chapter 3

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Quentin sighed as their head ached. They were surrounded by voices. They couldn’t recall what had happened to them. All they remembered was Cameron’s strange box glowing and everything going black. Quentin had no idea how long their world had been dark.
They opened their eyes slowly, and there was a brightness that pained their eyes somewhat, but they adjusted. Quentin looked around and noticed that the room they were in resembled a hospital room, except there were many beds and several people were resting on them. They glanced at the physicians and thought they were strange looking.
They didn’t appear to be ordinary individuals. The majority of them had purple hair, with others having black hair. They had pointed ears and unusually colored eyes. Several of them looked at them strangely. Suddenly, purple smoke filled the clinic, and a lady emerged from it.
She donned a black cloak and a purple shirt and had long grey hair, purple eyes, freckles, and spectacles. The lady was also rather tall; she appeared to be five-eight. She gave Quentin a kind grin. She then approached them and examined them thoroughly. She appeared to be captivated by how they appeared.
“Who you are? What am I doing here?” Quentin finally inquired.
“My name is Arcadia, and I’m a member of the Magical Council. You have entered the domain of the magical elves. May I ask what you are since you are not an elf, despite the fact that your short blue hair led me to believe you were a water elf but you don’t have pointed ears,” she remarked to me.
“Well, I’m a human, and I’m not sure how I got here,” Quentin responded.
“Humans, as in a person from the human realm?” she inquired.
They had no idea what she was talking about, but it seemed right.
“I suppose so, but realms do not exist. This had to be a dream,” they murmured, pinching themselves. “Well, come on, how can this not be a dream?”
“I guarantee you, kid, this is not a dream,” Arcadia remarked.
“I’m sixteen, don’t treat me like a child, I’m simply small and have a baby face,” they shouted angrily.
Quentin wasn’t generally nasty, but they were terrified and irritated. They also disliked it when others called them children, despite the fact that they looked eleven years old. They got out of bed and noticed their phone was on the side table. They promptly grabbed it and examined it, discovering that there was no service.
“I realize you’re puzzled and worried,” Arcadia remarked, “but everything will be OK.”
Quentin took a long breath after looking at her.
“What should I do now?” they wondered.
“Well, you may remain with me, and I can arrange a meeting with the Council for tomorrow,” she explained.
They agreed with a nod. They were aware she was a stranger, but they didn’t believe they had any other options. She extended a hand to them.
“With my teleportation, I can get us to my location faster,” Arcadia explained.
As Quentin held her hand, everything vanished and a massive room emerged around them. The space was a massive lobby hall. There were two flights of steps in front of them. They saw large doors on one side and little doors on the other. The house appeared to be a large mansion.
“Welcome to my house….,” she began, forgetting they hadn’t yet told her their name.
“Quentin,” they explained.
She nodded, and suddenly three girls dashed down the stairs, hugging Arcadia at the same time.
They appeared to be ten, nine, and five years old. Two of them had black hair with purple highlights, while the younger had short blonde hair with purple highlights. She had a light dark complexion, and she wore red ribbons on her head and one on her black outfit, as well as enormous round glasses. The children, aged ten and seven, had long hair.
“Who is that, Mama?” the younger one said, finally spotting them.
The other two took a look at them, then at Arcadia.
“That’s Quentin. They’re going to remain with us for a while,” she explained.
“Yay, a new buddy,” the five-year-old said as she ran up to them and hugged their legs.
“They don’t look like magic elves or elves at all,” remarked the ten-year-old.
“They an elf; they’re from another planet,” Arcadia said.
“Wow, that’s cool,” exclaimed the seven-year-old.
“These are my children, Calypso, Elysian, and Serendipity,” Arcadia stated, pointing to them in order of age.
Quentin then saw someone come out of the big doors on the right. It was another old woman who looked like she was holding a baby that had dark skin and caramel eyes. She had purple hair with grey hair and dark purple eyes.
“Oh my gosh, is that the human you said was rumored to be in the clinic,” she said enthusiastically.
“Yes, I’m going to ask for a meeting on this situation,” Arcadia said. “That is my wife Hecate and Hecate that’s Quentin,”
“Nice to meet you little one,” Hecate said.
“They say they’re sixteen,” Arcadia said.
“Hmm well, no matter what you are, you are welcome here,” Hecate said with a smile.
Quentin smiled in appreciation and then the Serendipity grabbed their hand.
“Come see my room,” she said excitedly.
“No come see mine,” Elysian said grabbing their other hand.
The girls argued with each other. They reminded Quentin of their friend’s siblings that argued a lot. They were going to say something but Arcadia spoke first.
“Maybe they should eat first I can imagine they starving after being knocked out for two days,” she said.
They were surprised by what she said.
“Two days?” Quentin exclaimed.
They forgot to ask how long they were out and they were in this world for two days and not knowing it.
Arcadia nodded. “One of our wolf scouts found you on the ground. You seemed to hit your head on the ground,”
They tried to remember but their mind was clouded and being hungry wasn’t helping their situation.
