next action right now. The Emperor, Molt, sitting on his throne, while one of the senate, Casel, explained the situation.

 The Emperor, Molt, sitting on his throne, while one of the senate, Casel, explained the situation

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