dogday x catnap

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Lol- Requested byAddictedtofandoms14 andWoF_fangirl345

⚠️Catnap and dogday soul know each other from their childhood but don't remember much since being put into the toys. And since catnap was made the smiling critters never really liked him. So they isolated him in his house for days to weeks. This may be a short part as I ran out of ideas-TwT sorry.

Boy x boy

Dogday pov-
I tossed and turned in bed, I was having a nightmare. And it was about me and catnap, he has been very mean lately. He hurt picky and made fun of bubba, he did some other things but I rather not say what. And I haven't seen him for how long.I woke up and yelled, I was sweating a lot and I was shaking."ugh.... Hopefully I didn't wake the others..." I get out of bed and walk out of my room to the living room. All of them were sleeping but... Someone is missing.... "Catnap. Where is he?" I thought to myself, i decided to look for him so I put on my pendant and walked outside. The cold night breeze hit me in the face. I shivered, I take a deep breath and walk to catnap home. When I got their my eyes sank, it was destroyed and dirty" what happened here....?" I asked myself but that was my least concern, I wanted to know if catnap was ok. I know the others have had a hatred towards him more now but I don't think they would badly hurt catnap. I walked in carefully watching my steps as I went. The place was a wreck and catnap wasn't anywhere to be seen. I managed to get upstairs and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a purple ball of catfur covered in dirt and blood lay motionless on the ground." They do hate him that much...." I thought, i walked over to catnap and picked him up. I sighed." He'll have to stay with me till his house is better and he's in good shape..." I managed to get my hands around his waist and haul him up, Once I started to walk back to the house everyone was still asleep so that was good,i got back to my room and locked the door. I had a bathroom in my room alongside a shower and bathtub but there is one downstairs too so I could clean him up. But first thing is that I need to wake him up. I walked to the bathroom and got a wet towel and medicine. I cleaned his face and cleaned his scratches and wounds. Once I was done I say done in the corner of my room and waited for him to wake up, but I think I fell asleep since I don't remember much after that.

Catnap pov-
My body was full of pain and I couldn't take it, I was surrounded by darkness for I don't know how long. I until I felt the pain numb in me, I didn't want to but I forced my eye so I could see what is happening. When I did I felt something cold on my head and I noticed that I wasn't in my damaged room or home for a fact. I was in dark room with dim light, the pillows I was on had a nice smell to them." Smells like dogday..." That's when it it me, I was in dogday home. I was in HIS room. I was clouded with confusion and nervousness as I didn't know how I got here. I tried to get up an dmoge but my body was still numb from pain that it hurt a lot. I guess something noticed me cause a figure rose it's head and saw me, I was kinda scared as I didn't know who that was until I saw dogday step from the darkness. He had a worried look on his face" you're awake now, are you ok? Do you need more medicine?" He kept asking me questions to the point that I forgot some of them so I just said" what happened?" He gave me a blank stare before responding to me" I don't have to much information but it was around midnight when I-" he stopped for a moment before speaking again. Something about the way he just stopped and think made me wonder if what he is saying is the truth." I wanted to take a walk for a bit when I passed your house and it was a wreck. I wanted to see the damage so I went in and that's when I say you know the ground all dirty and limp. So I just took you back with so I could get you better and all that." When he got done speaking he got closer and pushed me to the bed," sorry if this is awkward or something but I need to do this" I was to in deep of thoughts while he spoke to Me that I didn't hear what he said untill I felt in get on me. I snapped out of my thoughts and was in shock. He was cleaning a scar on my head, once he got done he got off of me" there you go, hope that makes you feel a bit better." I have to admit it wasn't hurting as much" could I ask a question?" He said, to be honest I rather not say anything but I guess I really don't have a choice because he'll probably repeatedly ask me so I said yes." Why did the other isolate you?" My breath hitched" ummm... I don't know..." I knew that he knew I was lying but I had a reason for lying. I guess he didn't really care though as he just sighed and said" alright then"

Time skip🌜☀️
Few weeks later~

Dogday pov-
The others were outside playing, I am in my room reading a book, they did asks me earlier if I wanted to join them but I didn't want to. I was getting hungry so I walked to my kitchen and grabbed a snack. That's when I thought to myself that catnap might like one too so I grabbed a bag of chips and headed upstairs. I opened my room door and saw catnap nowhere but I heard I bathtub running. This was the stupidest idea but I didi it anyway and I walked in, he was shocked and embarrassed about this but calm ina way. I don't know why but at this time I thought I should probably clean myself up so I took off my pendant and clothes came in with him. (Just pretend they have clothes on ok muffins- TvT )He got startled and let out a embarrassed meow-sound, it was funny so I just laughed. After a few minutes catnap was calm again and was I guess happy I was with him, I noticed that the scar on his side was pretty much healed but the one his head needed some cleaning. So I grabbed him gently and pushed him towards me and pushed his head onto my chest so I could better tend to his head. Of course he got startled but when his face landed in my chest he used one of his paws to feel around. It kinda tickled but it felt good too after a few minutes I got done and was ready to tell him I'm done when I heard happy purs coming from him."heh..." I smiled and let him stay there. I managed to clean myself up and do catnap too which his was completely fine with. After a while you said something" dogday... Can I ask you a question...?" Now I'm always open to questions so of course I said yes. But when he said this I was frozen" do you... Love me....?' he looked dull from my chest his eyes had a look in them that I couldn't read. I took a a few moments of thinking, Even though he is rude to mainly everyone his hands soft spot for me. And I always loved that... They way he smiles to me.... When he talks to me... I love HIM. I finally responded" yes I do.... I love you.. do you love me?" I couldn't believe I actually said that, and even more i asked if he liked me back. I couldn't believe his answer as tears of joy/happiness formed a bit in my eyes" yes I do....I always loved you... You helped me whenever I needed you... You were always nice to me when I wasn't nice to you....." I couldn't keep it in and pulled him up to give him a kiss, I felt the shock on his face but soon turn to happiness as he kissed me back. We stayed like that for a while until we realized that we were still in the bathtub. I laughed a bit and got out. I grabbed a towel for me and him after we got dried we got dressed and walked out. I quickly grabbed hima nd pushed him on the bed before giving him light kisses all around his face and neck. He smiled and ran his paws across my sides. Soon after a while he had fallen asleep, I laughed" tired kitty" I got off of him and pushed him to the side gently for a second before getting in bed and pulling him on top of me. His face was pushed into my chest and he was purring, I let out a sigh and put my arms around him before giving him a kiss lightly on his head and closed my eyes. Soon falling asleep too.

Le end!

Welp I hope you enjoyed this part! I really liked writing this as I mostly never see any"top" dogday x"bottom" catnap stories. And I may be weird or something but I like it when dogday is the top because for my au it makes since. Catnap was broken and kinda torched by hurting his friends for nothing. And dogday just makes a nice  top I guess- lmao that sounded weird. Also I got to make it fluffy! And from what I have read about dogday and catnap it's mostly smut- I'm fine with smut it's just I like fluff/silly more.

Anyways I hope you have a good day/night my muffins! Byeee!


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