chapter 2

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Everything was black for a few seconds and then everything was too bright and Cameron started falling from the sky cotton candy pink-colored sky. She screamed while falling thinking she was gonna plummet to her death. She then fell into a big tree, she tried to grab a branch to break her fall but she wasn’t able to grab one until she got to the last branch. She held on to the branch but it broke making her fall to the ground on her back. She hit her head a little on the grass, making her, making her feel dizzy.
She lay on the ground for a few seconds and then sat up rubbing the back of her head. She groaned at the pain and then saw a green horse with a curved rainbow horn staring at her with a worried expression. She jumped up getting scared of the sight of the creature. She then saw the small wooden box and blanket and ran to them to grab them. Cameron then started to run in the other direction of the big tree but there were horses everywhere then her mind thought they were unicorns.
But unicorns aren’t real, she thought. This has got to be a dream
She shook her head. “Come on wake up,”
Then all of a sudden she felt sick and felt like she was going to faint. She started to breathe heavier, Cameron fell to her knees letting go of her stuff. Her vision started to get blurry, and she then saw a figure with green hair come towards her.
“What’s happening…. to… me,” she said in between breaths.
“Where’s your necklace,” the girl exclaimed.
She passed out before she could answer the stranger. The green-haired girl ran over to the girl trying to find her necklace. She then saw the wooden box opening it seeing the snowflake necklace. The girl grabbed it and quickly put it around the blue-haired girl.
“How is she that stupid to not wear her snow necklace outside of her territory,” the girl complained.
“But Fern I told you I saw her fall from the sky,” the green unicorn said.
Fern looked at the unicorn. “How would she fall from the sky?”
“I don’t know but I saw it,” he said stomping his hoof.
Fern stood up and walked away from the girl not wanting to get involved with her.
“You’re just gonna leave her there,” the unicorn asked.
“Well, what else am I supposed to do, Zen? I saved her from dying so she is on her own now. She’ll wake up at some point,” Fern answered.
Then a purple unicorn walks over to Cameron. “Fern you can see it’s gonna rain, this poor girl doesn’t need to wake up drenched in the rain,”
Fern looked at the unicorns aggravated. She then raised her arms making roots wrap around the girl. “Fine but she is leaving once she wakes up,”
She grabbed the box and blanket that belonged to the Winter elf and started walking with vines carrying the girl behind her. She then got to a tree that had a small tree house with a small balcony to walk on to get to the entrance of the house and had vines and flowers decorating it a little. Fern climbed up the ladder once she got in the house she laid the girl down on her bed that was made of a few big green leaves, wood, and feathers.
After a while, Cameron grumbled slowly opening her eyes. She turned her head over to see a small room consisting of straw baskets, a wooden chair, and the bed she was lying on. She sat up seeing the room clearer and that it was more of a tiny house. She stood up and off the bed, she saw her wooden box and blanket next to the bed so she grabbed them. Cameron then walked to the door and opened it to see it was sprinkling outside. She saw the sky was darker cotton candy pink because of the rain. She saw what she believed were unicorns out in the grass field.
Am I still dreaming, she asked herself
“Good your awake. Now get going back to where you came from,” said a female voice. She turned to a girl she saw before she passed out, Cameron now had a better look at the girl, who had green hair in a ponytail, Grey eyes, pointy ears, and she had a hood-like shirt.
“But where am I,” Cameron asked.
Fern looked at the girl confused. “What do you mean? Can’t you see unicorns? This is Unicorn meadow,”
“I see the unicorns but this can’t be real. Unicorns aren’t real, I have to be dreaming,” she said.
“You are a strange Winter Elf. You almost died because you didn’t have your necklace on and now acting like you don’t know where you are,” Fern said crossing her arms.
Cameron gave her a look. “Winter Elf? I’m not an elf,”
Fern rolled her eyes and went into her house then came out with a small mirror showing Cameron her reflection.
“What happen to my hair,” she yelled and then saw her ears.
