3. Weekend

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"Dad! Wait!" You shriek as you land on your back. Your father chuckles helping you up. "Excuse me, Corey, are you back here?" Mary peeks her head through the gate to your backyard. "Yes, I am" Your father answers. You glance over to see Mary and Logan. "Is everything okay? We heard someone screaming" Mary questions. You sweatdrop, "I'm sorry, that was me. My dad was helping me with self-defense". Before you were born your dad used to be in the Marines, he left once your mom gave birth to you. "See I told you they're fine, Grandma," Logan eyes the woman next to him. "We were just about to finish up after these last two rounds" Your father informs. "Oh, how cool! Logan, that would be good for you!" Mary nudges him.

You stand up and walk to stand beside your father. "You guys can stay and watch if you want" You invite them. "I have to finish a few things in the house but Logan can stay" Mary smiles before examining your body, "Aren't you fit, [Y/N]? You must be very strong". You blush at her compliment, "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Feilds,". You forgot that you were in a sports bra and shorts. "It's all that training she does for her sports" Your father smiles. "What sports do you play?" Mary questions. "Rugby and track but sports isn't the only reason why I train. My dad was in the Marines so he thought teaching me what he learned in self-defense. Plus, I lift because I'm technically a mechanic" You explain. "Oh, Logan mentioned that before. He was very happy that someone seemed to be interested in the same hobbies as him although he's into astronomy" Mary smiles.

You glance over at Logan, whose face is red. His eyes meet yours before they quickly look at the ground, "G-grandma...". You chuckle at his embarrassment. "We'll I'll be back soon, bye now!" Mary closes the gate behind her, leaving Logan with you and your father. The three of you make it back to the mat and your father says he can take one of the lawn chairs to sit and watch in. You and your father take your spots on the mat, and he waits for you to take the first swing. You go for a side whip kick which he successfully blocks and grabs your ankle. "I thought we agreed that won't work with me, [Y/N]... But it has gotten better" Your father gives you a thumbs up before he sweeps your standing leg from under you. You land on your back with a groan as you hear Logan gasp. "Your friend seems worried" Your father mumbles as he grabs your arm, trying to pin you on the mat. "Shouldn't be" You grunt as you ram your knee into your father's side. He falls on his side with a groan, "Damn, kid". "Sorry," You apologize. "It's okay but I think that's enough for today" He chuckles, "I'll be back with some cold water". You nod and lay back down on the mat, closing your eyes and letting the sun warm your skin.

"That was cool, [Y/N]" Logan compliments. Your eyes flutter open to look at the boy. "Thank you, I can teach you one day if you want" You sit up. His eyes trail your body before looking elsewhere, "I-I'll think about it...". "Whenever you're ready" You give him a small smile. Your father comes back outside with a water bottle, "Would you like to stay for dinner, Logan? I'll start making it in a few hours since it's only noon". "I-I wouldn't want to intrude..." Logan stutters. "Nonsense, you can come over whenever you like" Your father waves him off. "Well, alright then. I'd love to stay for dinner" Logan's response makes you smile. "Great! I'm going to take a shower. Feel free to wait in my room or the living room if that makes you comfortable" You stand and you, Logan, and your father head inside.

After your shower, you found Logan downstairs on the living room couch. The two of you end up playing Mario Cart and other games. You're surprised by how good he is. Eventually, it was time for dinner and both Logan's grandparents came over with a dish of their own. It's been awhile since you've had a gathering like this.

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