The Legend Begins 2/2 Chapter 1

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Y/N Looks at his surroundings as he saw Hilda being dragged away two grunts.

Y/N Hey! Let her go!

Y/N put the legend driver on his waist as he pulls out his Legend Chemy Card at front of him.

He puts the card in the driver

(Legend Driver) Chemy Ride

It made a stand by sound and he opens it the driver open

Y/N: Henshin!

(Legend Driver) L- L-L- Legend

His body glowed as he changed into Kamen Rider Legend

The Kasshine soldiers were shocked to see Y/N transformed into Kamen Rider Legend

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The Kasshine soldiers were shocked to see Y/N transformed into Kamen Rider Legend

Hilda: Huh Y/N?

Legend: It's gorgeous time

Y/N runs up to them and he punch one of the Kasshine soldiers and got Hilda away from then

Legend: You okay? Hilda?

Hilda: I'm fine but what happened to you?

Legend: I can't explain right now until we get out of this situation.

The rest of the grunts surrounded them

Kasshine grunt: So you have return Kamen Rider Legend!

Legend: Sorry I'm not the one you're referring to.

Legend went to his draw holder and pulls out another card in his hand it was the Kabuto Chemy Card

Legend went to his draw holder and pulls out another card in his hand it was the Kabuto Chemy Card

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He puts the card in the driver

(Legend Driver) Chemy Ride

It made a stand by sound and he opens it the driver open

(Legend Driver) G- G- G- Gorgeous Kabuto

(Kabuto transformation sound effect)

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