I'm surrounded by dipshits

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With the bright summer sun invading my eyes, and AC/DC's "you shook me all night long", my sleep was interrupted by none other than my cousin Knox and his best friend Gage.

You may be wondering why they decided to torture me on this beautiful day and there's only one answer family vacation. Every year me and my whole family make a trip down to the Frio River to do nothing but cause chaos for a week, we all are born and raised in Texas so it's not a far trip but man is it fun.

"Why do you have to torture me, why can't y'all just quietly wake me up." I yelled at Knox"

Where's the fun in that, more importantly why would I care enough to put that much effort into waking you up" Knox explained while rolling his eyes

" I don't know man with the music and everything, you put more effort into this rather than calmly waking her up" Gage said while giving me a high five.

"Thank you Gage" I replied returning the high five

"Who's side are you on Gage, mine or my cousins, don't forget who's hauling your ass down to the river i'll pass buccees, I don't care." said Knox

"Hey i'm riding with you too and we are not passing buccees especially not if you want problems" I explained excitedly

"Yeah, i'll turn into a bitch too Knox" Gage replied in a girly voice making us laugh

"Just get your ass out of bed and hurry up Bubbas ready and told me I could leave you if you don't get up." Knox explained

Bubbas my dad except the only two people that call him that is Knox and his brother Baker, their Mom is my Dads sister.

Against my own will I get up and start to get ready for the trip down there. I grab my heather gray sweatpants and my dark gray Budweiser t-shirt, I started to look for my black high top converse that I wear on a daily basis, but I can't find them anywhere, which is not unheard of because I have a bad habit of setting things down wherever I feel in the moment and then have my entire family help me look for whatever it is that I lost.

"Hey has anyone seen my black converse?" I yelled down the stairs

"Oh God here we go again." said my Dad "It's not my fault dad I thought they were in my room!" I said except it is totally my fault

"Have you checked by the back door!" My sister Kacie yelled back she can find anything, one time a girl called me acting creepy and Kacie found out immediately who it was so if she can't find them I have officially lost them.

"I haven't seen them anywhere but your phone is down here on the counter!" my sister Blake yelled

"Oh thanks I thought it was up here the whole time." I replied back

"You just need to pick something else to wear baby, knowing you they're as good as gone and we need to get on the road!" said my mom

"I don't know what else to wear though!" I replied

"Do you still have those Tory Burch sandals I gave you?" my mom asked

"Yes but i'm wearing sweatpants." I explained

"Just wear those were going to the river you don't wear sneakers by the water you wear sandals!"my mom yelled

"fine i'll wear the stupid sandals." I whispered under my breath grabbing them from my closet

I then walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, I finished my routine off with my skincare and brushing my hair, I grabbed my bag and went off to knox's truck.

"Finally I thought we would never leave" said Knox

"Oh shut the fuck up I couldn't find my shoes." I replied annoyed

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