Inspired by Siúil a Rún sung by Clannad
I imagine you and I
Surrounded by seals
My legs turn into a mermaid's tail
Your legs turn into a merman's tail and we swim together on the backs of the seals
And we both sing in a foreign language unknown to any English speaking folk
Sometimes I daydream
You and I lay naked in a field with flowers surrounding us
Tiny fairies perched within the petals
Singing and making sweet music while we embrace each other
Alas, if only I had the courage to speak to you about my inner thoughts
We swim in and out of our conversations
As I listen to Gaelic love songs
Siúil, siúil, siúil a rún
Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin
Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liom
Is go dté tú mo mhúirnín slán
Come away with me my love, come quickly, come quietly, and elope with me through the door.
The end.
Selkies, Gaelic Songs, and Highlander Mythology: Short Stories
FantasyHighlanders myths, and the songs by the people of Scotland and Ireland that they sing in Gaelic have inspired these short stories. I always use selkies as a way of speaking my truth. Selkies are humanoid creatures who can shapeshift between human a...