Chapter 1.5 Messenger

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Chapter 1.5 

The fight between the Knightwatch and the goblins could be described as a ghost versus a horde of imps. Maybe even roaches might be a  more accurate description. Just like roaches they completely covered the ceiling and walls of the small cavern. They were eradicated and more importantly dangerous. Twenty of them launched themselves to the Knightwatch's position. However all they felt was air, and the hard ground below. Confused, the goblins looked left and right. Suddenly a glowing hot red hand pummeled into its face. Rising from the ground below, the Knightwatch let out a hardy laugh. "You green muppet rejects have finally met your match. I Knightwatch Hero of Phoenix shall prevail over thee."

In one step, the Knightwatch  plowed through them like butter. Left, right, left, the Knightwatch was truly a frightening sight. However, he has been fighting for a while now and his vision has begun to wane. Shoot, I am using too much of my strength. And they just keep coming. Knightwatch's power, like all the supers back at home, is based upon the wielders' physical and mental strength. Simply put, most supers only use their powers for no more than an hour or try to use it economically. If used too much or too long, the wielder will start to suffer dire consequences. Knowing this the Knightwatch considered his choices.  Turning around he was met by another swarm of feral goblins, some were even riding giant rats.  

Ok. I am surrounded by tons of goblins. There is only one thing that a noble true hero should do when facing fearful odds.


Meanwhile, Brutus and his team worked tirelessly within the opposite end of the cavern. "Brutus we need to push to the core and destroy the chieftain of this horde," the elven knight suggested taking out two goblins with one slash.

"Not without Roy," Brutus said, body slamming another goblin into a wall.
"My, my, when were you so compassionate?" His fellow adventurer teased. 
"Don't be daft. If I tell Courtney that her friend died, I don't think I can face her," Brutus started to tear up.

Can face down the maw of a saberwolf but not the teary face of his cousin' niece. Both of his fellow adventurers thought in annoyance. In the distance they could hear a high pitch noise followed by what could be a stampede of elephants.

"Oh no! It is a girl that is in trouble. We have to help her," Brutus said, preparing his ax, but Roy then dashed right past him. 
"Hi Brutus, Bye Brutus," Roy waved, without stopping a second. The rest of the party stood flabbergasted watching a trail of dust, which began to disperse. 

"Hey wasn't that Roy?"
"Didn't realize, he can make such a high pitch scream."
"And he was being chased wasn't he?"

Everyone looked into the cavern that he just popped out, there the entire place was infested with feral goblins. Exhaling loudly Brutus crouched deep into the ground. "I really hate being in charge." 

Meanwhile Roy was running and running, making a quick left and right. It took another three minutes for him to register that he led the goblins straight to his party. "Oh great, I think this is a blunder movement in DnD."
Frantically he was about to run back but his foot tripped over his other foot. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" BOOM!!!
"That really hurt," Roy complained, rubbing his sore back. Lifting himself out of the man shape hole he just made, Roy saw he was completely alone. Looking up, he  spotted the opening he just fell from. "That hole is too high for me to jump and I can't use my power recklessly." Turning left to right, he tried to navigate back to the top. As he was completely engulfed in his task in the corner of his eye white figure moved behind him. Roy screamed letting out a angry attack, but when he turned around he saw nothing.
"Haha. Ok Brutus if this is a prank, you got me good alright?" Roy thought following his intuition. 
Again another bright light appeared just at the side of him, but this time he was starring down a white floating ball of light.  "Ok, I see a strange white light in the middle of a dark cave. Well, a brave superhero does not cower."

But as Roy was thinking these things, his hands and feet were nervously trying to climb outside the hole. As the light drew closer and closer, the harder he pulled himself up. Even so, whatever progress he made was completely nullified due to the walls' slippery surface. 

Maybe if I stay still it won't see me.
You see a strange orb of light and your first thought that its vision it's based on movement,
"Well I am sorry, I didn't take lightology."
"I don't think that is what it is called but I forgive you for being not as bright as me."
That is not what I meant!..... Wait a minute... Who am I talking to in my head?
"Turn around and you might find out," the strange voice said more nonchalantly than irritated. 

