Chapter 2 Meetings

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The long trek home was uneventful for the most part. After turning in the completion forms, and sending some of the refugees to the home or appropriate authorities, Roy was enjoying a meal with Courtney and her family. The eatery was quite humble, with wooden chairs made solely of planks and two by fours. The food was just as plain at first glance. However toast with melting butter, sunny side up eggs, and sizzling bacon strips is a blessing in itself. Roy took a huge bite of his bacon. His mouth was filled with pepper, salt,  a hint of basil and sweet honey. This simple combination sent a warm sensation throughout his stomach. 
"Enjoy'ng the meal?" Courtney asked, taking a few bites from her lightly grilled potatoes and skin. 
 "Sure am," Roy said gleefully. 
"How's your today's quest? Took down a legendary beast?  Earned a lot of gold coins?"
"Nah, today was just an elimination quest for Feral goblins. Your uncle still wants us to do easier jobs until I get a hang of things. But I think he's going to let me go adventuring on my own or with my own party very soon."
"That's good. I'm glad you are getting used to city life."
"Yeah. Thank you again for helping with finding me a place to sleep." Roy said with his signature goofy smile. He also rubbed his head in embarrassment. 
"No sweat about it. Ruth is an old family friend. And she can use the extra customers."
"So how's business for you?" Roy shifted conversation more towards Courtney. 
"Same old, same old. Pa and I had to sell another order throughout the city. Also get this, the castle and barracks have been asking for more elven apples."
"What's that? 'Elven Apples," Roy asked, visibly confused. 
"Oh you don't know. They have some fancy names but the folks here generally call'em Elven Apples. fruits grown from the Elves Land,"
"So what's special about them?" Roy asked, eating a piece of his egg.
"They're magical from what I hear. They can last for years without getting rotten. And some scholars say they are full of all the nutrients you need to live long and healthy." Courntey explained. Her words caused Roy to consider the weight of the government buying so much of these miracle fruits.
"Why do you think they're buying so much elven apples? The authority I mean."
"Don't know," Courntey shrugged nonchalantly. "Some people think they are preparing for war. Others think they are going to start a new frontier to the Obsidian Woods."
"I see. On the topic of famous lands, I heard a place called the Garden of Olives."
"The Garden of Olives. Hmm. It sounds familiar but I have to talk to my pa about it," Courtney said while holding her chin in a curious posture.
"Ok. I was just curious," Roy replied. 


Elsewhere Brutus was making his report to the lords of the Land. Entering the high steel gates, he was greeted with a small enclosed gray room. One would think high ranking officials would have more prestigious decor, but these particular lords do not want to waste their funds on lavish items unless necessary. And this room's purpose is to have private meetings with other leaders and servants. There was a single window on the ceiling and torches and glowing orbs illuminating the room. In the center, there was a square ivory table and eight chairs. Currently, only three people were waiting in the room. 

"Aaah Brutus, what's the news from the front?" One lord asked. He wore a white coat with a red sash across his body. On his shoulder were ornate golden pads. 

"Lord De'white. My guild has completed five elimination quests, two search and rescue, and three recovery quests." Brutus said without breaking a sweat.

"Very good Brutus O'boy. But surely this is not why you called this meeting." Said a different lord. His clothing contrasts the previous Lord wearing an all black robe with some green highlights across his arms. 

"Of course not. The attacks and the strength of the beast has grown astronomically. They have doubled compared to two months ago."

"Even if that was the case. Surely our defenses are enough to handle such might." A female lord spoke up. She had an ornate  black dress  with a purple cloak. 

"Nevertheless, information is power. We are sure not to let our guard down. Even against a few goblins and wolves," De'white responded to her inquiry. 

"Well, we have been stocking supplies from your cousin as of late Brutus. So, we have been preparing for the worst. And my troops are ready to clean up any mess."

Hopefully that would not be necessary, Lord Cogswell. And thank you Brutus for the report. We shall let the other lords know about the recent development." Lord De'white. 

"Wait my lords, one more thing."

"What is it ol'boy?"
"My party has encountered a stranger with weird and immense power. He was like a ghost, able to float and pass through attacks as if it was nothing."
"Is this report accurate?" 
"I saw it for myself. I don't have any more information. But I thought it would be best if you were informed."
"You know the Seven Lords cannot act without more evidence." De'white explained. 
"I am aware."
"Alright then we shall discuss further how to handle this situation. Lord Jezel, do you mind preparing your land for an expedition?"
"Of course not. Anything for you Oden." Jezel said with a flirtatious smirk. 
"Much appreciated. And Brutud please stay for awhile and while give you your next objectives. 


The afternoon was only a few hours after lunch, so Courtney made the executive decision to bring Roy around the city. Passing by some stalls, Roy noted that the place was an epitome of craftsmanship at least from what he can tell. Most jewelry and furniture took upon the likeness of animals and nature instead of rudimentary shapes. For instance, a pair of earrings that Courtney was eyeying, resembled closely to a pair of killer whales. It was truly impressive considering they did not have any modern tech. 

“So whatcha think?” Courtney asked with a bright smile.
“It looks like a whale?” Roy replied blankly.
“Is that all?”
“The whale looks happy,” Roy tried harder to figure out what she was asking.
“You're not exactly the sharpest knife, aren’t ya?” Courtney asked innocently.
 “Hey I am plenty sharp. Your uncle says that my sword is an extension of me so as part sword I am plenty sharp to cut down my enemies.” Roy said confidently. 
“What type of logic is that?” Courtney said to herself more  than anyone else. But it seems Roy is too much patting himself with his strange proverb then able to notice. Even so, it seemed that Roy’s strange logic was amusing to Courtney. “Well, what do you think of these things”

Suddenly a pair of dogs doing ballet moves were thrust straight in Roy's Face. One dog looked similar to a Golden Retriever, the other one was closer to a Corgi. They were both made of some kind of dark wood, and painted to look realistically. He grabbed one of them, and felt the sculpture around his fingers. 
“They’re nice?” He said embarrassingly.
“Yup, I really love dogs. I have a pack back home,”
“Oh, I got two cats at home. My mom just loves them to death.”
“This is the first time for you to mention your home. What kind of cats do you have?” Courtney asked.
Oh no! I revealed too much. We are in a different world, so we might not have the same species. What do I tell her?
"It's um the curious, mischievous type," Roy tried his best to sound convincing. 
"That's not a species silly. But I guess that works too." Courtney responded, chuckling almost between every word. 
The two continued going to different merchant stalls before heading home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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