King Above Infinity OOO Chapter 13 2/2

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They arrived at Kougami Foundation as they all head towards Kougami office

Y/N: This place is huge.

Eiji: I know when I was brought in here it was sudden but you'll get used to being here.

They then arrived at his office and they saw Kougami making a cake with birthday music on

Kougami: Ah Hino Eiji! You Arrived!

Eiji: Hello Mr Kougami.

Eiji and Hina bowed to him and Kougami noticed Y/N, Haruki and Hilda next to Eiji

Kougami: It is finally nice to meet you Y/N Kamen Rider Legend.

Kougami finished the cake as it that had Legend written on it

Kougami: Happy Birthday Kamen Rider Legend!

Y/N, Haruki and Hilda were stunned to see him say happy birthday to Y/N.

Y/N: Huh but it's not my birthday?

Eiji: Don't worry him that's how he express himself.

Hilda: How do you know about Y/N?

Kougami: I have been watching you lot fight against Hundred and the Shadow Riders you fought in your battles.

Y/N: Whoa.

Haruki: Why have you been watching us?

Kougami: You see now that our world is dealing with Hundred it would be benefit for you Y/N to gain the power of the Legend Rider's which you have been collecting for awhile.

Kougami: You and Eiji have to work together and the other Kamen Rider's you met to save our world.

Y/N: So you want to help us?

Kougami: Exactly!

Haruki: But we need to deal with Shadow OOO we need to figure out who he is and his plan?

Kougami: I know what he is planning and I know his identity?

Hina: You do?

Kougami: Recently Hundred Kasshine grunts broke in and took the stone coffin in the seal room.

He shows them on the monitor of what they did

Hilda: Why would they do steel that?

Kougami: Eiji do you remember the story I talked to you about my ancestor as the first OOO.

Eiji: Yeah he used all of the medals and turn into coffin 800 years ago.

Kougami: Yes and Shadow OOO identity is the OOO from 800 years ago.

They were all stunned to hear that

Hina: How is that possible?

Haruki: Hundred has lots of ways to revive the dead and use them.

Y/N: What was the OOO in the past like in the past?

Kougami: He is someone who is consume himself to be a greedy king who will do at anything to take over the world in ruin.

Hilda: What do you think he will do.

Kougami: He will most likely go after my company and use my technology for his selfish reason cause ruin to our world.

Eiji: We need to stop him.

Y/N: He's right we can't let do him do this.

Then suddenly there was an explosion near by outside

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