Chapter 2

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Warning: Violence, slaughter, death, mentions of corpses, terrible fight scene, mentioned stalking(?)

[ Flashback: 3 years ago... ]

Y/N RAN AS BEST AS SHE COULD, HIDING AWAY from the exterminators who were busy slaughtering the other demons. Today was currently extermination day and now angels came down and out for blood.

Y/N's breath ragged as she continued swerving around as she was running back to her hide out specifically made for this day. Far away from the city, hopefully it wasn't being ravaged and vandalized right now. It did take her months to finish it by herself. Y/N wanted to punch herself for taking too long in her recent one night stand with some muscular demon. But she couldn't help it, he was hot after all.

Y/N shook her head at that thought, there was no time to think about that when her life was on the line here.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks and dropped to the ground when an angel came flying at her with a sword just as it was a foot away from stabbing her left eye but dodged just in time. Y/N quickly sat up as the angel flew down and got her sword ready, the grin on the mask getting wider. If that was even possible.

Y/N frantically looked around for anything to use to defend herself as the angel charged at her with killing intent. Y/N then noticed an angelic spear stabbed into a demons corpse, without any hesitation she pried it out of the body and blocked the sword just in time with the spear. It's blade inches from her left eye.

The angel seemed to be taken aback, which Y/N noticed and took the chance to throw them back away from her and the angel collapsed away from her, as Y/N stood up in a defensive stance as she held up the spear. Ready to fight back.

The angel stood up from the ground, the grin now replaced with a scowl on it's expression, she picked up her sword from the ground and charged at Y/N and the two quickly clashed blades together. Y/N was feeling really lucky at this moment, this might've screamed her doom but she didn't wanted to go down without a fight at least.

The two had a clash with one another, the angel being more aggressive in the fight and Y/N trying to focus on how to immobilize her enough to escape.

After a while, Y/N finally got the upper hand and stabbed the spear on the exorcists shoulder and thigh, causing her to let out a loud shriek of pain and Y/N swiftly kicked her in the face as she took the spear out, causing the angel to tumble away and knocking the mask off her and sword flew out her grasp. Crashing against a large garbage dumpster in an alleyway.

Y/N, however didn't win unscathed though, she had a scar on her lip, and a black eye from a punch thanks to the angel along with various other scratches on her body and her clothes torn and bloodied from the angel and herself.

Y/N panted heavily, as she replaced the spear with the sword the exorcist dropped, strapping the spear on her belt just in case. Y/N slowly and limply approached the wounded angel in the alleyway with caution, watching as she struggled to hold her wounds. Now that her mask is off, Y/N had gotten on what the angel looked like, and her breath hitched at her face.

The woman had white skin, her hair was also white and was in a bob cut, she glared at Y/N, her yellow eyes piercing straight at her as she slowly approached her. She growled as she gripped her thigh. Y/N thought she looked pretty cute for an angel. But quickly snapped out of it, now's not the time to be fawning.

"What are you waiting for? Go ahead then. I dare you, but just know you're going to regret this very badly... They'll all come down and finish you off." She sneered, hissing once again as the wound was bleeding her out, guess Y/N got a little too aggressive with her.

Y/N wasn't sure what to do, even though she tried killing her. It was their job, as not to overpopulate according to them. And Y/N shivered at the threat she laid out to her, she didn't needed more angels trying to assassinate her now. A mix of pity and fear sprawled on her face as the two stared at each other in silence.

After a minute. Y/N then knelt down in front of the angel, much to the surprise and disgust of the angel and scoots back. "Scum, what do you think you're doing?" She spat out, her body too weak to fight at the moment.

"Helping you." Y/N grabbed a first aid kit from her back and tried to aid her, but the angel kept fighting back. "I don't need damn help from a pathetic sinner!" She shouted as she huddled herself against the dumpster with a fiery glare.

"Come on, don't fuss, I know you don't want help from me. But please. At least let me treat you, just get help for once. You might even make it out like this." Y/N told her and pointed at the blood that was now dripping on the ground.

The angel looked down at her wounds, as much as she hated it. But the demon was right, and she still needed to attend back to Adam and he was pretty excited for her come along on one of his concerts once they were done here. She couldn't die, not like this.

The angel slowly let go of her wounds and dropped her arms on the ground, gesturing her to go reluctantly. Y/N smiled in satisfactory and took out alcohol and bandages and started to treat her wounds.

Y/N was too busy with the wounds to notice the angel's gaze softening slowly as the longer she stared down at the demon and treating her wounds, lute suddenly felt disgusted at herself. Why was she feeling this way?! Especially towards a sinner for goodness sake! But she couldn't help it, something about the way the demon treated her, the gentle but firm touches she laid on her felt... Comfortable...

The angel snapped out of it when Y/N was finally done with her wounds, now covered in bandags underneath her outfit, since she didn't wanted to get caught of getting treated, and the angel didn't complain though, she didn't wanted to appear vulnerable.

Y/N stood up from the ground and took a few steps back away from the angel, she took out the sword and laid it down at her feet. "Here you go...." Y/N nervously spoke.



"It's lute..." The angel spoke again as she looked at her with a disgruntled but neutral expression. Y/N was a little taken aback by the sudden introduction. "Um, I'm Y/N..." she told lute.

The sounds a loud bell rung around, indicating that extermination is finally over. And both looked at the sky, Y/N then took one last glance at lute and waved at her with a small smile. "Bye now..."

With that Y/N turned around and quickly ran away, leaving the aid kit with lute just in case. Lute watched as she left, feeling a bit disappointed, but she couldn't feel this way, lute weakly stood up grabbing the kit with her and flew off into the sky as the angel's returned back to the portal above the sky.

Lute knew this wasn't over, she was gonna make Y/N pay for her crimes even if she did helped her. A smirk was lifted on her face at the thought of her revenge. She'll make sure she would crying and begging on her knees.

Looks like you made yourself an enemy out of her.

She'll be back here soon, to see you once again while you continue your day like nothing happened.

Lute took one last glance from down, and spotted Y/N running with her back turned, lute chuckled and fled back to heaven.

Oh, this will be fun...


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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