19. Alive

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"Aiden!!" Corey and the other parents hear the kids shout. "That doesn't sound good!" Emma stands from her chair, running into the living room followed by the rest of the adults. Corey runs into the living room behind Mike, surrounding Aiden. "Aiden!?" Jessica shouts. Corey notices the boy's eyes are exactly like Tyler's when he watched Mike carry him off the bus. "Ashlyn, are you okay? Did you get hurt too?" Logan questions. "N-no, I'm fine" Ashlyn replies. "I'm— Fine. Don't—" Aiden coughs, "Need hospital".

"Are you sure?! Maybe we should go just in case— what if you had a heart attack?!" Jessica holds her son. "Ash?" Aiden glances at the ginger-haired girl. The girl hugs the boy, "You died...". Corey notices the girl trembling. "I'm okay!" Aiden reassures. '[Y/N]! Where is—' Corey's thoughts are stopped by the sight of you. "[Y/N]!" He lifts you into his arms. "[Y/N]! Please, wake up!" Your dad cries. There's no use. Your eyes don't open, you don't make a sound, you don't even make any movement. It's like you're actually dead. "We need to get her to the hospital. We'll take my car, c'mon!" Mike places a hand on Corey's shoulder. Corey nods, following Mike out of the door with you in his arms. "[Y/N], please... Please wake up..." Corey's eyes tear up at the sight of your limp body in his arms. "She'll be okay" Mike tries to reassure.

"No, no, no... You're okay... please..." Corey's vision fogs up with tears as your body begins to seize. Mike's knuckles turn white as he grips his steering wheel, pressing on the gas. Corey caresses your head with his shaky hands, his fingers running through your hair. "Please... I can't lose you too..." His lips quiver as he places a kiss on your forehead.

"Help! Somebody help!" Corey calls out to a nurse. The nurses jump into action and lead Corey and Mike to a bed to lay [Y/N] on. Another nurse walks up to them, "She's in our care now... She'll be in room two-sixty-seven. Just wait there and the nurses will let you in whenever". "Thank you" Mike nods, leading your father to your assigned room. "She's next to Tyler's room so we know where that is" Mike states. Everyone eventually meets up with Mike and Corey, waiting outside your door.

"[Y/N], is she okay?!" Tyler bursts through his door. The boy's eyes immediately land on Corey's figure. He looks broken and it breaks Tyler's heart. "The nurses are doing what they can..." Emma informs. "I'm sure she'll be okay..." Jessica speaks up, eyeing her son, who seems to be just fine from his death. "What happened? How did she..?" Tyler doesn't want to say 'die', it'll break him. He knows you did but he doesn't want to verbally admit it. The adults turn to Ashlyn, Aiden, Taylor, and Ben. "Do you kids know what happened?" Emma lays a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "...No, she ran off" Ashlyn grips her pants. "Ran off? Why?" Tyler furrows his eyebrows. "She saw something down the hallway. She didn't say what it was, all she said was 'forgive me' and closed the door behind her" Tears well up in Logan's eyes. His best friend just died. "She... She died alone?" Corey manages to get out as tears start to fog his eyes again.

"I'm sorry..." Tyler mutters, balling his hands into fists at his sides. "Why are you sorry, kiddo?" Corey sniffles. "...'cause I wasn't there to protect her" Tyler's lips quiver. "Tyler, son, don't be sorry for something that's out of your control..." Corey stands from his seat and places a hand on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler looks Corey in the eyes, why is your dad comforting him when he basically just lost his daughter? 'Wait, 'son'? I haven't heard that in so long...' Tyler becomes teary-eyed. His eyes widen when Corey pulls him in for a hug. Tyler's arms immediately wrap around Corey, returning the hug.

Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker, causing everyone to stop what they're doing. Nurses start to make their way into your room. "Wait, what's happening?" Corey panics. "She's seizing!" A nurse from inside your room shouts before the door closes. Corey runs his hands through his hair and begins to pace.

