Open Up ; Uzuren

55 2 11

[ Request from @Yall_are_homo ]

[ Following the Events of 'Rest Easy', one week later. ]

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"Come on, Kyojuro! We're going to be late!" Tengen called. Kyojuro gave Senjuro one last pat on the head, bowed to each of Tengen's wives in turn, then followed Tengen out of the house.

"Where are we going?" Kyojuro asked. Tengen shrugged. "Anywhere that sounds good, I guess?" he replied. Kyojuro seemed content with that.

It was quiet between the two as they walked toward the town. Eventually, though, Kyojuro spoke up. "I appreciate it, Tengen. Letting my brother and I stay."

"Hm? Don't mention it," Tengen replied. He slid an arm around Kyojuro's shoulders. "You're someone I care about. And your father... I've seen his capabilities as a Hashira. There's no way in hell I'd let you or your sweet little brother be subject to him."

Kyojuro managed to smile. "Your wives are lovely women," he commented after a few silent moments. "Aren't they?" Tengen answered with a grin. "They've all got their special quirks, and I love them all."

Kyojuro smiled wider. "You're a good husband to them, too," he remarked. Tengen only shrugged. "I'm doing my best here."

"Your best is better than any of what I've seen."

Tengen chuckled. As the two made it into town, Tengen began scouting out any restaurant that sounded like it might have some decent food.

"What about that one?" Kyojuro pointed towards a building with a sign that read 'Hearty House - All You Can Eat'.

Tengen tipped his head. "Sounds good to me. Let's go."

And so they headed in and were greeted warmly by the staff. One waitress led them to a table and sat them both down, placing menus in front of them. Kyojuro and Tengen looked over the menus quickly.

Both ordered their food and as they waited, they began to chat again.

"So... that night," Tengen began. "That wasn't... the first incident, was it?"

Kyojuro shook his head. "No. There were many like it before that, all starting around my mother's death," he explained. "After her passing, my father fell into depression and resorted to alcohol to keep him company."

Tengen tipped his head as the Flame Hashira went on.

"When I became a Pillar, my father wasn't even proud of me. He said some terrible things instead. I'd had my doubts about him for a while." Kyojuro paused. Tengen had never seen this man look so downcast.

Kyojuro let out a sigh. "But I became certain then that the man I once knew was no more."

Tengen frowned and reached out, placing his hand over Kyojuro's like he had that night a week ago. And like before, Kyojuro laced his fingers with Tengen's.

"I'm glad you opened up to me," Tengen said softly. Kyojuro managed another smile. "I trust you enough."

After that, they fell silent. A few minutes later, their food came. They took their time eating, ordering more, eating again, and ordering more, chatting about anything they could think of.

When they'd both had their fill, they split the bill and spent a few more hours wandering around the town, picking up gifts they thought either Tengen's wives or Senjuro might like, and continuing to chat until they decided to return.

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[ I hope this was what you envisioned, sorry if it's not. I wasn't too sure what to do. ]

[ Please give me all your requests! I want to make a list so I know what to work on. ]

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