Alastor's help

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It's been about five hours since Alastor got home to that incident, for some reason it hurt Alastor to see Lucifer this way, is this how his mother felt every time Alastor got a scratch. Thinking about it makes Al look back.

Little Alastor walked into the house, a small bite on his arm. Alastor always loved dogs, this was the first thing that started his hatred. His mom came up to him, Amiyah was the kindest soul to ever live, sadly Alastor hasn't seen her is some time, forgetting what her face looked like. Amiyah took Alastor's arm and carefully patched it up, complimenting Alastor for being brave and not crying. Tho it did confuse Alastor as he has never cry except for when he was a baby.

Remembering how diligently his mother's hands move while bandaging he finally fixes his original bad bandages, but once Alastor finished Lucifer was asleep and Al could see just how weak the king of hell is. Alastor lets Lucifer sleep while he goes out to Rosie's. When Alastor entered her house Rosie was already sitting at the table with some tea, "Alastor I guessed you were going to come, tell me what's on your mind."

Alastor sits down, "Well you see..." Alastor shares the story of what just happened with Lucifer, Rosie was shocked.

Ro: "oh tell the dear that he doesn't have to come into work, I can handle it for about a week."

Al: "I will Rosie, and please keep this between us, I don't want it going around town."

Ro: "Alastor dear I never tell anyone 'bout your murders."

Al: "I know Ro, but I'm mainly worried about the... self harm... part of it."

Ro: "I will never tell a soul."

Alastor finished talking with Rosie, before thanking her and leaving. Lucifer was laying in the middle of the floor sleeping in a small goat form, blood dripping from his mouth, Alastor panicked before he saw his meat freezer open and an arm missing, "does that count as cannibalism, why is my face hot..." Alastor's face was covered in blush, unusual for him.

Alastor took his blanket from when he was a baby and laid it up over Lucifer, then Alastor went to bed, as it is 12am and Alastor is really tired. Alastor woke up the next day to find Lucifer in the kitchen making Alastor's mom's famous jambalaya. "Hey Lucifer can't you read, this recipe is for Heartfelts only," Alastor snatched the recipe from Lucifer.

"Too late, already finished," Lucifer places the jambalaya on a plate and places it in front of Alastor. "I hope it's good, this is my first time making it," Lucifer takes an arm from Alastor's meat drawer, and started to eat it.

Alastor takes a bite from the jambalaya and it reminds him of his mother, "Lucifer how did you get it so perfect?" Lucifer shrugs and he eats the arm. Alastor keeps his eyes on Lucifer as the arm gets slowly devoured, every single thing, bone, cartilage etc etc. Lucifer finished the arm and turns back into goat and fell asleep. Alastor finished the jambalaya and left for his daily broadcast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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