“Speaking of food. Dinner is almost done. We are having roasted Peekdeer,” Hecate said.
Arcadia came to Quentin and put her arm around them and lead them to two big doors. She opened them and saw a big dining room and a kitchen. They realized the elves had stuff that was like home though they didn’t have a normal stove.
They had a fire going on from the bottom with a pot on top of it with something in it. Hecate put the baby in a high chair that was made of wood.
“And this is Andromeda, our youngest,” Arcadia said.
“She is adorable,” Quentin said and the baby looked at them and smiled like they did something funny to her.
Calypso grabbed teacups with what looked like tea and put them on the table. When she sat them done she held them for a moment and then saw steam come out of them every time she put them down. The tea wasn’t steaming before.
She seemed to be able to make things hot. Quentin sat in the seat next to the baby and Serendipity came to the seat next to them. She gave them a happy smile. Arcadia sat across from Quentin.
“So what is the human world like,” she asked.
“It’s a good place somewhat. This place reminds me of my world,” they answered. “is this place like my world but with magic,”
“Well, no. All territories are different. Most of the others don’t have homes like this,” Hecate said. “We have our own ways of life,”
Hecate put plates of meat and corn in front of all of us. It looked like food that they would normally eat back home. They tried some of it and it tasted good it reminded them of chicken but with a slight taste, they never tasted before.
They ate for several minutes and then Arcadia seemed to be trying to use her magic but looked concerned she stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Hecate went after her and Quentin looked at the others confused. They shrugged and started eating more.
“There is something serious going on with our tribe,” Calypso said after a little.
“What do you mean,” Elysian asked.
“The adults are quiet about it but I think our magic is dying,” Calypso answered.
“Why would your magic be dying,” Quentin asked.
“Not sure but I have been feeling weak on my powers lately and some of my friend’s magic has been acting weird. I have seen some adults have issues with theirs too,” she answered.
“Do you have a source of your magic,” They questioned.
“Yeah, all elves do, each tribe and pack has a big crystal and they are all hidden together somewhere no one knows where they are,” Calypso said. “We don’t know where they are so no one can hurt our magic. We used to know before the tribes and packs split up in Territories,”
Serendipity seemed to be upset by the words her sister was saying. Hecate came back in and Serendipity ran to her crying.
“I don’t want our magic to go away,” she cried.
“Seren, why do you think that,” Hecate asked her in a concerned voice.
“Callie said we are losing our magic,” Serendipity said.
Calypso looked aggravated that Serendipity told her what she thought was going on. Hecate seemed scared at that but then gave Calypso an angry expression.
“Why on Eclaisha would you tell her something like that? Seren, we are not losing our magic, she is just telling stories,” Hecate said picking her up and comforting her.“It’s getting late so you girls get to bed, I will deal with you in a few Calypso,”
Calypso grumbled while putting her dishes away. She put Serendipity down and the girls walked out leaving Quentin with Hecate.
“Let’s get you to the spear room,” she said gesturing for them to follow her.
They did so and walked out of the kitchen and went up the grand staircase. The two went to the right side of it. She took Quentin to the second door of the hallway and we went inside. The room wasn’t huge but it was decent sized. There was a big bed, two windows, a closet, a dresser, and a mirror.
“This room is bigger than mine at home,” they said cheerfully.
“Hey, there’s a genuine happy voice. I want to hear more of that, you will be okay,” she said.
They chuckled a little.
“I hope I will be. Will they help me find a way home and help me find my friends,” Quentin asked her.
“I’m sure they can try to help you,” she answered sweetly. “I will see you tomorrow,”
She walked out and they looked at my area. Then went to the bed, looking at it for a moment still thinking this was a dream. They laid down on the bed and it felt so soft. They never felt a bed this soft before. After a few minutes, they fell right asleep.
The night seemed to pass so fast and it became morning.
“Quentin,” someone said.
They grumbled. “Go away, Janice,”.
“QUENTIN,” the person yelled.
Quentin yelled and fell off the bed, right on my back. It didn’t hurt since the pillows broke their fall. They rubbed their eyes. “Janice why…,”
Before they could say anything they saw Serendipity looking down at them. Quentin groaned and relaxed on the ground.
She giggled.
“Your funny,” she said.
Why is this not a dream, they thought in their mind. They then heard someone come in.
“Quentin, dear are you alright,” Hecate asked.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Quentin said in a low voice while getting up off the floor.
“Arcadia is waiting for you downstairs but put this on. So you can fit in more,” she said handing them some clothes.
They nodded. Quentin took the clothes, they walked out so Quentin could get changed. They put on a grey spaghetti-strapped shirt and then put on a black long-sleeve shirt that went up their body showing some of the grey shirts. The black shirt was cut V shape on their chest with a purple outline and had a blue gem in the middle. They also wore pants with a skirt that was apart on the side.
