New Friends

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Lucifer and Alastor walk around town and enter a bar. "Al, it's so good to see you, who's this little guy," a lady with short dull blond hair, purple eyes... when eye, one of her eyes is missing, and a nice long dress that drags along the floor walks up to Alastor giving him a hug and two friendly kisses on the cheeks. 

The lady has soft darker skin, practically a perfect in between Alastor and human Lucifer. Her dress was red and black with puffy sleeves, and she had black (no smudge) lipstick on. She also has a hat on, a medium size one with flowers and two small animal skulls.

"Rosie dear, it's good to see you too, this here is a new friend of mine, Louis, and Louis this is my good friend Rosie, we've been friends since we were in diapers, our mothers were good friends," Alastor give Lucifer a head pat.

Alastor leads Lucifer to the bar where Mimzy is, "Louis this is Mimzy, she's the owner of this bar, Mimzy this is Louis, he's new to town and we're housemates."

Mi: "Nice to meet you Louis, what would you like to drink."

Lu: "Uhh gimme a coke and rum, please."

Mi: "Coming right up."

Mimzy mixes up Lucifer's drink.

A/N: okay I have strange ships, clearly by the fact this is a Radioapple books, but one of these ships is BloomingGun, if you do not like it, don't say anything but also it's a side story in this book, hate me all you want for this ship, I really don't care, I enjoy it so I'm going to enjoy it. Thank you. And also I don't know when Caemilla died.

Also sexuality (head)canons: Rosie- bi (fem pref), Carmilla- Lesbian, Alastor- Ace and Questioning Gay, Lucifer- Pan, Mimzy- Straight, Husk- Pan, Nifty- Straight (yes obviously Husk and Nifty are gonna be in this)

The door opens and lady with long white hair walks in, her eyes a pretty red, and she's wearing a medium black dress that's split into four sections with white detailing and black leggings with white details that look like ballet shoes. Her skin a fair tan.

Rosie looks at the door and looks back at her drink, her face red with blush. Alastor laughs, "Hey Carmilla come on over here, Rosie wants to talk with you." Rosie sends a death glare at Alastor, Alastor sends a smile back as Carmilla sits next to Rosie and they start to talk.

Lu: "They-"

Al: "Like each other, yes, but neither of them actually have the courage to say anything, I'm simply helping."

Lu: "Fair."

Ro: "Oh wow I really like your outfit."

Ca: "Oh thanks... uhh I have a question."

Al/Lu: "Wait wait wait it's happening"

Everyone is waiting and waiting what's gonna happen.

Ro: "Really."

Ca: "Yeah."

Al: "I've been waiting for this moment for a few years."

Ca: "Do... do you wanna go on a date with me."

Ro: "YES."

All: "FINALLY!!!"

Ca/Ro: "What???"

Mi: "All drinks are on the house."

Lucifer is on the back of Alastor, Lucifer got a little drunk, "You know all, I usually have a fun time with my wife... I miss my wife." Lucifer starts to cry.

"Ugh," Alastor, for some reason, didn't like the fact Lucifer was married. Now Lucifer has a better chance of not being found out, Rosie is getting promoted to owner of a flower shop she works as since the previous owner "mysteriously" died and so Rosie offered Lucifer a job there.


565 words

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