She started to panic. She shook her head trying to wake herself up thinking she was dreaming. “This can’t be happening,”
She started pacing.
Fern sighed. “Do you remember anything,”
“Well, I remember I was in the attic with my friends. I opened this box and then everything went black and then fell from the sky,” Cameron said. “I’m not from here. I’m human not an elf,”
“I don’t know what Is going on with you or how to help but I don’t want to so you take your issues somewhere else,” Fern said going into her house and closing the door behind her.
Cameron’s feelings overwhelmed her head. She didn’t know what to do or where to go. She didn’t even know where she was. Cameron looked back at the girl’s tree house which she just met. She turned around and knocked on the door.
“Please I don’t know what world or place I am. I need help,” she begged.
“No, Find someone else to help. You’re a winter elf go to your territory,” Fern yelled.
Cameron felt alone in her current position and wished she was back home with her friends. She didn’t want to bother the green-haired girl again so she got off the tree house and started to walk around. She thought about what the girl said. Go to the Winter territory but she didn’t know where that was.
“Don’t mind, Fern, my dear she is always this stubborn,” said a kind female voice.
Cameron turned around to see a purple unicorn with a white Maine and rainbow horn looking at her.
“Did you just talk,” Cameron said amazed?
“Yes, I did. All unicorns can talk so now are you okay,” the unicorn said kindly. “My name is Hyacinth,”
“Cameron,” she said while nodding to her question. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, I’m not from this world,”
The unicorn looked at her and then looked in a direction for a moment. “There is a magic tree that can take you back to your home if you say Eclaisha isn’t your home. I believe the portal is still open,”
“Eclaisha? Magic tree portal?” Cameron asked.
The unicorn smiled at the girl for her curiosity. “Follow me,”
She started walking with Cameron following after her. Cameron relaxed and looked at the beautiful meadow that was filled with pretty trees, unicorns, flowers, and odd-looking little creatures. She then felt curious about the land. She remembered the unicorn called the place Eclaisha.
“What is Eclaisha?” Cameron asked the unicorn.
“Eclaisha is a land home to Elves, winged wolves, and other magical creatures. Elves and wolves are divided into territory on what tribe they are,” she answered.
Cameron’s mind swirled with thoughts about what she said. She never thought a world of magic and creature existed and becoming one of them excited her more.
“So this place is magic,” she asked.
The unicorn nodded. “All kinds of magic. You are magic as well since you are a winter elf. But since you aren’t from here you don’t know how to use it,”
They continued walking for a few more minutes until they got to a huge tree that had glowing rainbow colors on the leaves. Shiny-looking fruits hung from the branches. She then saw the round oval-shaped rainbow portal. The colors seemed to be faded like it was fading away.
“The Portal tree opens every five years and this is your only chance to go home. Just go up to the portal and when you touch it think of where you want to go,” Hyacinth said.
Cameron nodded and started walking to the portal. She touched it with her finger but before she could think, She heard someone yelling. Cameron turned her head to see a dark red unicorn with a brighter red Maine chasing a person with a dog running with the person but then she realized it was Maverick and her puppy Jadey.
“Oh dear,” said Hyacinth.
Cameron then dropped the stuff on the ground and started running over to help them. “Maverick,” she yelled.
He looked at her and started running to her and hid behind her along with Jadey. “I don’t know who you are but that crazy horse thing is trying to kill me,”
“It’s me, Cameron,” she said.
“Wait Cameron,” he said shocked.
But then they both screamed as the unicorn charged at them but Hyacinth blocked his way making him stop. “Gough, what are you doing chasing this elf and wolf,”
The red unicorn furiously stopped his hoof. “That is not an elf, elves don’t look like that and the wolf has no wings odd for it not to have any, and two he destroyed my berry bush,”
“That doesn’t mean to chase him, there are other bushes around,” she explained and then turned to them.