Looking behind himself, Roy was met by a figure dressed in a white cloak with the edges seamlessly lit on fire. The figure's face was completely covered by a hood and his eyes were under what looked like bandages. 

"Would it help if I said, 'don't be afraid'?" The figure smirked. His voice was not human but it was also human. It was strange to say the least. 

"Nooooo?" Roy said wearily. 
"True, it didn't exactly work with the last groups of people," the figure said.

"And how often do you scare people to death?"
"It has been awhile since the last time.  But I am glad that you are in good health."
"Right right. I wouldn't call my beating heart 'good health'."
"Well blood pumping is good for the body,"
"Alright, so what do you want?"
"You can call me Messenger,"
"Like the app?"
"No... um that word existed long before the smart phone," The white figured stated, with a somewhat annoyed glared.
"Like yahoo?"
"Don't make me smite you,"
"Ok, sorry,"
"Anyways, I was sent to help you. It has not gone unnoticed, but you seem to be stuck."
"I only have been in here for like five minutes," Roy said, looking at the hole in the ceiling. It was obvious he was confused by his comment. 
"No Roy. Getting back home."
"Oh Yeah yeah. After this quest I will head back to my room. Wait, how did you know my name? .....Ohhhhh, you heard about my feats as a rising star in the adventure guild huh? That's it, you're a fan." Roy said with a smug look. 
"Oh heavens above give me patience," the figure mumbled to himself. "No. Back to earth."
"....What did you say?"
"Roy, do you think it was just a cosmic coincidence? You of all people, a person blessed with power unlike anyone else in your world. Actually even in this world you are not like anyone else."
“I uhh, don't understand,” Roy said cautiously.
“There is darkness here that threatens to destroy this land, starting with Feral Valley. Part of it has already made its home here hence the recent attacks by the goblins,” Messenger explained, pacing back and forth. Tracking his movement, Roy kept his hand on his sword. “And once it’s done with devouring this world it will come for yours. Your mom, dad, siblings, are in danger." In a flash, Roy shoved the figure into the wall, his eyes glowed hot red, boiling with anger and fear.
"What do you know about my family?" Roy growled threateningly. With his free hand, he pointed his sword at his throat.
"Roy, hear me now. Both your friends and enemies are here with you. Many of them are finding their own way back home. Others are in much worse situations than you are." Messenger explained, unfazed by Roy’s attack.  His voice was even and calm throughout his explanation. Even so, it did little to settle Roy's temper. 
"There is darkness that is linked to your home and seeks to control both areas. I am here to help you to stop it. The heroes of this land were destroyed, sacrificing themselves to slow them down. You and your friends have been chosen to finish the job."
“And what if I don't want to?" Roy said with more fear. 
"I doubt that. Mister Knightwatch the rising star of Phoenix City. You didn't just become a hero for the praise and the prestige right?"
Roy remained silent, which is a kind of response in its own way.
The Messenger took a deep sigh.
 "Travel to the High Mount and there you will find the Living Sea. Enter it, and you will go home, or stay here and protect this city from the coming darkness. The choice is yours,"
"And how do I know you are not lying?"
"You are just going to have to take a leap of faith and put my words to the test." 
“And what would happen to these people if I did leave?” Roy asked, releasing his grip.
“The darkness will be fed. And as I said, it will grow stronger from here and will come for your earth.”
Roy’s mind dwelled on his home. He imagined his older sister and mom cooking their late night dinner. His younger siblings are playing catch in their small backyard and his dad was doing another project in the garage. All of them are gone in a blink of an eye. He doesn't trust the cloaked man yet. But he felt it, when he first came to this land. There has to be a reason and he sensed something cold and disgusting growing in the lands.
“How can I stop it?” Roy asked. 
Before Messenger could reply the ground shook violently causing both of them to look up. Above them, they could hear a fight closing in.  "They are going to need your help, or should I say Knightwatch's help." Messenger observed.
Roy's eyes were wide.  "I am not done talking to you."
"There is no time. If you want to talk to me, meet me at the Garden of Olives."

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