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"How beautiful they have crafted.
Every single piece of it feels like it's genuine, and our ancestors are sitting in front of us,"

The Queen delicately traced her fingers on the ornate frame of the painting. Examining the massive painting hanging on the wall, whilst her king Hwang Hyunjin was looking at her, admiring her undeniable beauty.

"My lord, I've heard whispers about the history behind this painting, crafted by the renowned artist Lee of that era. I'm intrigued to learn more," the queen diverted her gaze towards the king.

As the king approached the painting beside his wife, his footsteps echoing in the grand hall, he gestured towards his grandmother's necklace depicted in the artwork.

"You see, originally, my grandmother's necklace held a blue diamond," he began, pausing to glance at his queen.

"But here is the green diamond," Confusion and curiosity clouded her well sculpted expression. Anna looked at her husband whilst Hyunjin trailed his gauze to his queen.

"The painter inadvertently painted it green"

The king chuckled, making the queen confused. "So?," she asked in bewilderment.

"The necklace was a present given by my grandfather to my grandmother and the painter made the mistake on it, and my grandfather punished him by severing all his fingers,"

"What? But why such cruelty" Anna's eyes widened in shock.

"The mystery you sought lies in that tale. As for the painting itself, it's composed of natural pigments the artist painstakingly crafted, taking six months to complete,"  he exhorted further. His attention focused solely on artwork,  As he was no different from his grandfather.

His demeanor hinted at the legacy of hardship and severity inherited from his forebears, softening only in the presence of his beloved queen.

My lord, I'm filled with anticipation. When will the painter arrive?" the queen inquired eagerly.

Amused by her curiosity, the king smiled. "I've dispatched messengers to summon him," he replied, anticipation evident in his voice.

Under the blazing sunlight, the friction of carriage on the distressed stony path through the wood. To their destination Kalanchok where the anticipation of the painter's residence came into their information.

"We have to bring him by today's evening, otherwise king will surely going to kill us," One of the man stated. The king's nearest servent was also present there.

"How long it will take?" He asked to the caochman.

"We're here," The coachman replied, drawing to close the carriage in front of the gate of the small village.

Taking their steps outside the three people who have came to bring the painter shook their heads looking at the entrance. They went inside, encountering the bustles of busy market.

It seemed like lively, filled with happiness unlike their huge kingdom ruled by the cruelty and regime of Hwang Hyunjin.

"It's so good,"

Without spending the time recklessly they began to ask the people about the painter. It didn't take much labour to find the painter's residence as he was famous among the locals.

King rested his head on his fist on his throne awaiting for the explanation of three people who had went to bring the painter. Carrying the rush of adranalin on their nerves they sat on their knees whining in fear in front of the king.

The calm on the king's face making them more frightened. "I'm waiting for the explanation,"

No-one has the guts of face the king within their failure. Joilting the courage king's nearest servent dare to explain.

"Your majesty, we spent our whole labour to find him and


"And we were able to find him but-


"The painter denied,"

The servent tremblingly exhorted choking on his words. Hyunjin slightly raised his head. "He denied-"

"He he said he doesn't paint for royal family because of the incidence happened in history,"

Hearing the explanation a demonic laughter released from the king. He got up from the throne, walking towards his servants whose heads were hung low, whilst body was shaking.

"My queen wants to make her painting by that painter, I want him in any cost, I'll go by myself,"

"As you say, your majesty,"

Hyunjin didn't bother to say anything more as he exited the hall.

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