17. Aiden's Place

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You enter Aiden's house, immediately looking around. You've been to his house a few times but you're amazed by how big this place is. "Alright, let's move the furniture around so we can all be comfortable" Jessica walks into the living room with Daniel. "Aiden do you mind going to get some pillows and blankets from upstairs" Jessica calls out to her son. "Sure!" Aiden goes upstairs to get the stuff.

You glance at Taylor, who's sitting on the floor wrapped in a blanket. "Mind if I join you?" You ask. Taylor lifts her right arm to hand you the blanket, "Come". A small smile appears on your lips as you sit beside Taylor, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders.

"I never got to apologize to you directly for... Tyler," You frown. Taylor rests her head on your shoulder, "It's okay, I don't blame you for what happened [Y/N],". It's silent as you rest your head on Taylor's. "You look good in Tyler's hoodie" You can hear the teasing drip from her voice. "Tay..!" Your face becomes red. You hear your dad chuckle so you shoot him a playful glare, "Not funny". "You're right... It's hilarious" Aiden snickers. "Wanna go?" Your raised eyebrow twitches. "Geez, you even talk like him" Aiden sweatdrops. Taylor chuckles beside you, "They're perfect". You pout as your face heats up.

Over dinner, you and your group explain the situation about the phantom realm better to the parents. "I think everyone has the gist of the situation... Somewhat" Emma sighs. "This is crazy" Jessica mutters, "I haven't been this stressed since our publisher accidentally printed an extra ten thousand copies". "Same" Daniel huffs. You and Taylor side-eye each other, 'Rich people's problems'.

"So Tyler... Has a tree stuck in him and isn't dead. At least not here? Is he still alive in the... other place?" Daniel questions. "We don't know..." You answer. "Maybe we have dimension clones and if one dies, then maybe another is made?" Aiden takes a bite of his pizza. "Or, assuming souls are a thing, then we could be separated from our physical bodies? So we don't die from physical injuries there?" Logan chimes in. "If that's the case then why are the phantoms chasing us?" Taylor hugs her pillow. "Let's just focus on the hard facts for now. We can figure out the hypothesis later" Your dad speaks up.

"If spiky hair has a big splinter, dad can pull it out. He makes it not hurt! He uses a knife so it's a little scary but it's not painful at all" Lily looks up from her iPad. "Lily... I said that you could only stay in here if you promised to listen to music" Her mother sighs. "But I want to help! The monsters scared me but I'm ready now! I'll beat them up 'coz I'm strong like bubba" Lily punches the air. You look at the little girl in awe. "You can take her to the playroom if you want. We'll catch you up later" Jessica tells Ben's mom. "Yeah, that's probably best, thanks Jess," The woman leaves with Lily in her arms.

"Shes right though. If Tyler is still alive and stuck on that tree it'll be painful for the kids to get him off. They need something like a sedative, just in case" Emma states. "We might be able to take care of that" James swirls his wine before standing up, "I'll make a few phone calls. Where was the bag dropped off for the kids?". "How are you going to get sedatives?" Mike questions. "That doesn't matter as long as they are acquired, the tree problem can be resolved right?" James says. You can sense Mike's hesitation, "...I'll send you a screenshot of the location".

You glance at Logan. You thought his grandparents were florists? They are florists, you've helped them before. So how are they going to get sedatives? "I think I can help with the 'centipede-ish' monster" Ben's father informs.


"So that's the plan?" Tyler's voice comes through your phone. "Yeah, that's the plan," You say, eyeing his figure on FaceTime. "You're sure the power will work?" Ashlyn questions Logan. "In theory, the generator for the graveyard works so this should too" Logan replies. "What do you think?" Taylor asks Tyler. "Well I guess it's the only real plan we have right now, so it's worth a shot" Tyler sighs. "I still think you guys should leave me behind first. I've already died once, what worse can happen?" Tyler says. "Like hell we are!" Your eyebrows furrow. "I already said we're not doing that!" Ashlyn argues, "We don't know what the phantoms are trying to do and I don't think it's as simple as them trying to kill us. We aren't going to risk anything until we know more information. Not to mention, the stroke from shock could've killed you!".

"Fine, fine, whatever. Stop yelling" Tyler groans. "Anyway, none of you have slept yet so stop talking to me and try to get some rest before midnight," Tyler says. You frown at the thought of not hearing Tyler's voice for the rest of the night. "Alright," Ashlyn nudges you. Tyler ends the call and you stare at the blank phone screen. "He's right kiddo" Your dad places a hand on your head. "You kids need to sleep. I brought some melatonin gummies if you need them" Mike hands Ashlyn the bottle of melatonin gummies. "We'll stay awake so if anything happens, we'll be here when you wake up" Corey rubs your head.

The six of you lay on the living room floor along with Lily. You lay between Logan and Taylor. Sniffles come from both of them but only Taylor lets out tears. You let go of their hands to adjust yourself. "Both of you come here" You whisper to them, opening your arms so they can cuddle into your sides. They gratefully take your offer and you place your arms around them, rubbing their arms with your thumbs.

'I'm so tired of this' You sigh.


My motivation, I love you all! 🥹

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My motivation, I love you all! 🥹

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