"Mr. Morgan?" Taylor walks over to him, placing a hand on his arm. "She'll be okay... We'll find her after we go back to the phantom realm, I promise" Taylor reassures. Corey lets out a shaky sigh, "I know it's just... I lost my wife a year ago and the wound is still fresh... Poor [Y/N], she suffered the most from losing her mother... I can't— I can't stand the thought of losing them both...". The twins and their mom glance at each other with sorrow. "I'm so sorry Mr. Morgan," Taylor hugs Corey. Corey accepts her hug, returning it with one of her own.

"We got into a car crash" Corey informs. Mike notices something clicking in Corey's head, "What is it?". "It was a phantom... That's the reason for the crash... How did I not recognize it before?" Corey huffs out in disbelief.

"Excuse me, which one of you are her parents?" A nurse steps out of your room. "I am... And it's only me" Corey steps toward the nurse, "Is she okay?". "The good news is that all her vitals are stable" The nurse informs. Everyone lets out a breath of relief. "The bad news is that we don't know when she'll wake up but you can see her if you'd like". Corey nods, "I do". The nurse lets your father into your room and gives the two of you some time alone.


"Mom! What are you doing here?" You ask, noticing your mom to the left of you. Your mom turns around to face you, "[Y/N]?". "Mom! It's really you!" You smile. "Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" She questions. "What do you mean?" You raise an eyebrow. "Honey, you need to wake up" Your mom cups your face. "But—" She interrupts you. "Your father needs you," She says. "Dad..?" Your eyes widen, "Dad!".

"Dad!" You jolt up from your lying position. Your eyes are wide as they scan over your hospital room. You notice the blood IV in your arm and you carefully take it out. You try to stand up from your bed but your knees buckle underneath you. Trying again, you stand up and walk to the door of your hospital room. "Dad!" You shout, opening your door. You notice people around your door as a name calls out for you. "[Y/N]..!" Corey stands up from his chair beside Mike. Tears brim your eyes as you find the strength to run to your dad and develop him in a hug. The two of you drop to the floor, crying in each other's arms. "Oh, my sweet girl..." Corey kisses you on your head. "I'm sorry" You cry out. "Don't be sorry sweetheart..." Corey rocks you side to side.

"Everyone's here. We've been waiting for you to wake up" Corey whispers. He helps you stand up and turns you to face everyone. "Guys..." You mumble. Taylor and Logan are the first to run into your arms, tears slipping from their eyes. Ashlyn and Aiden are next then Ben. "You're gonna have to patch me up later... Just a heads-up" You shiver at the image of the phantom fingers piercing you.

Suddenly, a door slams, startling you and Ben. Before you can recognize who it is, they develop you in a hug. You notice the one hugging you is Tyler so you wrap your arms around him, feeling his body tremble. "I was so worried..." Tyler mumbles. "I'm here now," You say, rubbing his back.


You and your father are sitting in your room, watching whatever you're able to on the TV in the room. A knock is heard on the door so your father stands up and walks over to it. "Hey, son" You hear your dad say. "Dad, who is it?" You question. "Just Tyler, I'm gonna go grab a snack while he stays here with you" Corey lets Tyler in before he walks out. You and Tyler stare at each other before you decide to speak up. "Hey Ty," You smile. "Hey, [Y/N]," Tyler smiles, walking over to you with his IV stand and sitting at your side. Your bed is propped up so you don't have to struggle. "How are you feeling?" He questions. "Like death" You joke. "Not funny" Tyler deadpans. "Sorry," You chuckle.

Tyler rests his head on your shoulder, "Are you sure you're okay?". You cup his face and make him look at you. "Yes, I'm okay, Tyler," You reassure, giving him a soft smile. You notice his eyes trail down to your lips and it makes you feel nervous. "Tyler, if you want to kiss me, just say that" You grin, trying to hide your embarrassment. His face turns red from your words as he meets your eyes, '...I do'. His eyes widen as you kiss his forehead.

"Go get some rest, Ty. I'll see you soon" You release his face. You're caught off guard when Tyler cups your face. "Ty..?" You raise an eyebrow. Tyler sighs and kisses your forehead before pulling you into a hug, "I'll see you soon". Before you can hug back, he releases his hold on you and kisses you on the cheek. Tyler stands up, grabbing his IV stand, "Get some rest [Y/N]. See you soon". "I-I'll try... See you" Your face burns as you watch Tyler exit your room.

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