5. Meeting Lady Lessooooooo

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Following some of the children into the castle we walked through a dark hallway that reminded me of a haunted mansion. Most of the children had formed groups and were chatting away and getting to know each other. I locked eyes with a dark haired girl with pale skin, had tons of tattoos on her body and dark eyeliner. She looked really scary so I walked up to her ... I gave her an evil but friendly smile, and she did the same to me.

"I'm Hester!" She said.

"Hi I'm y/n." I told her .

She was looking at my horns and my wings and she noticed that I was completely dry and not covered in mud like everyone else...

"How'd you manage to stay clean and dry?" Hester asked.

"The stymph tried to dump me above the lake, like everyone else, and I flew down to the entrance instead " I explained.

"Smart move... I like your wings and horns." Hester said.

"Thanks. I like your tattoos." I told her.

"wait till you see what this one does!" Hester said as she pointed to a dragon shaped tattoo on her collarbone.

Hester and I became friends immediately, and she introduced me to her other friends, named Dot,Anadil, and a black haired boy , who was kinda stupid, but really funny named Hort. He'll come in handy when I want to create some chaos with Hester...

Suddenly a blond haired girl walked by us ; she was dressed like a princess, but she smelled like the rest of us... she looked like she was looking for someone. Like she didn't belong here.

This is gonna be good. I thought. Hester and the rest of our group were thinking the same thing  so watched this mess unfold.

The blonde walked down to the center of the hall and up to a tall redhead with a cane who I'm guessing was someone important by the way she dressed..

"Excuse me ma'am, you seem to be in charge , and I'm in the wrong school." The blond insisted .

"No shit, blondie !" Dot said and we all burst out laughing .

"Oh, how distressful and improbable, BACK UP!"
The readhead told the girl and pushed her back with her cane.

Oh my! That was hot

"Your name?" The readhead asked.

"I-..." the girl tried to say but was instantly cut off by the readhead.

"Actually you know what? I wanna guess it!" The readhead said.

"You won't know it." The blonde said

"Hmm Sophie..... of Gavaldon? Did u guess it? I always do." The readhead chuckled to herself, and smiled like the damn Cheshire Cat!

" The readhead chuckled to herself, and smiled like the damn Cheshire Cat!

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Sophie had a look of defeat on her face.

"Woooooooow! EmoTionAL DaMAgE!" Hort stated. And we all laughed .

"attention.ATTENTION FUTURE EVIL! If you open your tiny little bloodshot eyes, you'll find your dormitory and class schedule around the hall. It would serve you well to memorize both... make.me.proud!" The redhead lady stated , and after she turned away and disappeared.

All the children including us scattered away finding their dorm rooms and schedules .

  Hey readers!!! Hope you like it!!! Anyone on Tik Tok seen the video of the kid that says "can I pet that dawg?!"Thats what I thought of when I saw the wolf guards at the entrance from the movie

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Hey readers!!! Hope you like it!!! Anyone on Tik Tok seen the video of the kid that says "can I pet that dawg?!"
Thats what I thought of when I saw the wolf guards at the entrance from the movie. I love dogs!

K bye!

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