First day

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Alastor walks Lucifer and drops him off at Rosie's flower store.

Al: "Have a nice day Lucifer."

Lu: "Thanks Alastor, love you..."

Al: "Uhhh..."

Lu: "Sorry sorry, habits of someone with a lover, bye now."

"Yeah... bye, and remember I have a broadcast today," Alastor quickly runs off. He stops in front of where he broadcasts and leans himself on the wall.

Lucifer walks into the flower shop and sees Rosie waiting for him. "Welcome welcome dear," Rosie walks up to Lucifer and gives him a small hug. "Okay let me show you around," Rosie leads Lucifer through the shop, teaching him how to wrap/tie a bouquet, the length to gut specific flowers, the proper way to put a basket of petals and flowers together, and different items that can be added. "And this here's the garden, we grow our flowers but don't tell anyone of how they grow so fast," Rosie takes a special item to add to water.

"Angelic feather essence," Lucifer looks at the yellow glowing balls (shut the fuck up) with curiosity.

Ro: "Yes... how did you know."

Lu: "If I tell you, you need to promise to keep it a secret."

Ro: "I promise what is it Louis?"

Lu: "I am Lucifer Morningstar, the very fallen angel that rules over hell. In heaven I took care of many of the gardens and we often used that to help the plants, if you ever need more feel free to ask me to make some."

Ro: "Okay, still want me to call you Louis and summoned by Alastor?"

Lu: "Yup and yes."

 "Got it Louis," Rosie says with a small wink. After the two got everything all figured out, Lucifer was set up in the main area fixing up the vases of flowers when someone walks in.

Lucifer walks behind the counter, "Hello there."

?: "Oh hi... doesn't Rosie usually work here?"

Lu: "Well she still does she just got promoted to owner and this is my first day."

?: "Okay uhh could I get a lover's bouquet."

"Coming right up," Lucifer takes a special bouquet wrap that has hearts along the edges, five roses, three violets, four tulips, and two zinnias. Trims all the flowers, and wraps them and ties the bouquet. "Here you go, that will be $2.30," Lucifer hands the bouquet over as the man hands the money, he waves bye with a thanks.

Lucifer walks up to the radio, "It should be around time." Lucifer turns on the radio switching it to Alastor's broadcasts, he started a few minutes ago but right now he's talking about some news.

Over the course of the day Lucifer had plenty of costumers and all of them were talking about what an amazing job he did, he really wished an earth like help (Hell yelp) existed so they could be giving him the same stars as sinners and hell born would.

Finally at 6:00 (his day starts at 7:00 am) Rosie came down and helped Lucifer close the shop and both of them left, Rosie did leave a bit before they finished as she was running late for her date. Lucifer walked back to Alastor's house thinking about his loving "loyal" wife (she may be loving but Luci's not the only one she's loving).

—in hell—

8 year old Charlie sighs as the third man this week walks out of her mother's room, his clothes all wrinkled, and her mother followed a bit behind, slightly shaking, her dress all messed up, same with her hair.

Charlie didn't want to think of what they're doing but she can't help it, she accidentally walked in on it once and her childhood was ruined for eternity.

I hope you enjoyed, especially with now that I'm actually starting to incorporate a little bit of RadioApple at the very beginning, and Lilith will eventually get what she deserves, don't worry.

623 words

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