Part I: Princess, please - Rupah

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Angst, cursing

Requested by myself and written for all of you ❤️


Pharita pov:

Pharita had been waiting for her girlfriend for what felt like forever. Strictly speaking, there had only been three days in which they hadn't seen each other. Ruka had traveled to Japan to visit her family, while Pharita's family unfortunately didn't have time to visit. Maybe it would work next time. Or so she hoped.

 She had felt very alone during these three days as all the other members had also traveled home. Although she had met Rami once, it still couldn't fill the void that existed in the BabyMonster dorm.

She was all the happier that the time in which she wasted away alone was over today. When she told Ruka how lonely she felt, she decided to travel back earlier. On the one hand, Pharita felt very guilty about it, but on the other hand, she was also very relieved.

Finally she will be able to hold her girlfriend again. To hug her tight and shower her with kisses.


Ruka pov:

"Fuck!",  She banged her forehead against the mirror: "How the fuck should I explain this to Pharita?! Why am I so dumb sometimes?"

She looked at her neck again just to see the purplish bruise again. She sighed and decided to cover it with make up.

Hopefully Pharita wouldn't see it and assume anything.


Pharita couldn't help but scream a little at the thought of seeing Ruka soon.

She ran around a little, fidgeting with her hands.

"She should have been there five minutes ago", the Thai girl whined: "Where is she? What if she forgot about me? What if her plane crashed? What if she decided to quit being an idol and moved to America? What if she found someone new, prettier than me and visits her instead? Ahgrrr, stupid brain stop thinking!!"

With a thud and an exuberant hug, all her worries were extinguished as she felt Ruka hugging her from behind.

"Unnieee, you are late", Pharita screamed overjoyed and almost started crying. She had really missed Ruka.

"Hello to you too, Princess. My flight was great and I already ate! Hope you had a great morning too and yes, i did miss you", Ruka pouted but eventually started laughing at her girlfriends cute expression.

"I missed youuu!", Pharita giggled as she brought herself even closer to the older. She wrapped her arms around Ruka and gave her a sweet peck on the lips. Then on the nose and next on the cheeks. Soon there wasn't any part of Ruka's face that had not been kissed by Pharita.

Pharita looked at Ruka with fond eyes, scanning her entire body. In her opinion Ruka was the most beautiful human being to ever exist.

That's when she noticed a slightly darker spot of skin on Ruka's neck.

"Ruka?", She felt her mood suddently drop.

"Yes, Princess?", the older one replied with a gentle smile on her face. Pharita had to be an Angel! The prettiest ever.

"Ruka, what is that on your neck?", Pharita asked in a rather serious voice. Ruka felt her eyes widen. This was not lost on Pharita. She reached out to Ruka's neck and rubbed the make up off. She could practically feel her heart crack a little.

"I swear it's not what you think it is, Riri!", Ruka panicked to choke out: "Let me explain, please! Princess, please"

"No, just don't! Don't talk to me! Don't call me princess, I'm not your princess anymore! You're a cheater ", Pharita snapped coldly and shoved the older away: "And there i thought you loved me."

"But i do-"

Pharita let her legs carry her as quickly as she could and ran to her room. She locked the lock with shaking hands. Then she broke down and started to cry hysterically.

She wrapped herself in her blanket and wrapped her arms around her favorite stuffed animal.

"Foolish me"


Ruka stood frozen in the entrance area, unable to move. Her brain still couldn't process what had just happened.

"But I do love you", she whispered.

Damn hair straightener! Why did it need to burn her?

Now exactly what she had feared had happened. Pharitas understood everything wrong.

Should she wait now or run after her? She didn't want to hurt Pharita any more and disrespect her boundaries, but she also didn't want Pharita to take it the wrong way and come too late to make everything right again.

"Fuck!", Ruka screamed.

"Fuck!", she whispered: "I won't lose her over something stupid like that! I can't."


Part I of "Princess, please". Finally i can update again. I went on vacation so i could't update anything.

but I'm back <3

Rorami is next ;)

Take care everyone!!

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