dogday x gn reader

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Requested byF0olishShou

Here's a twist for y'all: dogday can speak some Russian. Player/reader can understand him but no one else can.

Gn reader
Reader being referred to as player(?)
Hour of joy
My Au


As you were working at playtime co. You saw some nasty stuff happening but had to stay quiet or you would get fired. And you couldn't have that, playtime barley payed you and being fired means you would go homeless you watched as kids got exposed to chemicals and living toys, you heard the cries and cheers of kids. But you pushed through them and continued you job, being in charge of the containments. You had to make sure none of the toys escaped and make sure they had a good environment. One toy in particularly caught your eye. His name was dogday, he had a soothing voice like your friend who sadly went missing a few weeks ago. Their have been multiple dogday made but this one was deemed a success. Dogday unlike the others was calm around you and actually happy to see you, he acted like your friend, had the voice like your friend, hell even his movements were like your friend. He was just like him.  Many of your coworkers suspected that he got kidnapped and killed. But was actually not true at all, there was a dark secret that all 3 people knew about and if they shared it.... Well you probably won't be the same......

"Hello player" dogday said one day as you were told to have me roam for bit. His voice like always was calm and deep, as you let him out of containment growling and a deep raspy voice was heard"you let him  out.... And not π€?" You froze.catnap was in containment next to dogday and you. He was such bigger then dogday and his personality was...well a hell of a lot different. He hated most the of the kids he saw, he tried multiple times to hurt the other critters and staff... And you never knew why. Dogday on the other hand looked calm and understanding to catnap"maybe you get to go outside next time! Right?" He asked you,"y-yea h.." big lies. After a bit catnap calmed down and you were able to take dogday out of containment without problems. Soon enough you and him were walking to home sweet home the kids were very happy to see dogday and the other critters were too. After a bit, dogday was brought back into containment to rest. It only a few hours later when the speaker over the intercom sounded frantic" they have escaped! Seek shelter! Hide and run!" You panicked catnap was not in his containment and the others too. Dogday was the only one there he looked around hearing what was being said. Soon enough the door was brought down and stood miss delight her weapon was completely made out of pencils but she was quickly shoved into the school by catnap." This is my kill!' he says before lunging himself at you, you quickly dodged him and ran but he made you trip with his tail. His claws came down on you and tore you face, you scream of agony was heard before you played dead. It was a very slim chance that he thought you were dead and it worked. Catnap looked satisfied with his work and left to kill more people. Dogday watched in horror not knowing it was act"angel!" He managed to break his way out of the container and get to you"angel is what your friend used to call you..." Tears filled you eyes as you finally placed the puzzle pieces together that this living toy right here is your past co-worker." Angel are you ok?!" He said picking you up and slightly shaking you in an attempt to*wake* you up.
You finally told him what you did and he sighed" don't scare me like that..." He said, after a bit he took you to place in the orphanage where no toys were. He made sure to keep you safe and himself safe too.


You were walking in the abandoned and hollow Halls of playtime, the Erie silence was creepy but you pushed forward. tears were falling down your face, you were covered in scars and your clothing was torn. you took a deep breath and stop for a moment. There was a pendant around your neck that you always were you took it off and open the cap it showed a picture of you and your friend who was deemed missing but actually was the poor soul that was trapped inside dogday. Dogday was much different from the others instead of trying to murder you he kept you safe knowing that you were not the one who were doing the horrible sin. But one day he went missing and you ventured out on your own to find food for yourself and weapons, but one day you couldn't take the loneliness and decided to search for made it to a part of home Sweet home where there were cages in one you stood horrified and wide-eyed, dogday was in chains as he was against the wall his entire lower body missing. He was covered in blood but when his eyes made it to you he looks almost horrified but happy" angel, you came for me... I'm so glad but you can't do anything for me now, I'm near the end of my life. They took half of me away, they tortured me... The little toys they follow catnap to avoid this fate and in return they are fed and cared need to run, you need to find a way out of here. Don't worry about me, you need to get out of here. you need to live." He's words almost pleading as he tells your o run but it's too late as the smaller toys come down from the cracks of the walls above and crawl inside of him eating his inside and fully taking control of his body with no choice left you ran away tears falling down your face knowing that you lost your best friend. You soon escape him and get away, you can never forget that faithful moment.

The end


I'm so sorry that this is short but I completely ran out of ideas for this and I wanted to get something out for you guys. I'm really trying to get new parts out but it's very hard with me nearing the end of school and I'm being completely just worn out, hopefully one school ends for me I'll be able to write more for you guys but at this moment I really can't. Anyways I hope you have a good day/night my muffins! Byee!

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