To A Demon's Hand ; Uzuren

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[ Request from @miradragonz ]

[ Post Mugen Train ]

. . .

Tengen hadn't realized just how much he enjoyed Kyojuro's company until he didn't have it anymore. When he'd caught wind of the Flame Pillar's death, Tengen at first thought it was a joke. But when he didn't see Kyojuro at all that day, or the day after, or for the next week, he was forced into accepting the truth.

He'd sat at home for a while, letting his wives take care of him while he grieved for his best friend. Memories flashed through Tengen's head in the days he'd stayed home. A few in particular kept repeating in his head.

In one of those memories, he and Kyojuro had been sent on the same mission and worked together as smooth as if they shared every thought. The memory was still clear in Tengen's mind. . .

"We're surrounded," Kyojuro muttered, his gaze scanning the ring of demons around he and Tengen. Tengen nodded, setting his jaw. A grin split his face. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked, nudging Kyojuro.

Kyojuro grinned back. "If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then yes," he replied. Tengen snickered. "Let's get 'em."

They worked tirelessly, swinging their blades and decapitating demon after demon. Kyojuro couldn't remember a bloodier battle than this one. Demon blood sprayed everywhere, but both Pillars miraculously remained unharmed.

Soon, the last demon had fallen. Tengen and Kyojuro stood back-to-back, staring at the sea of blood-stained grass and demon bodies quickly crumbling to ash.

"That was fun," Tengen said after a moment. "Indeed, it was!" Kyojuro agreed.

Tengen snorted. "Those demons made a huge mistake screwing with us."

"Indeed, they did!"

"We're unbeatable."

"We are!"

"No demon will ever be able to kill us!" Tengen boasted.

Kyojuro laughed brightly. "Never will we fall to a demon's hand!"

. . .

"Never will we fall to a demon's hand..." Tengen echoed quietly. For the first time in about two decades, tears stung his eyes. "Never will we fall... to a demon's hand..." The words caught in his throat as he repeated the phrase again. His voice broke, and he found himself breaking down into tears.

"Never will we fall to... a demon's hand..."

. . .

[ I haven't cried over my own story in so long-- wow. ]

[ I hope you liked this one Mira :') ]

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