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"Hmm this should probably be enough blood," the tall brown haired figure lays the paint in a pentagram in the grass and starts to chant a summoning spell. When Alastor finished he was expecting just some demon or sinner to be summoned but the short figure in front of him scared him a bit.

Lucifer was in his kitchen with his loving wife and daughter making pancakes when suddenly a pentagram slowly forms below him teleporting him to earth. In front of him stood a man, taller the Lucifer, around 6 feet tall, compared to Lucifer's 4'9", he had dark tan skin, brown hair and darker brown eyes. He was wearing black gloves, a brown suit, black pants and black shoes. Lucifer didn't really see him as a threat or an evil person but when Lucifer's eyes landed on that smile he knew that he was dealing with some killer.

Lu: "Okay human, why have you summoned me?"

Al: "Hello there I am Alastor."

Lu: "I don't give a rats ass about who you are I want to know what you want."

Al: "Well I was hoping to have help with my work."

Lu: "Work, if you want someone to work for you summon a regular sinner or demon, not the king of he-"

Al: "Well I was hoping I would be summoning one of those but this is better, you see, I have plenty of bodies to hide, I'm sure you would have fun helping me kill, and I'm sure it would be nice to get to know my future king."

Lu: "Expecting yourself to go to hell, well from what you said, I would too."

"So?" Alastor holds his hand out to make a deal with Lucifer. Lucifer shakes his hand with Alastor causing an event that hasn't happened before, a golden chain forms around Alastor's neck and a green one forms around Lucifer's.

"Wow this is one strange predicament, I guess we own each others' soul," Lucifer makes the chains around their necks disappear.

"Hmm that felt... strange," Alastor rubs his neck.

"Yeah it can feel strange to a human body or someone who's never has something similar to that," Lucifer looks at the pentagram disappears and the grass return to normal. "Welp looks like we're in this deal."

Al: "Hmm... was it awkward for you? Having the chain around your neck?"

Lu: "I'm a father... and... a bottom... it wasn't awkward..."

Al: "Okay that's a little too much information..."

Lu: "Sorry... it's... uhh... sorry again."

Al: "It's fine... I guess"

Dog barking is heard in the distance. "Shit it's the police, come on Lucifer we need to go," Alastor takes Lucifer's hand and starts running away from the barking. Lucifer teleports them to the first place that Alastor was thinking and they end up in Al's house.

Lucifer takes his hand away from Alastor. "Is this the right place?"

"Oh... yeah it is... why was I expecting something else, I should've guessed you could teleport," Alastor cleans himself off. He looks over to Lucifer and sees him covered in yellow, and red swirled clouds and sparkles, "uhh your highness."

The clouds disappear and Lucifer has tan skin, blue eyes, and his hat's gone, "Please do not call me that as I'm in this form, calm me Louis." Alastor has complete surprise on his face, and Lucifer sighs, "Well I'm trying to be hidden."

Al: "Ahh that makes sense, how much do you wanna fit in?"

Lu: "How much do you think?

Al: "Fair, then I suggest, we should get you a job, I can introduce you to some of my friends... hmm..."

Lu: "We need a story on why I'm living with you."

Al: "Oh yeah uhh roommates?"

Lu: "Housemates."

Al: "That's better."

Lucifer changes himself into more casual clothes, and with a sigh of satisfaction speaks, "I don't think I want to wear my suit the entire time I'm here." Alastor nods and then takes Lucifer to show him around New Orleans.


638 word count, I don't know where this idea came from, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of summoned love.

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