chapter 13: Sighs to sorrys

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We return back to Rosie and Charlie. The former takes the latter to her room. With Ray following close with them, but gets stopped by Alastor.

Ray: "What are you doing?"

Alastor: "Trust me. If Charlie needs to speak to someone." [Geustered to Rosie] "Shes the obvious pick."

Ray: "You sure?"

Alastor: "No."

Back with Rosie and Charlie.

Rosie: "Alright, what has you so out of sorts, Darlin? Ya clearly got more on your mind than angels."

Charlie: [Sighs] "What do you do when someone you love lies to you about who they are?"

Rosie: "Romance? My specialty! Come on, dearie. Details, details!"

Charlie: "My girlfriend is an Exorcist angel, and she never told me."

Rosie: "Oh, shit! Quite a secret. How does that make you feel?"

Charlie: "Just, angry, because we share everything, because she always supported me, and my ideas, and-and- and now, I don't know whether or not that was just more of the lies!" [gasp] "Oh no that's a horrible thing to think! Do i think that?! Yes! N-no. Kinda?" [sits on couch whimpering]

Rosie: "You said you love this girl?"

Charlie: "Yes. Or well, I...yes"

Rosie: "Have you ever once doubted that she loved you in return?"

As she spoke, Rosie sits down next to Charlie, who shakes her head at the question.

Rosie: "Well, then what's the problem?"

Charlie: "She took part in the very thing we've been working so hard to end!"

Rosie: "Well, isn't that silly hotel of yours all about redemption?"

Charlie: "Yes?"

Rosie: "Perhaps this girl, was trying to redeem herself too."

Charlie: "She knows better than anyone that i believe in second chances, why not tell me?"

Rosie: "It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. She fucked up, sure. She's flawed. But, hey, who down here isn't? If there's anything I've learned, it's that words are cheap, but actions, they speak the truth. So, what have her actions said?"

Charlie: "That she believes in me, and what we're doing. Right now she's off learning how to protect everything we've worked for. And, I can't even pitch my hotel right!"

Rosie: "Well how do you normally explain your hotel?"

Charlie: "By singing. But that never works."

Rosie: "It will work here. Trust me."

Cut back to the crowd. Charlie and Rosie both walk back up on the stage.  Alastor hands Charlie his microphone, and Charlie begins to sing. Ray was left awhile ago.



As Charlie finishes singing, she scans the crowd, noticing Alastor and Rosie but not finding Ray.  Charlie, growing more concerned, turns to Alastor and Rosie for help.

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