playing with their hair

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I AM SO TIRED OF WAITING !!! WHERE IS AVENTURINE?!? WHERE IS ARLECCHINO? I'm starting to have DREAMS of pulling for them both im going that crazy yall... just hurry 😭😭 need them asap

(i hope these characters are good enough for u requester i only put people who had their hair up i hope I didn't misunderstand 😭😭)

jing yuan:
he finds it relaxing, when you suddenly pulled his hair out of his hairtie, he was confused at first, but once you started brushing through it and braiding it, he relaxes against you as your careful fingers separate his strands, will most likely fall asleep though

would complain at first as he gets distracted from his work from it, but as long as you don't pull too hard he'll be fine with it, he'll try to sit still but he definitely fidgets around alot, overtime he might just start plopping himself in front of you or on your lap to get you to do it again

has no problem if you wanna style her hair, will jokingly say "ow! you're tugging too hard!" when your hand isn't even on her head, will boast about how amazing you are at styling even if you just braided a small part, will take photos or videos while you're busy, overall she loves it and hopes you'll do it more often

confused, her hair is fine isn't it? but she'll let you do what you want, even if it's just softly dragging your fingers through her hair, it's a warmth she hasn't felt in awhile, and will often ask you for more of it, it's a rare moment of peace for her whe you do it, the warmth of her lover's hands caressing through her strands is enough for her

silver wolf:
probably didn't even realize at first until you were packing her hair into a hairtie, likes it but won't say it outloud, if she was in a particularly annoying match it'll help her relax better, and maybe if she's not doing something important, she'll close her eyes and lean on you, will want it anytime she's on her phone so be prepared

it's almost impossible to do anything with her, she WILL bug you during it, yes she likes it, but that doesn't mean she's not going to tease you, she will move, and she will complain, all in good fun of course, probably makes some crazy style request just to further poke fun, but she still loves it and sees this as a perfect couple moment for the two of you

so about that new book i wanted to write too, i was thinking about making it a crossover if u guys want that, a crossover with hsr genshin and hi3, just bc i think some hsr characters didnt fit with the yttd characters, like reko alice sou/shin rio ranger etc, i only added hi3 bc i feel bad excluding them even tho idek any of the ones who arent someone in hsr too, i would play but my storage wont allow that sobs

although (people who know yttd gonna hate me for this) some people are already in place of others, like firefly as joe :) i wanted to have danheng as kai, bc of no reason other than theyre my faves and attractive, but then i actually read kai's story and idk anymore lol if i end up leaving it as just hsr I'll keep it but if you guys do want the crossover ill probably have kai as lyney or freminet for story reasons (no spoilers here) i do wanna keep danheng anyway though just have to think who he'll be

sheesh i gotta stop yapping my bad guys 😭😭

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