kicken chicken x sweet sheep

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Yea peoples I'm doing this, because this is one of the older requests so I'm trying to get those done then the newer ones. This is gonna be fluff because I'm not In a mood for smut/heat/sad anything. So yea just happy stuff here! This was requested by Destiny515368!

This with ft: my smiling critters oc cloudy and moonlight bela and this is a au I guess, idk I guess a modern day au and I will be using"sweet" as a nickname for sweet sheep. This is a long story too as this is over 2000 words.


Timeline: before the important tape (the first tape we saw)

Sweet sheep pov:
I was outside playing with Bobby,crafty,hoppy,bela, and cloudy.We were playing ball while the others were talking about stuff, my eyes couldn't help but watch someone specific. Kicken. I don't know but there's something about him that gives me a smile whenever I see him.... I don't know what the feeling is but I feel fuzzy around him. I was so focused on him that I did hear the other girls calling my name since I was paying attention to the ball and it was heading to me. Just as I heard them yell my name one more time I got hit by the ball. I stumbled to the ground holding my face"ow!" I say, the girls walk over to me and help me back up" are you ok sweet?" Bobby asked worried, of course it was just a ball and it didn't hurt me too much but I knew she can't help it since she was practically made for caring." Yeah I'm ok, don't worry!" I say smiling once I'm back up" hey, we were calling your name but you weren't looking at us. What were you looking at?" Hoppy asks me, a light tint of pink crosses my face as I'm trying to find an excuse to avoid saying I was watching kicken but it seemed bela read my mind." I think she was watching one of the boys~" she says in a teasing tone. Bobby and cloudy were confused but it was expected as they're both not used to anything lovey dubby but hoppy and crafty smirked looking at me" ohh~ who's the lucky dude~?" They both said teasing me as well, my face was starting to get hot and more pink"u-uh-" I covered my face in my hands to avoid their smiling and teasing as well to hide my flustered face. As I did I heard footsteps before hearing the name" kicken" I started to panic as I didn't want him to see me like this but it was too late to try to do anything as he was already by us" hey guys! Me and the boys were wondering if you would like to come with us to the beach?"
( so uh just pretend that they can go to places and all that)
All the girls said yes except me since I was still thinking and my face was still covered" uh- sweet? You going?" He asked me, I had to talk to him so I pulled myself together and looked up" yeah I'll go" I say he hugs me" yay! Me and the others will get the beach stuff ready, you just have to change into a different outfit" he says. I nod my head" alright well meet by the path" he says we nod our head before he leaves" well let's get changed!" Cloudy says before running off" hey, wait! Bubba said I have to look after you!" Crafty says running after cloudy. The rest of us go back into the house and to the closet area to get out beach outfit. Bobby was wearing what looked like a sand colored dress with a hat, hoppy wore a short shirt and a pair of shorts, I put on something similar to Bobby's outfit but I planned to go swimming so under I put on my swimming outfit.ceafty came holding cloudy who was wear a jumper" why can't I wear my swimming gear?!" She says protesting to be held by crafty" because I said so and you're too young to be wearing something like that plus that's my outfit" she says, crafty wore a painted shirt that she made along with a skirt. She must have tried to wear crafty's swimming outfit "Now pack your bag cloudy" she says, cloudy let's a whine but does as she was told to and starts to pack her things. I let out a soft giggle before grabbing my pendant and some towels. The others were ready after a few more minutes and we walked to the path where the others were waiting" alright let's go!" Dogday says.

Time skip~
At the beach
Continued sweet sheep pov

When we got to the beach cloudy instantly jumped in the water while the boys sat up the chairs and everything. "I think I will go swimming" I thought to myself as I took off my dress to not get it wet, then I heard someone come up behind me before arms wrapped around me, I gasped"w-who is behind me?" They didn't respond for a bit before finally saying" sorry but you looked so soft...." Kicken said brushing himself into my wool fur. My face became red once I found out it was kicken but after a few minutes I calmed down and let him do that" hey, imma swimming want to come?" I ask him, I feel him nod his head on my wool as he gets off of me. We walked up to the shore line before I said" ready?" He replied with yea before we both ran into the water. I let myself dive into it while he cannon balled himself. The water felt a bit heavy but my wool is heavy and thick so it makes sense. We played around in the water for a while before I started to walk back to the shore I heard a yell making me turn around, it was kicken trying to warn me about a big wave coming towards me but it was too late as it crashed on me as soon as i turned around. I hit my head on the underwater floor and I tried to swim back up but the wave knocked all the energy out of me so I failed. It was only a few seconds before I saw kicken's arm grab me from underwater and bring me up." Are you alright???" He asked me, holding me above the water" i-*cough* am t-*cough* tired" I say coughing trying to get the water out of me. After a few moments I felt his lips on mine, my face became very red. He stops kissing me after a moment"why did you do that..?" I asked shocked that he kissed me" i thought you needed to breathe so I tried to get more air into you" he says now blushing realizing that he just kissed me. As he still held me we heard a squealing" ahhh! Kicken kissed sweet! Bela yelled jumping around and everything as the others started at us with a dropped jaw, my face became very red as I now know that they have seen every. I cover my face to hide my embarrassment but kicken seemed fine with this after a while he puts me back down and says" sorry if I embarrassed you..." He says with a bit of guilt in his voice but at this point my feelings for him took over me and I hugged him.

