Part II Marry me?! - Asayeon

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Asa x Ahyeon

Angst, Fluff

Knock knock.

Asa had been here for about an Hour when she heard a knock. She had the only solo room so it couldn't be her room member. Maybe it was Ruka, asking for her charger again.

She walked over to the door and opened it curious who it would be.


Immediately Asa wanted to close the door when the younger girl steps in between.

"Greeting your future wife like this? That's not very nice of you", Ahyeon scolds her with a big, teasing smile on her face. Asa's jaw drops once again.

"F-Future wife?", She replied shoked but also slightly embaressed by Ahyeons greeting. Her face was red like a tomato right now.

"Didn't you want to marry me here in your room?", Ahyeon grined cheeky and steped closer to Asa: "I pretty sure that's what the comment said before you deleted it".

Not knowing how to answer that, Asa retreated to her bed, sat down and looked at the floor: "I'm sorry", She whispered.

Immediately reading the room Ahyeon slowly sat down next to her and asked: "Why are you apologizing? Don't worry, you did nothing wrong."

Asa finally lifted her chin and looked at Ahyeon: "I'm a little embaressed", she admitted.

Slowly coming closer Ahyeon pulled Asa in a hug: "Don't worry, I'm sorry for making you embaressed. But can I ask why you're so embaressed about it?"

Asa remained silent for a few minutes, just when Ahyeon was about to stand up and walk out of the room she pulled her back. "Maybe she likes me too", she thought hopeful, thinking about what she was about to do.

"I'm sorry", She exclaimed and pulled Ahyeon for a kiss. It was like a firework explosed in her chest and thoused butterfly fluttering in her stomach.

When she didn't feel Ahyeon kiss her back she pulled away and stuttered: "I'm so so sorry, won't happen again. I'm dumb. Forget what just happened. That was even more embarassing".

Then she practicaly pushed Ahyeon out of her room and immediately shut the door.

"What was i thinking", Asa hit her fist against her head in order not to cry.


In the next two weeks Asa did everything humanly possible to ignore Ahyeon. Ahyeon tried to approach her multiple times but Asa always ran away as fast as possible, only interacting with Ahyeon on camera.

She took a deep breathe, trying to concentrate on the Sheesh choreography, when she heard the door open, then close, then log.

"Asa", Ahyeon exclaimed sternly: "We will talk now!".

Asa froze and backed away: "Let's talk another time, I really have to walk my clownfish right now. I also have to feed the oven and teach my uncle how to swim and I-"

She was shut up by Ahyeon pulling her into a frustrated kiss. Asa was shocked, almost wanted to pull away, but when she tried Ahyeon just pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Then she melted and kissed Ahyeon back with the same desperation.

"Please stop ignoring me", Ahyeon whispered as she pulled away.

"So you only kissed me so I will stop ignoring you?", Asa replied hurt by this thought.

Ahyeon stared at her: "You're really dumb sometimes".

Asa blinked. Then blinked again: "I'm sorry".

"Really dumb, but i like you anyways", Ahyeon warmly said with a soft smile plasttered on her face: "A lot!"

"You're joking, right?", Asa answered not sure if she heard right.

Ahyeon sighed: "Asa, will you go on a date with me?", she asked hopeful.

"YES", Asa screamed. When she saw Ahyeon laughing, she repeated herself more quiet: "Yes, i'd love to! I like you too".


A week later the two girls have their fisrt date, the same day Ahyeon asks Asa to be her girlfriend and of course Asa didn't believe her first. Ahyeon had to kiss her again but then eventually convienced Asa she was being for real. Asa happily agreed to be her girlfriend.


I'm questioning wether i should make a part III with the date.

We'll see ;)

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