Ramyeon's Ramyeon paradise - Ramyeon

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Requested by Swagyeon

Non Idol Au


"Hey, Jagi", Rami greeted her wife with a quick peck. She turned left to look at their 7 year old daughter:" Hello, pumpkin! How was school?".

Chiquita giggled excitedly:"It was great, Rora and I had lots of fun! We even have homework!"

Rami and Ahyeon looked at each other and laughed. 

"This is the first time I've seen you excited about homework, sweetie.", Ahyeon exclaimed with a fond expression.

Chiquita nodded:"But it's interesting this time! We talked about the future and our dream life. We also talked about our future family dream. Our homework is to ask how our parents met each other and also if they achieved their dream life!"

"Why did we never have such cool homework?", Rami pouted playfully:"That's actually such a cute task!"

Ahyeon looked at her pouting wife and smiled. Then she turned to her daughter: "We will tell you, cheeky! But let's get some snack first, it'll be a long story!"


After a while of preparing food the three of them were now cuddling on the couch.

"Let's start with how we met! That was about 20 years ago! I remember being hungry. I had lunch break and went to this really yummy Ramyeon place. I was just about to sit down somewhere, there was this really pretty girl that bumped into me!", Rami winked at her wife. Ahyeon blushed and playfully hit her arm.

Chiquita smiled at her cute parents:"And...?", she urged her mother to continue.

Rami chuckled: "Well..."


"Aua!", A girl with pitch black hair exclaimed: "I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!", the girl quickly apologized not daring to look up. She didn't want to see whose clothes she just ruined.

Rami lifted her gaze and her breath hitched. Her eyes went wide. If she thought she had ever seen a pretty girl before she'd now know it was a lie. The beauty in front of her seemed to be the most beautiful person to ever exist!

"It's uhmm okay! All good! You're really pretty", Rami choked out after a few seconds.

The black haired looked up in surprise and blushed. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair. 

"Thanks you? And also I'm so sorry for ruining your clothes. Can I make it up to you", The girl smiled and Rami swore her heart started to explode.

"Come sit with me! I really need some company", she most literally forced herself to say. Her brain was malfunctioning.

"That I can do!", the beauty laughed relieved.

The two girls sat down in quite comfortable silence.

When Rami couldn't take it anymore she asked: "Can I asked for your name?"

The other looked at her: "Ahyeon. And you are..?"

"I'm Haram. But friends call me Rami", Rami replied.

"Rami it is", Ahyeon winked. She found the Rami extremely adorable and also quite attractive.

"If you can ask for my name, can I ask for your number?", Ahyeon asked feeling bold.

Despite their start the two took at least 8 months and hundreds of lectures from their friends to finally confess their feelings and get together. 

It only worked when Asa threatened to publish a self written fanfiction about them.

Even though they confessed, Asa published it non the less and called it Ramyeon's Ramyeon paradise.

"So this is why we read this weird Story every Christmas when aunt Asa comes over", Chiquita laughed.

"Don't let Asa hear that", Ahyeon laughed.

"To answer the second question, I personally couldn't think of any other life that I would trade for the one I have now! I have my beautiful wife and you little devil. What else would I need?", Ahyeon bumped her daughter's nose.

Chiquita giggled. "I really do have the best mothers", she thought to herself.

"When I'm older I will open a Ramyeon shop and call it Ramyeon's Ramyeon paradise!", she told her parents excited.

All of them started to giggle together.

Life couldn't be any better!


It's a little shorter than normal sry about that. Way too less time in my life 

Hope you enjoyed it <3

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