Best Match Build Chapter 3

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It has been few days since the defeat of Shadow Kuuga and Y/N has acquired Kuuga Chemy card and now the vision of the next rider will show himself soon

Y/N was in the classroom and was still in in deep thought then someone tapped him his head

Y/N: Huh?!

Y/N looks up and he see's Hilda behind him

Y/N: Hilda?

Hilda: Hey you need to focus on the math homework we were given you dork.

Y/N: Hey!

Hilda was laughing at Y/N

Hilda: Are you still thinking about that red and blue Kamen Rider from before?

Flashback to seeing Kamen Rider Build though the aurora curtain.

Y/N: Is it that obvious?

Hilda: Yeah you were like that ever since you met Godai Yosuke.

Y/N: Well I couldn't stop thinking about that time because it came true.

Hilda: That's good that you met him and you both saved that man who was forced from being Shadow Kuuga has there been any contact from Mr Ichijo and Godai?

Y/N: Well the man woke up and he remembers being the ruins where the Gurongi was revived and then some grunts grabbed him and they shoved a card into him and turn him into Shadow Kuuga.

Hilda: Could have Hundred done this?

Y/N: Yeah Kaguya explained that they used people to create Shadow Riders to help expand their army but who knows which Shadow Rider will show up.

Hilda: Don't worry you'll be ready to fight back but now we need to study.

Hilda hold's up the math homework right in front of Y/N

Y/N: Oh man...

Somewhere else in a science centre a man was experimenting with equipment

Scientist: No these result's are bad!

He throw's clipboard to the floor while being frustrated

The suddenly Kasshine grunts enter the the room

Scientist: Who are you all!?

Kasshine Grunt: We are servant's of the great Hundred you have been chosen

Scientist: Chosen?

Kasshine Grunt: Would you like to see better result's

One of the Kasshine grunt revealed a Shadow Rider card and this time it was a Shadow Build card

One of the Kasshine grunt revealed a Shadow Rider card and this time it was a Shadow Build card

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Scientist: Huh what's with that card-

He caught caught off as the Kasshine grunt shoved the Shadow Build card inside of him

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