Chapter 23: Why Does This Always Happen to Us?

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Olivia POV

I hate hospitals.

They're cold and sterile, and the lights are too harsh.

I avoid them as much as I can. In this case, I can't avoid it this time as Luke keeps reminding me what could happen if I have a head injury without getting it looked at.

I hate Luke.

I keep having to remind myself that I hate him. It's hard to hate a guy who left his friends to look after you in a hospital.

We've already done all the paperwork, and I was just waiting for the doctor. "You know, you really don't have to stay, Luke. I don't want you to miss out." I say, without looking up from the forms on my lap.

"I already told you I'm not leaving Liv..." he says, looking over at me with a straight face.

Why does he have to be so fucking stubborn? I know he's right, I just don't want him to be.

I look up at him, about to fight back again, but then decide he's too stubborn and isn't going to leave me alone. "Fine... at least get yourself a coffee, tho... it could be hours waiting."

"I don't mind, really..." he says, shrugging and sinking into the seat more.

"But-" I start saying before being cut off by the doctor calling my name.

"Olivia Ortega!" The lady in a white coat calls from the doorway.

I stood up, "that's me." I say, smiling at the woman. I forgot that I hurt my ankle because I tried to walk across, and Luke had to jump up to catch me before I fell again. "Fuck", I mutter under my breath as he helps me get my balance back.

"Just let me help, Liv," Luke whispers, wrapping an arm around my waist to help support my weight.

"Whatever", I mutter under my breath as I lean on him to get to the doctor's office.

Once I've sat down in the little office space, Luke lingers as if he's unsure if I want him to stay. But I'm not even sure what I want.

"So, tell me what happened..." the doctor says, looking up from her notebook.

"Well, it's probably nothing, it's ridiculous really..." I start to say, "I fell out of bed earlier and hit my head on the side table. Luke thinks I have a concussion. I think I'm fine."

"I should also add that she was hit in the head with a volleyball and fell backwards. I think she might have a sprained ankle..." Luke pitched in, receiving a glare from me, but did not seem to care.

After writing down a few things, the doctor looks up and says, "Right, so Olivia, I think your boyfriend was correct to bring you in. I'll just do a few quick tests to be sure." she says, taking out her stethoscope.

Boyfriend, does she think Luke and I are a couple? I don't even know what we are, but I've been avoiding it all week.

As she looked at my ankle, I realised that I was too slow to deny anything, so we had to go with it—not like I hadn't before.

I can see Luke smirk slightly from the corner he's in, "Told you so!" he mutters quietly, earning an eye roll from me.

"He's not going to let this go for months", I chuckle, relaxing into the conversation a bit as the doctor does her tests.

"Well, he's right for bringing you in. Concussions can be serious," The doctor laughs slightly as she pokes my ankle. "So, how long have you two been together?"


I nearly say something stupid like, 'He's not my boyfriend,' but stop myself when I imagine how awkward it would make the situation.

I realise I've been quiet for too long when Luke answers instead of me, "We've dated since high school, so about 4 years now, right, love?"

I find myself believing that I have a concussion when all my thoughts disappear. Just hearing him call me 'love' gives me butterflies again. "Mhmm..." I mutter as I fiddle with my sleeves, trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing.

"That's lovely; it's so rare to hear stories like that." the doctor says, looking over her shoulder to look at Luke before looking back at me. "So, if you can lay down for me, I'm just going to check a few more things and take an X-ray of your ankle. It shouldn't take too long."


Luke POV

Olivia hates me.

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself when stuff like this happens.

To think it was a week ago she kissed me and then avoided me like the plague. And we are now acting as if nothing has changed in the past 6 months.

She could have corrected the doctor, and I understand that she may not have wanted it to be awkward. This stuff always happens, heck, it happened last week with Courtney.

I made an excuse about finding a coffee while the tests were being done, just to process my thoughts.

The annoying part is that I know why she did it, and I know it shouldn't piss me off, yet it does.

It pisses me off that I felt the butterflies creep in when she blushed.

It pisses me off that she hasn't talked to me about the kiss yet.

And most of all, it pisses me off that I don't know how she really feels about us.

All this back and forth is killing me.

I could say it brought back the old feelings, but the truth is that the feelings never went away. I never wanted to end it. I was so sure that we would fix things.

When I got back to the doctor's office, I stayed quiet, adding a few comments if the doctor had to check what had happened.

After about 30 minutes, the doctor came to the conclusion that she had a minor concussion and a sprained ankle. She should take it easy for the rest of the day and keep off her ankle as much as possible. She gave her some crutches so she didn't need to rely on me to carry her places, and she let us go at around 2 pm.

Once we get to the car, I open the door for Olivia to climb in and put her crutches in the back seat. Pretty much as soon as I sit down in the driver's seat, Liv says, "Fancy getting some food on the way back?" hinting that she wants food on the way back.

"If you want..." I shrug, putting on my seatbelt.

She gives me the puppy dog eyes, "Please, Hemmings ....I'm starving!"

I roll my eyes at her but know that it's no use being stubborn because she would just keep bugging me about it. " Fine..." I sigh. "Where do you want to go?"

"I just want something to fill me up before the party tonight. Could we just get a Maccies or something?" she shrugs unhelpfully.

"What about Taco Bell? It's nearby and has a McDonald's next to it so that you could get both?" I suggest starting up the car.

"Ohh, now I want Taco Bell!" she says excitedly, as she plays with the radio in my car.

"We can just go to Taco Bell, then?" I say, glancing over at her as I drive.

"But I still want my chicken nuggets," she says as if she's deliberately trying to annoy me.

"You are no help," I grumble slightly as I pull into the Taco Bell.

"So, can we go to both?" she says with puppy dog eyes again.

"Yes..." I grumbled, "But only because you're injured." I said before ordering the food. "Are we going to talk about what happened there?"

"Is there really anything to talk about? I didn't know what to tell her...and you're the one who went along with it..." she says as she digs into her quesadilla.

"It's just usually when something like that happens, you get mad that I saved you from an awkward situation... this time you're not mad...?" I say, concerned about how she is reacting.

She nodded, "I was caught off guard and didn't want to say the wrong thing. If it were the other way around, I would have done the same thing you did." she says calmly as she eats.

"Fine, it just seems odd..." I say it before driving back to the beach house.

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