chapter 18: murder mystery

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I'm running out of idea. If you want to give me ideas, give me some.

As the relentless acid rain pounded against the windows of the Hazbin Hotel, the residents found themselves trapped indoors, their usual activities disrupted by the inclement weather. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, boredom settled over the hotel like a suffocating blanket, leaving everyone restless and irritable.

In the lobby, Charlie sighed heavily, her fingers tapping impatiently against the arm of the couch as she glanced around at the others.

Vaggie: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually starting to miss the chaos of Hell."

Alastor, always one to revel in mischief, grinned mischievously as he leaned against the grand staircase.

Alastor: "Oh, come now, darling. Where's your sense of adventure? I'm sure we can find some... unconventional ways to pass the time."

Angel Dust lounged on the couch, boredom evident in the way he idly flicked a piece of lint off his sleeve.

Angel Dust: "I'm all for a little excitement, but this is getting ridiculous. Can't we do something to liven things up around here? Im crawling out of my skin here..."

Vaggie, ever the pragmatist, paced back and forth near the windows, her frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Vaggie: "We can't just sit around and mope. There has to be something we can do to make the best of this situation."

But despite their best efforts to shake off the boredom, the oppressive atmosphere lingered, casting a shadow over the hotel and its inhabitants. Just when it seemed like they were doomed to spend the day in a state of perpetual tedium, a sudden scream pierced the air, shattering the monotony and sending a jolt of adrenaline through everyone's veins.

With a sense of trepidation, they followed Charlie to investigate the source of the disturbance, their boredom replaced by a newfound sense of urgency as they braced themselves for the mysteries that awaited them behind the bathroom door. Little did they know, their boredom was about to be replaced by a chilling tale of intrigue and betrayal, as they were plunged into a murder mystery that would test their bonds and unravel the dark secrets of the Hazbin Hotel.

As the acid rain continued to pour outside, Angel Dust, ever restless, decided to seek solace in the bathroom. Minutes turned into an hour, yet he remained inside, much to the annoyance of his fellow residents.Ray, leaning against a nearby wall, couldn't help but roll his eyes at the situation.

Ray: "Well, isn't this just thrilling? Our very own bathroom recluse."

Vaggie shot him a reproachful glare, her patience wearing thin.

Vaggie: "Ray, can you be serious for once? Something could be wrong."

Ray scoffed, his sarcasm undiminished.

Ray: "Oh, forgive me for not taking this bathroom disappearance as seriously as a demon invasion."

Charlie, ever the peacemaker, stepped in, her tone soothing yet firm.

Charlie: "Let's not jump to conclusions, but it wouldn't hurt to check on Angel. Ray, would you mind?"

Ray's smirk widened as he pushed himself off the wall, his sarcasm lacing every word.

Ray: "Am I just your dog now?"

Vaggie: [pulls out spear]

With a dramatic flourish, he made his way to the bathroom door, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he prepared to uncover the mystery of Angel Dust's extended bathroom break.

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