Walking The Path Of Heaven Kabuto Chapter 12

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Few days later after the event of dealing with Shadow Ryuki in the mirror world and met Kido Shinji Kamen Rider Ryuki, Y/N was able to help him regain his confidence and has gain the Ryuki Chemy card and stopped the rider fight, the next rider to appear is Kamen Rider Kabuto

Right now Y/N was with Hilda and Haruki as they were walking out of the classroom as they head to their lockers

Hilda: So Mr Kadoya asked you investigate the mirror world?

Y/N: Yeah this was caused by Shadow Ryuki.

Haruki: So you met Kamen Rider Ryuki and other rider's from the mirror world.

Y/N: Yeah I did and I was able to gain the power of Ryuki Chemy card.

He holds out his Ryuki Chemy card

Hilda: Well at least you stopped Shadow Ryuki and helped Mr Kido and the other mirror riders.

Y/N: Also I almost forgot something I saw another Kamen Rider through the aurora curtain.

Haruki: Who did you see?

Y/N: Well he looked like a rhinoceros beetle.

Hilda: you mean that rider you changed into him before until his powers were gone when you defeated Hundred grunts?

Y/N: Yeah that was him.

Haruki: Kabuto.

Hilda: Who is Kabuto?

Haruki: He is one of those Zect rider's who have the ability to clock up and run fast while everything around is in slow motion.

Hilda: So that's how Y/N defeated those grunts as Kabuto.

Then someone came up to Y/N

Y/N: Oh Kenji?

Kenji: Hey Y/N can I please borrow your notebook I'm having trouble understanding the history subject.

Y/N: Sure no problem but no copying it.

Kenji: Yeah don't worry about it.

Y/N hands Kenji his notebook

Kenji: Thanks I'll return it back tomorrow.

Kenji leaves Y/N, Hilda and Haruki

Haruki: Who's that guy?

Hilda: That's Kenji he and Y/N are friends and they help each other out while studying.

Y/N: Come on guy's let's get going now.

They all walked out of the school as they were walking though town

Y/N: Let's get something to eat-

Then suddenly they all heard screaming they then ran to where the scream came from and they saw a green creature walking towards Kenji who is on the floor

Then suddenly they all heard screaming they then ran to where the scream came from and they saw a green creature walking towards Kenji who is on the floor

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