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Y/N ALWAYS KNEW SHE WAS never a good person when she was still alive back in the living world. Always had a bad habit of stealing. Hooking up with every guy and women during her college years and during after work hours.

But honestly, she could care less. Her life wasn't really that great for her. Having neglectful ass parents who cared about themselves more than her and not even caring if she succeeded or not. Seriously, why did they even bothered making her if they weren't even going to be great parents towards her to begin with? So, she would always go out and do her worst since they could really care less if she was not in the house.

She also had to work really hard for herself to graduate during her final years of highschool, and after that immediately just moved away somewhere far away from her parents so they wouldn't suddenly make demands to help them with their shitty finances.

Throughout the years of her adulthood was fucking terrible. When she wasn't working, she'd go out to take drinks at bars with friends. Fuck around with men in different hotels and sometimes fucking with women too. Y/N was bisexual after all. Just to be clear with y'all. She was never satisfied but wasn't dumb enough to revolve her life around it. She didn't wanted to end up homeless or something after all.

So when she finally died when her and friends all got in a car crash one day, all because some stupid truck driver ran them over, Y/N was no more at the face of the earth. Fuck that stupid truck who ran her over. She wasn't sure what happened to her friends so she guessed they either survived somehow or they just weren't allowed to see each other even after death.

When Y/N then entered into the afterlife and ended up in hell, she was not surprised in the least since she poorly treated her life despite her best work, but she was pretty much expecting to be a fiery burning place from all those movies and shows she read so far about them. Guess they were all wrong then.

But eventually had gotten used to it's environment. And when she heard about the extermination. Y/N was actually quite afraid of it, dying again by some angels because this place was too overpopulated to them. So with every skill she got, she would always scavage enough food a day and hide in isolated locations far away from crowded areas until it was over. Then start all over again in just a year later.

Y/N did eventually started finding herself stuck doing a dead end job as a cashier in a cheap restaurant and with occasional prostitution for extra cash, along with a crappy apartment that wouldn't even keep it's damn lights on for every hour and along goes with the water with very little food on the table to eat. But this was the best this shitty place could offer her and just accepted her life.

Y/N routines everything she has to do in her afterlife, work, go home and eat what's left and then just sleep. She already had her windows blocked and bombarded along with her door having many locks on it. Since she was an expert snatcher now. So she doesn't worry too much about robbers, and if they do somehow get in. She always has her metal bat and a gun after some practicing to actually fight back.

And then before extermination day, Y/N would always prepare food, entertainment when she gets bored. and then be on the look out for any angels coming, prepared with weapons, despite the fact that they couldn't be killed, Y/N atleast wanted to put a fight with them.

And this was basically her entire shtick. But as time passed on and her life getting more difficult, Y/N gotten tired of the same things over and over again. And was honestly getting tired of being just a crappy person (or demon) in general, it was getting her nowhere and made things more difficult than she needed it to be, and she wanted to actually improve herself for once.

So upon hearing the princess of hell, charlie. Planned on opening up a hotel that rehabilitates sinners. Y/N took that as an opportunity not just for a new and actually comfortable place to stay in. But to actually change for the better. And Y/N joined in as a guest to the Hazbin hotel. Much to charlie's joy and almost killed Y/N from the embrace until vaggie had to stop her.

Y/N, for the first time in forever, actually felt so much happiness and joy in her life and after it. Getting a friend named angel dust, and getting closer to both charlie and vaggie as you three grew closer and closer, and new more people joining in the hotel. Y/N felt like she was actually fitting in for once and people actually caring for her, Y/N couldn't have had asked for more.

Oh, how unaware her life will turn for the worse, and this time around. She wasn't able to leave it and forced to survive her new environment when an extermination angel decided to captured her to kept against her will. To be used and be abused.

Apparently god must've hated her that much.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.
(Not the best, I know but i'll try to make it better the deeper you go)

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