Clumsy love - Rorasa

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fluff, Angst

requested by  Anabet2185

Rora pov:


Imagine falling off a tree. Rora would have loved to imagine it instead of doing it. To be honest it wasn't entirely her fault. It was that damn stupid paper plane that hit her head! Who throws things at innocent people sitting on a tree.

"Auch", Rora cried out. Her foot hurt. How was she supposed to dance now?

She picked up the plane in order to throw it away. Dumb paper plane.

Rora decided to go back to the dorm again. She just hoped no one would throw paper at her again. She couldn't help but roll her eyes.


Rora heard a thud as someone ran into her from behind. She turned around and almost wanted to hiss in annoyance when she realized it was Asa. Her best friend looked very stressed. Rora wondered why.

"Asa? Is everything alright?", the younger asked curious and maybe a little worried for her older friend.

Rora could visibly see Asa's eyes widen.

"I'm so sorry Rora! I didn't mean to bump into you! I don't wanna hurt you again", Asa hastily clarified seeming noticeably scared for some reason.

The younger girl's breathe hitched:"No, Asa, no! It's nothing! You won't hurt me!? You've never been the reason behind my pain!", Rora was quick to comfort her fellow member.

Asa shook her head as if she tried to come back to reality and smiled weakly: "Thank you!", She then frantically pushed past Rora and disappeared into the dorm without looking back.

Rora felt confused by the behavior, but didn't put much thought behind it. Her Best friend was weird sometimes. Nothing she hasn't already gotten used to. Asa always behaved a little clumsier, sweeter, gentler but also weirder towards her than towards the others. That's just how Asa was. Odd but cute.

Now was not the time to think about Asa's personality traits. Her foot hurt really bad. Maybe she should go see a doctor. After all, it was part of her job to dance, so it would be disadvantageous to damage her foot further.

She decided to ask Ruka. Ruka was the oldest of the group and the best dancer, she would know what to do.


She didn't have to look long before she found Ruka. Finally she discovered her in the kitchen with Pharita and Ahyeon, where they were happily baking cookies. Or at least tried to. The kitchen looked like a battlefield of cookie dough and all three bakers were covered in flour.

"Holy YG, what happened?", She found it hard to contain her giggles at this predicament: "You look like a mess!"

"As if that were something new," Pharita laughed: "Do you want to bake with us? You're the only one we can rely on when it comes to cookies!"

Ahyeon agreed, nodding excitedly and trying to convince her with her best  puppy eyes.

Ruka also looked a little desperate as she looked down at herself and the others: "You would be a great help to us! Without you we will definitely drown in the chaos of flour!"

Rora laughed amused but kindly agreed her foot long forgotten.


Asa pov:

"Why do I have to be so clumsy?" Asa groaned, annoyed with herself. Deep in thought, she didn't notice how she was running into the next person again.

"Whoops," Rami chuckled as she reached for Asa with her free hand before she fell to the ground: "Eyes forward, sweetie! We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

"Oh no, I'm sorry," Asa looked like a watered puddle that was forgotten in the rain: "How can something like this happen to me twice in 5 minutes? When did I become clumsy?".

"Honey, you're always so clumsy," Rami had to laugh when Asa looked at her with big eyes. 

"Did I say that out loud?" she asked, visibly embarrassed. Asa's cheeks turned a distinct shade of pink.

"It's no problem! It can happen to anyone," Rami reassured her to ease her embarrassment: "I noticed earlier that Ruka, Pharita and Ahyeon wanted to bake cookies, should we stop by and snack on some? We can pick up Canny and Rora on the way," Rami suggested to steer the conversation to another topic.

Asa nodded, relieved at the change of subject and had to smile. Rami was a really understanding friend: "I'd love!"


After successfully getting Chiquita out of her room and giving up on their search for Rora, the three made their way to the kitchen. There, to their surprise, they saw a clean kitchen with three flour-covered and one clean cookie bakers.

Chiquita ran and pecked Rora on her arm: "Well, it looks like I won. I found her!", she flashed a checky smile and giggled.

Asa felt her heart flutter at the cute sight of Rora with a confused face questioning her youngest members proud smile.

"Yup, looks like you won," Asa laughed at Chiquita's proud face. The rapper shifted her gaze. She felt her cheeks getting warmer as Rora's eyes met hers. She felt a small smile light up her face.

She had slowly begun to accept that she probably felt more than friendship for Rora. She didn't know what it would lead to, but that didn't stop her from dreaming.


I'm back <3

I'm debating about turning this oneshot into a fanfiction when I'm done with this project. We'll see XD

quick question: What's your fav baemon ship, everyone?

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