She examined Cameron’s brother and her puppy. Hyacinth realized Gough was right, he was not an elf. He didn’t have pointy ears and was wearing strange clothes that elves wouldn’t wear. Cameron was wearing strange clothes as well though Hyacinth didn’t notice till now. “You aren’t from here, are you,”
She nodded. “But why do I look like an elf and he doesn’t,”
“I have no idea,” She replied and then looked at the portal tree seeing the portal and rainbow colors were gone. “oh dear,”
Cameron looked over seeing it too and felt panicked. “The portals gone. How are we getting home,”
She then took a deep breath. She knew she couldn’t freak out, stressing out wouldn’t help her situation. Maverick looked panicked and then she grabbed his hand like she used to do when he was scared.
“Cameron we need to get home. We can’t stay here,” he said.
“I know,” she said calmly but then realized something. “If you and Jadey are here, would that mean my friends are here,”
Maverick looked at her. “Can’t we just leave them here? We need to get home,”
“No, We can’t leave them here,” she yelled at him. “Hyacinth, Is there anyone here that could help us,”
She thought about it for a minute. “I believe if you talk to the magic elves they could help find your friends and send you back to your world,”
“Where do we go to find the magic elves,” Cameron said.
“Well, the safest way for you two, to get there is to go through the Moon and sun territory and then through the wind territory,” Hyacinth answered. “The Earth elf Fern you met has a map, you can try to ask to use it,”
Cameron nodded. She knew Fern is stubborn by their first interaction with each other so getting a map would be somewhat difficult to get from her. But she needed to get it so she can find her friends and get home. “Thank you for your help,”
Cameron grabbed the box and blanket then pulled Maverick and started walking back towards Fern tree house with Jadey following close after. Jadey was always scared of everything and always stayed close to Cameron when they went anywhere. Cameron tried to get her to not be skittish all the time but it was no use.
“Where are we going,” Maverick said.
“Didn’t you hear Hyacinth? Fern should have a map that will help us so I’m gonna get it from her,” Cameron said determinedly.
“Who is Fern,” he asked.
“She saved me a little bit ago,” she replied. “far from what I got from our interaction. It will be hard to get a map,”
Cameron then started walking back towards the tree house. She was arguing with herself in her mind because she felt scared of a place she had never been in. She thought she couldn’t mess this up and get her and her friends home. She took a deep breath and put a smile on her face.
“This adventure will be so fun,” Cameron said happily.
“Dude this isn’t a movie, this is serious,” Maverick remarked.
She rolled her eyes. “Be positive brother. Being positive will get us far,”
Maverick groaned and just walked in silence. As they got to the tree house, Cameron spotted Fern who seemed to be practicing her powers. Cameron smiled to see the girl.
“Fern,” she yelled.
Fern looked at her with an aggravated look. When Cameron kept getting closer Fern raised her arm and a wall of roots blocked her path. “I said go away,”
“Fern please, we need help,” Cameron pleaded. “Can I please borrow your map,”
Fern grumbled. “No, I need it, I have places to go,”
She walked off but Cameron to the wall failing to get through it. “I’ll bring it back, Hyacinth said the magic elves can help us,”
Jadey stayed following behind Cameron and the same with Maverick. His mind was spinning with what to do. He had never been in a situation like this before.
Fern grumbled in her thought. She couldn’t understand why this stranger won’t leave her alone and asked for her map. She wondered if the elf was telling the truth because what elf acts like this? One not wearing her snowflake necklace and with two strange beings. The elf also wasn’t wearing normal clothes. She looked at the desperate girl and thought of helping her but then Fern shook her head. She just walked away trying to ignore the elf’s plea for help.
Jadey looked up at Cameron and then at Fern. The pup knew Cameron was trying to get to the odd-looking person. The dog then ran over to the vine wall and squeezed herself through it.
“Jadey,” Cameron said.
