4. Feild Trip

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"Hey, sweetie. Logan is outside waiting for you" Your father knocks on the side of your doorframe. "Okay," You grab your tote bag and head downstairs with your father. Mary has been driving both you and Logan to school for the past week. You don't mind really, she's super sweet. She'll give you a small baggie of chocolate chip cookies she made the night before. Your relationship with Logan has grown ever since he helped you move in. You've talked to Aiden and Ben here and there. You know Ben doesn't talk and you're unsure of the reason but maybe he'll tell you sooner or later. Overall, Ben will write whatever he wants to say in the notes app on his phone. After your last class on the first day of school, Taylor Hernández, walked up to you to talk about mechanics. She seems sweet and she has an extroverted personality. You feel bad for not being able to match her energy but she doesn't seem to mind.

You stand with Logan a few feet away from Tyler and Taylor. The two are bickering over something. "Alright, everyone! Start filing onto the bus! We're getting ready to leave for Savannah in five minutes!" Mr. Walter announces. Logan sits with Ben as you sit in the seat behind him by yourself. You don't mind it honestly. "Okay, I'm sure you already know but I'm going over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to Savannah..." You tone Mr. Walter out as you put your earbuds in and listen to music. You feel the bus rumble as the driver starts the ignition. The slight shake of the bus makes you drift off to sleep.

"[Y/N], wake up. We're here" Logan gently nudges you. You hum as you flutter your eyes open. You notice everyone except for Logan and Ben are off the bus. You leave your bag on the bus when you notice others have too. You step off the bus to hear loud popping and cracking. You spot Ashlyn stretching, 'It's coming from her?'. You feel a chill go down your spine as you watch and listen to her stretch. The twins are the first ones to start moving, followed by Logan, you, Ben, Aiden then Ashlyn.

"What should we do first?" Logan speaks up from Taylor's right side. At some point during the walk, you and Logan split up. Him being to Taylor's right while you're on Tyler's left. Ben is leading the group while Ashlyn and Aiden are behind you. "Well, we haven't eaten since we stopped for lunch a few hours ago. We can get some food and talk about what to do while we eat?" Taylor suggests. Everyone seems to like her idea so that's exactly what you and your group did.

You guys stopped at a few locations before Taylor spotted a face paint stand. You ended up getting two daisies. One over your right eye and the other under your left. The painter did a very good job with details. Ben shows you his phone and it says "I like your daisies". You smile at Ben and compliment the design he chose, to which he smiles at you.

You catch Taylor taking pictures of Tyler with Logan's camera. "Knock it off!" Tyler groans. You can't help but laugh as well. Tyler and Taylor decided to get a matching design painted on their face. You assume Taylor chose it because of the design being butterfly wings. "I don't know why you're laughing! Yours—" Tyler pauses as his eyes meet yours. You watch as his eyes roam your face, "Is cute... It suits you". Your lips part ever so slightly as you feel your face begin to heat up. "T-thank you..." You stutter. "Whatever" He turns away as he lets out a scoff.

Some time goes by and you find a place to wash off the face paint. After washing it off, you and your group continue walking. "We have forty minutes left. Guess we should head back in about thirty minutes then" Taylor says. "Excuse me!" You hear a feminine voice call out from behind you. You turn to see a woman with short black hair and green eyes. "Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed House? A group canceled their tour last minute and now we have empty spots if you guys are interested. It's only five dollars per person" She informs. "Wait really?!" Taylor becomes excited. Taylor turns to face the group, "This place is supposed to be like really haunted! We gotta go!". You find the idea of taking over a random reservation slightly strange. You and Ashlyn make eye contact and you can't help but notice her eyebrows ever so slightly being furrowed.

"Sure, I don't care"

"I'm in!"

"Then right this way!" The woman smiles as she leads you to the entrance of the Sorrel Weed House. "Something doesn't feel right..." You whisper to Ashlyn. She nods as she whispers back, "I think so too".

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