Another day on the journey they went miles on trying to find a place when all the sudden fire was in front of them. Then lightning.

The horses were scared when all the sudden the ground was breaking apart then all the sudden it stops.

Then They turn around when they see a wall. Which shocked all of them.

"That wasn't here a minute ago" said Maeve looking surprised.

"Glad I'm not the only one e seeing it" Reiner said as he gets down.

"What are you doing?" Axel asked.

"I'm going to see something" Reiner said as he walks to the wall when he goes to hit it he was pulled through it as the wall dissapeared.

"What happened?" Axel asked in shocked.

Maeve clench on Axel afraid. "We have to find him" then they start continuing their journey To find Reiner.

About couple distance from them footsteps appear revealing Levi, picking up  dirt and sniffing it. He smirks "they were here" he said. The he goes back on his horse and looks at his army "follow the trail they shouldn't be far." Then they continue to ride on.
Later the trio still searching for Reiner go a long way when they see a city.

Maeve was shocked she couldn't believe her eyes.

Once they got closer she got off the horse and looked around and see broken cars and street like and many damage things.

She still refused to be levied what she's seeing. Axel and nav had  concerned look on their faces.

"This... used to be my home" Maeve said as she still looks around. "I... lived here and worked here. What happened? what— what could have happed?" Then she remembered about the virus that was widespread and her and Reiner were tasked on a mission when they got the warning. "Did we finally do it?" She asked herself "did we... finally really do it?"

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