Buddy Up Revice Chapter 4 1/2

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Couple of days later after the battle with Shadow Build Y/N has gained the power of Kamen Rider Build and now the next riders to appear is Revi and Vice both rider together know as Kamen Rider Revice

In the base of Hundred the boss of Hundred was sitting on the throne and the Kasshine grunt's bowed down to boss.

In the base of Hundred the boss of Hundred was sitting on the throne and the Kasshine grunt's bowed down to boss

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Gengetsu: What is the report of our invasion plan?

Kasshine grunt: Slow progress my lord but we have gained two allies the Gurongi and Smash

Gengetsu: Good.

Kasshine grunt: But there has been report's of someone attacking our Shadow Rider's and defeating them

Gengetsu: Kaguya?

Kasshine grunt: No my lord this Kamen Rider Legend is different to the previous one.

The Kasshine grunt show's a hologram of Y/N

Gengetsu: That boy... hm for now focus on creating more Shadow Rider's expand.

Kasshine grunt: Yes my lord have you found someone you have chosen?

Gengetsu smiled evilly as he showed a hologram of someone wearing a green tuxedo

In a prison cell a man was wearing a restraint as couldn't wear move his arms

Then an aurora curtain portal appears in front of him

???: What's is this?

Then Kasshine grunt came out of the portal and was standing right in front of him

???: Who might you be?

Kasshine grunt: I am a servant of Hundred and you are Orteca one of the Deadman's?

Orteca: Yes I am but the Deadman's have been disband thanks to the Igarashi family but what do you want from me?

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Orteca: Yes I am but the Deadman's have been disband thanks to the Igarashi family but what do you want from me?

Kasshine grunt: You have been chosen from our leader you have potential to join us and the Deadman's will be revive what will you choice be?

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