Design ; Rui + Muzan

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[ I apologize for the late updates. Due to personal reasons related to stress, I haven't had the motivation to write, hence why updates are once a month now. Anyway. ]

[ This is NOT a ship. I headcanon Rui and Muzan to have a father/son sort of relationship. ]

. . .

It wasn't often that Rui got time to himself. So when he did, he treasured that time greatly.

Right now was one of those times he had a while to himself. And with that time he was practicing his web skills.

Not that he wasn't already the best web-making spider demon around. But he was weaving designs with his webs right now. And the design he was currently weaving was one of him with Muzan standing in a forest. Rui didn't really remember the events that had led to the scene, but he remembered the scene itself perfectly clearly.

The scene was of Rui standing on the porch of a small cabin, his tiny hands holding Muzan's larger ones. The demon king was kneeling to be on eye-level with Rui. It was a large, detailed portrait. Rui didn't leave out any small details. Not even the rare soft gleam in Muzan's eyes.

Rui pricked his finger and used the tiniest drop of blood to fill in the red of his father-figure's eyes. And then he smiled at the portrait. He was so proud of it. He'd spent days working on it. And there wasn't a single detail missing. Not even a single line of wood grain or blade of grass.

And then he heard footsteps behind him. Rui turned around, immediately recognizing the man walking towards him. He knelt down, not daring to look at the approaching Demon King.

Muzan walked right up to Rui and placed a hand on his head. "Stand," he said quietly. Rui did. Muzan's arm slid around his shoulders, and Rui leaned in.

"You did this yourself, hm?" Muzan asked. Rui nodded once. "It looks great," Muzan told him. Rui's head snapped up and he beamed at Muzan. The Demon King smiled back down at him. "I'm proud of you."

Rui had to look down so he didn't start crying. No one had ever told him they were proud of him. Muzan rubbed his back gently. "Keep at it, little one," he said quietly. And then he disappeared.

And Rui had never felt warmer.

. . .

[ Aaaaaaaaa the fluff!! I can't Rui's so adorable ajgnejhbtjaerhj ]

[ Requests please~ ]

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