End of sweet sheep pov

Kicken chicken pov

I heard sweet coughing as she tried to talk to me but was failing, then I thought that maybe if I kissed her and breath into her she would stop coughing so I did. I kissed her, I felt her face become red and as did mine. When I stopped she looked shocked at me then I realized that I kissed her. We hard a squeal as bela yelled we kissed, the others looked shocked and sweet looked embarrassed. I felt bad for making her embarrassed so I put her down and apologized. But instead of saying anything she hugged me, her face was in my chest feathers. My face became very red but I hugged her back. After a while we walked out and sat down. She was eating a Popsicle, hoppy was dancing with Bobby and crafty, dogday was playing with catnaps tail and bubba was reading. As expected. I lean back as I had sunglasses on letting the warm but chill breeze graze my feathers. After about a half hour later sweet poked me in the shoulder" can you help me dry off?" She asked me, I looked at her as her wool was still wet from swimming. I guess it was really thick because I thought it would have dried by now but I agreed as she handed me a towel and turned around.
As I dried her back I heard bela walk up to me" heya, did you see crafty and catnap? They're talking way more than usual. And dogday is acting like a kid." She says pointing to the dog building a sand castle with cloudy. I smile" yea, he likes to play with cloudy a lot" I say still looking at dogday as I still dry off sweet.

Time skip again~
Almost nighttime

Crafty,dogday, and Bobby layed together as catnap breathed his smoke. Me and sweet hid as we wanted to stay up tonight but we knew that catnap already knew we were hiding but he didn't bother to look for us as once he got the others he kissed dogday and layed by him falling asleep shortly after. Me and sweet looked at the moon as we sat by the shore. After a while sweet spoke to me" you know, I have been getting feelings for you... Whenever I see you I feel fuzzy. And I was wondering if you had feelings for me" she said to me, I looked at her face and stared into her eyes... They were so..... Beautiful.... I couldn't look away but I had to because I snapped out of reality as she was talking to me. I was confused about what she asked me, confused and worried that she would be sad to know I wasn't listening to her I said yes. She looked at me while a pink streak crossed her face"r-really?" She asked me, I was so confused but I nodded my head. That's when she leaned onto me and kissed me, my face became red as she did but after a few moments I melted into the kiss and held her. I now knew what she asked me. I felt eyes watching us but I didn't care and I think sweet didn't either. And we were right moonlight bela woken up hearing us chatting and she was smiling at us. She flew up to us and gave us a hug" im glad sweet finally asked you if you liked her" she says she backs up and fly's away, her wings waking little noise to wake the others. I put my attention back on sweet as she rested on my chest feathers. We both didn't realize but we both fell asleep after a few minutes.

Time skip~

Third pov

As sweet sheep and kicken woke up the others were already up, they have already seen the two sleeping together and nobody had a problem. Crafty and bobby were really happy that sweet sheep found someone to care for her. Catnap and bela were chatting with each other while dogday, bubba, and hoppy were playing with a frisbee. The two looked at eachother blushing realizing that they slept together. Sweet sheep got off of kicken and cleaned herself off. Sweet sheep helped kicken up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. , she then walked over to crafty and they both started to chat. After a couple more hours catnap and dogday said it was time to head back.
After they returned to the house they changed and put everything back" that was so fun!" Cloudy said running around while crafty was chasing her" cloudy! Come back here! You have sand all over you and you need to be cleaned!" She said finally getting cloudy and walking her into the bathroom, sweet sheep let out a soft laugh, crafty was like a mother to cloudy but cloudy is very innocent so it makes sense. Once sweet sheep got done changing she walked to her room, then she saw the kicken was waiting for me in there" hey, what are you doing here? You need something?' she asks him. He doesn't say anything but he gets up and closes the door behind sweet sheep then bring her to the bed( no dirty stuff is happening btw) he sits her on his lap" what are you doing?" She asked kicken, he doesn't say still but he smiles and leans into sweet sheep kissing her. Sweet sheep melted into the kiss immediately hugged kicken in the process. Once they parted sweet sheep let out a soft giggle before laying her head oo his chest falling asleep. He gives her a warm hug before letting her rest.

La fin heureuse :French

The happy end : English

I hope you enjoyed this as this took me a long time. This is probably one of my favorite parts to write as I got to make it fluffy, I love fluffy stories. Anyways I hope you have a good day/night my muffins! Bye!

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