Good Mix ; Gyukai

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[ Request from @DylanAliceNoah_Uzui ]

[ Time is set before the Entertainment District; Kaigaku exists only as Kokushibo's mentee for now. ]

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Gyutaro was hardly confused when he was summoned at Kibutsuji's feet. What did confuse him, however, was why Kaigaku was here.

"Give me time to explain," Kibutsuji said coldly. Gyutaro jolted, but fell silent.

"The two of you are going on a mission together," Kibutsuji explained. He didn't spare so much as a glance at the two demons. He was mixing what Gyutaro assumed were different potions.

"There are Demon Slayers creating a disturbance near the edge of the town. They aren't weak, and it's useless to get regular demons involved." Kibutsuji finally looked up from his mixing. Irritation glittered in his red eyes.

"I want you two to go kill the Demon Slayers that are causing trouble. Understand?"

"Understood, my Lord." Gyutaro nodded once. Kaigaku didn't say anything, but he nodded as well. "Very well. Begone."

As soon as Nakime struck a chord on her biwa, Gyutaro and Kaigaku were out in the forest on the outskirts of the town. Gyutaro narrowed his eyes. He scanned the walls around the town and almost immediately spotted their target.

"For troublesome Demon Slayers, they aren't hiding very well," Kaigaku commented. Gyutaro nodded. "If Demon Slayers win against enough demons, they start to get cocky and then they get stupid."

Kaigaku didn't seem to like that, but he kept his mouth shut. That gave Gyutaro some questions, but he didn't ask any of them aloud.

"Okay, let's get this over with," Upper Six sighed. Glancing up to make sure it was night, he stepped out of the trees.

The Demon Slayers in question jumped. There were two of them. Gyutaro took note of the apparent colors of their blades. Not that it particularly meant anything to him; they looked weak regardless.

Kaigaku came out and stood beside Gyutaro. "So, what? You have a plan?" asked the younger demon.

"Yeah." Gyutaro glanced at him, then back at the Demon Slayers. "Let me show you." He drew his sickles, swinging them in unison as he unleashed an attack.

Kaigaku watched in shock as whatever attack Gyutaro unleashed decapitated both Demon Slayers at one time. "What the fuck-?" Kaigaku asked, gaping.

Gyutaro shrugged. "If you're surprised by this, wait until you see what Upper One can do."

Kaigaku let out a sigh. "So is that it?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Gyutaro shrugged again. "We have to wait for Nakime to bring us back, so..."

"So, what? We just wander around aimlessly?" Kaigaku asked. Gyutaro nodded. "Come on. We might as well look for food while we're at it."

"Will we find any?" Kaigaku questioned. He had to put on a burst of speed as Gyutaro began to walk. The Uppermoon only shrugged again. "We might. You never know. Civilians can be incredibly stupid."

Kaigaku was admittedly a little surprised at how blunt Gyutaro was. But seeing as this was a demon over a hundred years old, he'd probably seen too much to not be that blunt. Or he's just always been like that, Kaigaku reflected.

Gyutaro had already disappeared into the woods. Kaigaku put on another burst of speed to follow him. They spent the rest of their time wandering through the woods and did eventually manage to find a couple of civilians who were stupid enough to wander into the woods at night. Gyutaro gave Kaigaku a few tips to deal with Kokushibo if he ever snapped for whatever reason, and advised him on what to do with Kibutsuji's temper (so, nothing).

. . .

[ I hope this was good! Sorry it took so long to get out - I lost my motivation halfway through writing this :') ]

[ Tbh, I knew the motivation loss would happen eventually, but I want to see just how long I can go updating daily, and losing nine days in doesn't seem like a good start. ]

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