Part III Marry me?! - Asayeon

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requested by CryiNgO_O_O


Asa nervously chewed on her upper lip. Never had she ever been more nervous.

She looked at her phone. Only two more minutes. It was exactly4:58 pm.

Ahyeon said to pick her up on their first date at point 5:00 pm.

"Calm down, Asa! It's just a date...what could possibly go wrong?", She had been talking with herself like this for the past 30 minutes. 

One more minute to go.

"Don't stress! Ahy, likes you too!", she reassured herself for at least the 13th time.

5:00 pm.

Knock, it knocked.

Asa took one last deep breath and opened the door.

To her surprise it wasn't Ahyeon who was standing there in front of her but Pharita.

"Before you ask me, I'm here to tell you Ahyeon wants to meet you somewhere else. She asked me to drop you there", Pharita informed her before she could even open her mouth.

Asa nodded shyly and answered with a small: "Thank you".

Pharita smiled.


They had been driving for about half an hour now when Pharita finally said: " We'll be there soon"

That's when Pharita turned and drove straight into a beautiful looking forest.

"We're here!", she said confidently.

Asa looked around, all she could see were trees.

She couldn't help but side eye Pharita. When Pharita noticed it she laughed:"Don't look at me like that! We're correct, dummy!"

Asa huffed in response: "But why is she not here?". She knew herself good enough to know that she sounded like a whining baby but she didn't care. She just wanted to go on a date with Ahyeon!

"How would I know? I don't know, look behind the bushes", Pharita dramatically threw her hands in the air. Then she winked mischievously and walked back to the car: "Have fun, sweetie!"

Asa watched the car as her older member drove off. She felt kind of clueless.

Since she didn't have any other ideas she decided to follow Pharita's strange instructions and walked towards the bushes to look behind them.

It turns out that this was easier said than done. Those damn bushes were somehow higher than expected. Asa sighed. She might as well just call Ahyeon. 

Just when she was about to search for her phone she saw a weird looking light that didn't seem as if it belonged in a forest.

Slowly she moved getting closer to the light.


Asa jumped. Ahyeon laughed at Asa's shocked expression: "looking for someone?".

"Idiot! You scared me, you cheep looking flamingo!", Asa puffed her cheeks and tried to look angry. She ended up looking like a stuffed hamster instead.

Ahyeon couldn't help but coo at the sight: "Ok ok, I'm sorry!", she giggled.

"I have one question! I know you're creative and all but why are we in the woods?", Asa questioned somewhat shy.

"I will show you!", she heard her favorite person whisper in return. Next thing she saw was nothing. Ahyeon covered Asa's eyes with her hands. Carefully the took step for step. After about a minute of walking they stopped.

"Open your eyes in one, two,!", Ahyeon instructed Asa.

When the older opened her eyes she felt like crying. They were standing on a small forest clearing. In the middle there was a cute picnic blanket and next to it something that looked like a tent made of sheets. A basket made of corks stood in the middle of the picnic blanket, filled with snacks and small cupcakes. Everything was decorated with garlands of small colorful lights and a few fake candles. To top everything there were some pillows, a cozy blanket and a guitar in the tent. It looked like it was straight out of a fairy tale.

"Do you like it", Ahyeon asked with a soft smile. Asa turned around and immediately went for a bone breaking hug.

"Thank you! I love y-this", she blushed and smiled. Her eyes sparkled. She was deeply touched.


The two of them had been sitting there together for at least two hours. The spent the whole time on eating, telling jokes and singing to the guitar. By now the sun slowly started to disappear.

"Do we plan on sleeping here?", Asa jokingly asked after she finished the last cupcake.

Ahyeon blushed and to Asa's surprise nodded: "That was the plan, if you are okay with it".

"More than okay", Asa answered.

They both quickly agreed on lying down in the tent. Ahyeon reached out with her hands but then stopped.

"Can I hug you", she asked Shyly.

Asa nodded happily. She had hoped for Ahyeon to ask first.

"Can I asked something?", Ahyeon turned her head to Asa.

The girl blinked two times and responded with a : "go ahead".

"Will you marry me?", Ahyeon smirked with a cheeky expression.

Asa's breath hitched: "Y-you want to-WHAT?".

Ahyeon laughed: "Just kidding, don't worry. But I'm not kidding when I now ask you, Asa, will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest girl alive?".

Asa looked at her like a cow with to much sprite intus. 

"Are you joking?", she questioned overwhelmed.

"Want a kiss to prove that I'm not?", Ahyeon dared.

"Yes, I mean no, no-YES", Asa stuttered with fluttering eyes.

Ahyeon didn't hesitate a second and placed her lips on those of the girl in front of her.

It was a soft, gentle and slow kiss. A kiss full of emotions.

"Sooo...Will you?", Ahyeon whispered against Asa's lips.

"Gladly!", the other sighed happily.

 The rest of the evening they spend on cuddling and kissing each other innocently.


"Did she say yes?", Ahyeon's phone vibrated softly. Pharita sent her a message.

She fondly smiled at her sleeping girlfriend and answered with a heartfelt: "yes and I couldn't be any happier!"


I'm back. A little stressed but I'm back. Hope you all sleep, drink and eat enough! Lots of love <3

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