Chapter 0

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The day was beautiful with orange light blanketing the sleepy town. However, even on a day such as this, it has its challenges. For some people, it could be a minor inconvenience such as rain, maybe a few pests in the garden. For others, it could be a bit more exciting. In a small village deep in the jungle, people were going about their day. That's until a giant gilded ox with arms as strong as cedar, broke through the makeshift gate. The people shuddered at the sight of its wicked horns sprouting smaller horns like a dead tree branch. Its hooves trampled everything in its path. From stalls to the mason flooring, nothing stood in its way. The once peaceful town began to sprawl into chaos.

A score of the town's guard tried to keep the monster away from the citizens. Despite their noble gestures, the guards were armed with cheap wooden spears and bucklers that resembled more of a barrel's lid. Even so, not a single man left their post. The gilded ox loomed menacingly over the meager guards. Shaking its horns and pawing the ground, it charged straight through them. Some guards dodged while others were caught in the monster's horn. One of them was a teenager, using a kitchen knife to stab the beast's side. He left a score of slashes all over its horn, but it was all in vain. Mere feet away the beast was about to ram straight into the white pillars of the local church. The young boy closed his eyes, not wanting to see his end. Nothing. Nothing happened.

Opening his eyes, the teenager found himself in the arms of a strange man. He wore a long white cape that reached his feet. His shirt in contrast was dark like the night sky with a singular Silver tree in the center. His waist was separated with a silver belt sporting smaller pouches across it. On his back was a straight edged, cross guard sword.

"HAVE NO FEAR CITIZEN! THE KNIGHTWATCH IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY." The stranger announced confidently. Finally gaining his bearing the teenager noticed the two of them were not on the ground. No, they were completely suspended in the air.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" The teenager screamed, flailing his arm to escape. Though this proved little to no help.

"Hey, hey! Calm down, kid. I am here to save you." The stranger struggled to explain. Down below, the golden ox was drawn to their movements. It quickly leaped from the ground, forcing the Knightwatch to evade its attack.

"Wait here, boy. And I will take care of this fiend," The stranger ordered, flying straight towards the beast. His hand glowed a hot red that exploded when it touched the ox's skull. Furiously, the ox swung its branch-like horns successfully scratching him.

"Aaagh," The stranger yelped, clenching his arm. "You want some of this? Then have a taste of righteous fury." Letting out a huge blast of red light and sparks the stranger sent the golden ox flying to the sky. Standing victorious, the Knightwatch looked at the townspeople. But instead of being met with graceful cheer, he only saw fear. Ouch, tough crowd.

"Good people of this humble town. I am the superhero known as the Knightwatch," The Knightwatch explained, striking different poses from rather odd to somewhat manly. It drew everyone's attention, including the young teenager who was left on the roof. Taking another look, the teenager saw that the man was wearing a white mask that covered his eyes.

Knightwatch held his head up high. He waited to be praised but instead fear and dismay it's the only thing he saw. "Well, that is not what I was hoping for. Good people there's no need to be afraid I'm just a neighborhood-friendly- Wait I mean friendly neighborhood-"

"Get back, you demon!" The crowd huddled together, not a single one of them putting down their spears. On the other side a group of children We're throwing rotten vegetables. His white cape was stained and smelled like moldy onions, and overly ripped citrus fruits. Wasting no time the Knightwatch disappeared right in front of them.

However, he was actually still in the center of the town square. He just became invisible to their eyes. Even so, this only caused the crowd to panic more. Okay, I did not expect that either. Sneaking away sneaking away. The Kightwatch said to himself. Faraway from the small village, the hero took a breather.

"That was the second village that chased me out. And after I saved them too." The Knightwatch whined to himself. He rubbed his temple to reconsider his next movement. Closing his eyes, scenes from his past flashed in his mind. He plus three other heroes, were running down the corridor of a bank. In the background were huge window panels stretched high in the sky, allowing the moonlight to illuminate the business building. The only thing obscuring the scenery were skyscrapers with different shapes and sizes. However, these were all distractions from the real fight. Breaking down an ornate dark wooden doors, the four heroes faced their advisory. Wearing a luxurious white suit, with a red tie, the man resembled more of a gang lord than a banker. Fixing his spectacles, the man continued to write in his laptop.

"Grey. Your reign has come to an end!" the Knightwatch exclaimed.

"Did you know the door was unlocked? I rather liked that door," Grey responded, continuing typing away.

"Oh! Sorry about the door," the Knightwatch apologized with a sheepish grin. Rubbing his head, the hero actually looked apologetic.

"Much appreciated, Davison,"

"Yeah, I mean we don't want- .. Wait, what did you say?"

"Oh sorry. Did you prefer being called Roy instead? You see, using superhero names is quite tedious and I find using last names far more convenient." Grey explained without losing a beat.

"How did you-?"

"Knightwatch, don't get distracted. He is trying to play mind games with you." Another hero said. His outfit resembled the Spartans of old, with gold armor plating.

"If I was going to play mind games, I would start off by mentioning his parents, his new born niece." Grey stated matter of factily. Despite being outnumbered, and most likely outgunned, with a few words, he brought the heroes to a standstill. Before anyone dared to move a muscle Grey continued, "Sorry to cut our conversation short. But I wouldn't stand there, if I were you."


"Too late."

Suddenly the moonlight filled the entire room, through the skylight. The entire area turned white, then black, then nothing.

Opening his eyes, the Knightwatch thought about his friends and family.

"I am sorry Mom, I will be home soon. Okay, no time to feel sorry for myself. I need to find a way to get back to my home. My friends are counting on me. Alright time to power down." His body was covered by white lights, And as the light evaporated his strange clothing was replaced with a more appropriate style. The Knightwatch became Roy Davison, a high school teenager, now trapped in a different world. Fixing his red jacket and dark brown pants, Roy continued his journey.

The Knightwatch of Feral ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now