2. First Day

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"Bye Dad, I love you" You hop out of the passenger seat. "Bye [Y/N]! I love you too" Your father smiles before you close the door allowing him to drive off. You walk inside with your hands wrapped around the strap of your tote bag. You need to go to the office to get your schedule before anything. When you enter the office, you immediately notice two tall boys. One with blonde hair and the other with brunette. You walk up to the lady at the front desk, "Hello ma'am. I'm here for my schedule". "What's your name dear?" The lady looks up from the computer. "[Y/N] Morgan,". She's silent as she types your name into the computer.

"Alright, let me go get that along with you boys' schedule" The woman informs the three of you as she heads further into the office. "[Y/N] Morgan. That's a pretty name" Your attention goes to the tall blonde. "T-thank you..?" You give him a sheepish smile. "You're a shy one too, aren't ya?" He smiles. 'Too?' You glance around the office before your eyes land on the blonde again. "I'm not sure how to answer that...". "Hm, well, I'm Aiden and this is my cousin, Ben! We just moved from Virginia a week ago or so!" Aiden smiles. "I just moved here on Saturday from Louisiana," You tell them. "Here are your schedules" The lady walks up to the three of you. "Thank you," Both you and Aiden say in unison.

"Looks like we're in the same class" Aiden peers over your shoulder to look at your schedule. You fold your schedule up before placing it in your back pocket, "Right". "You three must be Aiden, Ben, and [Y/N], correct?" A male teacher walks up to the three of you. "Yes sir" You nod. "Alrighty, then, follow me. I'll show you the way to my class, we don't want to be late more than we already are" He checks his watch. 'Late?! Have we been waiting for that long?!' You check the time on your phone and sigh. You are, in fact, late.

"Sorry, we're late!" A tall brunette boy says out of breath. His words are followed by a shorter brunette female, "Please don't mark us tardy!". The two must've been running to get to class on time. "They aren't here yet" The boy notices the teacher isn't in the classroom. "We still have a chance" The girl sighs with relief. The two still have yet to notice you, Aiden, Ben, and the teacher behind them. "A chance?" The teacher speaks up, making the two students flinch. "Are two of my students already late on this first day of school?". The two turn to face the four of you, unsure of what to say. "Just kidding!" The teacher chuckles. "A class rule is that if we're both late and you get here before me, you're safe—" He pauses, "Where's your shoe?". His question makes your eyes travel down to the boy's foot. Your eyebrows furrow at the foot missing a shoe. "You should find that after class" The teacher sighs. "Yes, sir" The boy glances away.

The students go find their seats as you, Ben, Aiden, and the teacher make your way to the front. Noticing the full classroom, you start to become nervous until your eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue eyes. Logan offers you a smile and you feel your anxiety starts to ease off. "Sorry I'm late everyone. These three are new to the school, so make sure to give them a warm welcome" The teacher gestures over to the three of you, "You guys can take your seats as well". You scan the room and notice an empty seat next to Logan. 'At least I'm not surrounded by strangers...' You sigh as you walk over to the empty seat, giving Logan a smile as you sit down.

"Alright, lets get started. When it's your turn, state your first name and last name then say something about yourself. As an example. I'll start us off. My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!".

"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs"

"I'm Aiden Clark. I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-"

"Hello, I-the-um... Logan Fields. I mean I'm Logan... I enjoy astrology"

"I'm [Y/N] Morgan... I-I'm basically a mechanic and I'm an athlete"

"I'm Taylor Hernández! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance"

"I'm Tyler Hernández. Yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club"

The class finishes with the introductions and Mr. Walter immediately gets started. "Let's talk about the semester-long group project! Today you'll be choosing your group partners. Each group should consist of seven members each. No one will be allowed to work alone". You end up being in a group with Logan, Aiden, Ben, Ashlyn, Taylor, and Tyler. The seven of you moved your desks into a circle a few minutes ago and no one dared to speak. You place your head into your hand to keep it up as you wait. "Our main focus this semester will be about the history of Georgia's oldest city, Savannah! It will be what your project is about and the topics you'll choose to present are started on your rubric. Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project! It's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. The permission slips are on my desk. It includes everything you need to know" Mr. Walter explains. You zone him out as you think about the trip. It would be wise for you to go. It will start your semester off right.

Within the next twenty-five minutes, you're in a group chat with your history group. Before heading out you grab a permission slip and place it in your bag. The rest of the school day went okay and Logan texted you offering you a ride back to your house from him and Mary. You gratefully accepted his offer, knowing your father is still at work and you hate riding the bus.

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