6. Dorm Assignments

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After looking for a while my friends all found their dorms on the walls, but I didn't see mine. Strange.

"Y/n come here!"  The redhead told me.

I walked up to her and she was VERY scary . But also really hot! Keep it together y/n...

"I'm your dean Lady Lesso. Follow me to my office and I'll give you your dorm assignment.."

With no time for questions she quickly walked down hallways and up the stairs. Damn she walks fast I can barely keep up.and she's in stiletto boots!!!. I would use my wings but I don't want to seen rude or pushy. I DONT want to piss her off.

Finally we reached what I assumed to be Lady Lesso's office. She opened the door with her keys and ordered me to have a seat next to her desk, which I did immediately.  Her office was large with a desk in the back and a gothic looking chair that reminded me of my mother's throne back home, in the moors...

After searching through a file cabinet Lesso finally pulled out a small stack of papers and gave them to me. Our hands brushed against each other and I started blushing. I noticed her silver chrome nails... they were extremely sharp; like knives.Lesso noticed I was blushing .

"Are you alright y/n?" She asked me with a smirk

"Uh... ye....I... uhm.... sure... what are these papers for?" I asked trying to change the subject, and not look like a total idiot in front of Lesso.

"The papers contain your dorm assignments, class schedules,  classroom and dining room policies, dress codes, and all that bullshit."
Lesso informed me rolling her eyes at me.

As I looked through the papers she gave me, Lesso stared me down like a hawk. Was she pissed off about something? Does she hate me?what did I do? Mabey she just has a resting bitch face. I mean, my mother has a resting bitch face, but Lesso's rbf (resting bitch face). is waaaaay scarier .

Whatever you do y/n,  do NOT look Lesso in the eye. I thought to myself. Unfortunately temptation got the better of me...

 Unfortunately temptation got the better of me

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"Now about your dorm assignment..
Maleficent, the headmaster, and myself met here a few months ago, and decided you will be having a dorm by yourself and it with be across from mine.your mom also designed your room so that it's almost like your home in the moors. I must admit , Maleficent does have exceptional talent when it comes to designing and decorating bedrooms."

Knowing my mother designed my dorm makes me feel waaaaay better about being here. But my dorm is right across from my DEAN LESSO. How the hell am I going to survive here living next to Lesso. What if Lesso snores loudly? What if she blasts her music at night ,it keeps me awake?does she know every know and then I sleepwalk and I can't control it, nor am I aware I'm doing it. What if she's hella strict about rules and NEVER lets me have friends in my room. This is going to be a total nightmare!

"I can assure you your stay won't be a total nightmare, and you are allowed to have friends over, just not after curfew which is 11pm. Your mother also informed me about your sleepwalking ."

"Did she just read my mind?!? Wtf?!" I thought.

"Yes I did, it's one of my special talents..."
Lesso told me.

I went dead silent .

"Now that everything is sorted out, here are the keys to your dorm, do NOT lose them. Yes I also have keys to every dorm in this school if you're wondering."

I nodded

"Study hard , and make me proud y/n... now scram!" She demanded

As soon as Lesso said scram I scooby doo ran out of her office so fast .

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