The pup turned but then ran over to Fern and did a squeaky bark. Like she was saying please help my owner. Fern looked at the puppy and grumble. “Get out of here strange wolf,”
Jadey whined and then tugged on Fern’s pants leg trying to pull her to Cameron. Jadey barked at the girl again. Cameron was confused, Jadey never acted like this. The dog always stayed with her and never help her with anything. It’s like the pup also wants Fern to help so they could go home.
Fern’s mind kept fighting with her in this situation and looking at the young wolf creature trying to get her to help as well messed with her mind. Fern then got rid of the root wall and looked at Cameron sternly.
“Fine but I will take you there because I need my map and I need to get supplies there anyway,” Fern said.
Cameron grinned running to Fern hugging her. “Thank you,”
“Get off me. This doesn’t mean we are friends,” Fern grumbled pushing Cameron off her.
Fern then proceeded to her tree house. She mumbles to herself as she paces about the little dwelling. Why couldn’t she be unconcerned? She knew she could bring them there and then depart. That elf piqued her curiosity since she was wondering why she wasn’t acting like an elf. Fern had never believed in other universes and felt the winter elf was insane, the other species defected. She went to one of her straw baskets digging into it for a moment and pulling out the map of Eclaisha.
She looked at it for a bit, trying to figure out the best way to go to the magical country.
She moaned. “This will be a lengthy journey,”
She figured that she would need to go through the sun and moon territory and wind territory. It would be hard to get through since there were a few issues. The moon Elf territory had sun wolves everywhere to protect them during the day. They slept during the day to be charged for the night.
Fern recognized the elf, and the two unusual creatures would lengthen the journey because they appeared to know nothing about this location. She inhaled deeply. “Let’s just get this out of the way,”
She grabbed one of her sacks that had her essentials and then grabbed another one for the winter elf so she didn’t have to carry he belongs along the trip. She then realized the girl needed to look like an elf by wearing different from what she was wearing. Fern didn’t need anyone to be suspicious or weirded out. Fern had winter elf clothes for disguising herself. She grabbed a Grey crock top jacket,teal blue shirt, and darker Grey gloves. She also grabbed a Grey hoodie for the other being so he can hide his weird look when going through territories.
She walked out of the house seeing the beings. The winter elf looked at the meadow in awe like it was totally new to her. Fern could tell the girl was going to be naive and won’t last day by herself.
“This will be so awesome,” Cameron said to Maverick. “Unicorns are real, Magic is everywhere… Wait, do I have magic?,”
Cameron remembered Fern said she was an elf and she looked like one. She wondered if she had powers. She waved her hands dramatically trying to get magic to happen. But she just tripped herself making her fall to the ground. She laughed.
“Why are you so happy about this? We are so far from home and in a place that seems dangerous,” Maverick exclaimed.
“How is this place dangerous. Just look at it, it is so beautiful here. Even Jadey likes it,” Cameron said excitedly pointing at the puppy playing around.
Fern jumped down off the tree. “We don’t have time to lay around. If you want to get to the magic elves we need to move now,”
She then through the cloths at Cameron and Maverick.
“First put those on,” Fern said.
After a bit they got them on and Cameron put her stuff in the sack Fern gave her.
“Woah, I love it,” Cameron Exclaimed.
Fern started walking towards the direction. She was going over a plan to get passed the moon territory. She thought they could go through at night. It would be more safe since the moons would be awake.
“So how are we getting to the… Magic elves,” Cameron asked jumping next to Fern.
“We need to go through three elf territories to get over there. We don’t have time to interact so keep low when we get through them,” Fern Explained.
She nodded and then her mind flooded with questions. “What are Elves like? Is there dragons? Why are Elves and wolves divided?”
Fern grumbled at the girls consent questions. She then stopped to look at the girl.
“Okay there are going to be rules to this trip. No more questions, don’t wonder off, keep those things out of trouble,” Fern said.
Maverick looked at her. “I haven’t done anything,”
“Yet… I
can tell you are trouble,” Fern Explained.
He crossed his arms rolling his eyes. She then turned and started walking again.

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