Quentin looked at themself in the mirror and loved the new look. They walked out of the room and downstairs. Arcadia was waiting for them on the bottom and she seemed to have some sort of thing in her hand.
“Much better but I need you to wear this as well so you catch attention with your ears,” she said.
She handed Quentin a black cloak that had a hood on it. They put it around their shoulders putting the hood up. They walked to her entrance doors and the blue haired person saw a big town-like place. The buildings were like their back home but old fashion. Arcadia had a fence with a big gate. She went to it touching it and it opened.
They walked out of it and walked down what looked like a sidewalk. This reminded them so much of home, like the old-looking towns they visited. They traveled a lot with their parents when they went places for work. The ground was also all stone and brick pathways. Quentin stayed close to Arcadia as she walked threw the crowd.
“Why aren’t you doing your teleportation thing and going to where the meeting place is,” They asked.
“Because I have to visit someone and I like walking through here. I have time to do this and get to the Magic council,” she said.
They nodded and looked around. Elves and wolves were everywhere. They all used different kinds of magic. It seemed to have different types of abilities like Levitation, Teleportation, Telekinesis, and other cool powers. Quentin saw a big purple and black castle that was on a hill looking down at the big town.
Arcadia and Quentin walked into a shopping part of the place. There was a store for potions, crystals, food, clothes, pets, and anything that they have to buy.
“Wow magic looks so cool,” they said.
“Magic is within every elf and wolf on Eclaisha. That’s what makes our home special,” Arcadia said.
“What are the other elves and wolves like,” Quentin asked.
“They are okay but we aren’t always eye to eye with each other. We live in our own Territories but we rely on each other for order and resources,” she answered.
“Seems nice. Back home our countries rely on each other for stuff like that too,” Quentin explained.
They looked at their hands and fiddled with the bracelet their little sister gave them. They missed her so much and wished they could go home. Arcadia walked in front of them and keeled down to their height.
“The Council and I will find a way to get you home. I promise,” she said.
Quentin looked at her and hugged her.
“Thank you,” they said.
She seemed off guard but Quentin couldn’t help themself. She patted their head and then pulled them off her. She stood up and looked at a building.
“Stay outside that building and don’t move till I get back out of it,” she said.
They nodded. She went into the building and the human just leaned on the wall. They watched the Elves and wolves that were around.
“What’s with the hood,” someone asked.
Quentin looked over and saw a girl with this black hair. She had a purple shirt that was cut sideways so they could see part of her body skin. She had darker purple pants. She looked at them up and down, she didn’t know what to think of them.
“You aren’t from here, are you,” she asked.
She seemed to notice their slipping blue hair. They turned around, trying to fix their hair. She did a small laugh.
“I promise I won’t tell,” she said and leaned on the wall looking at them. “My name’s Finn,”.
“Quentin,” they said.
“Cute name so what brings you to Magic territory,” she asked.
“Arcadia is taking me to the council,” Quentin said. “They are hopefully going to help me get home,”
“Where is your home? Sorry for all the questions I’m just a curious elf,” she said.
“It’s fine. I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you,” they answered.
“Fair,” she said.
Arcadia walked out with a small pouch, she then put it in her side bag.
“Let’s go, Quentin,” she said holding her hand out to them.
“See you later stranger,” she said and walked off.
Quentin watched her leave and then looked at Arcadia. They took her hand and then the scenery changed. They saw we were in a long Hall and in front of two big doors. They looked at her and then at the doors.
“Don’t worry,” she said.
She gave them a warm smile and then touched the doorknob. The door glowed and opened by itself. They saw a big room with a long table. There were eight chairs with seven people sitting in all of them but one was empty on the side. Some looked old but also others slightly young. Arcadia let them in front of the big table of all the elves looking at them both.
“Welcome Arcadia, so this is the human you said was here,” the one in the middle asked who had light short purple hair,purple eyes,a monocle on his face, and wore a top hat.
“Yes this is Quentin,” she said.
They slowly removed their hood and they stared at Quentin but mostly at their ears but they seemed to look at their features too.
“That is head councilor Albrun,” she said pointing at the one in the middle. “Bruxo, Sahir, Bormey, Cassandra, Mago, and Dewin. I’m a member of the council as well,”
Quentin nodded. They looked at them hoping they would be kind to them.
“How did you get here,” Albrun asked them.
“I don’t really remember, I just remember my friend’s box thing glowing and waking up in a clinic,” Quentin said.
“So there are more of you here,” Bruxo asked.
“I don’t know if they are here but I want your help to find them and get us home,” they said.
They all looked at each other.
“How would we be able to help,” Cassandra asked.
“Well, we have one elf that can help them. Arcadia take them to Arabella. That elf can help them with ideas on ways to get you home,” Albrun said.
“And we will help as much as we can,” Sahir continued.
“I will do so, thank you for the help,” Arcadia said.
“Thank you,” they said.
Arcadia lead Quentin out and they felt happy that they could have a solution to their problem. They hoped their friends were alright.

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