Peach or Raspberry?

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"WAKE UP BITCHES!" I screamed turning the lights on in the boys room.

"Get out of my fucking room!" Knox groaned  pushing his pillow against his face.

"No you're wasting the day it's twelve in the afternoon get the fuck up." I said slamming the door behind me.

"Would you rather have french toast or breakfast casserole for breakfast?" questioned my Mimi, she and my papa got in late last night, after we all went to bed.

"French toast one hundred percent, plus the boys love that stuff and i've been having a hard time waking them up." I added after popping a grape in my mouth.

"Trust me I know especially Knox, that boy loves his beauty rest." my mimi laughed

"Except he's just as ugly as before." I deadpanned grabbing more fruit.

"I think you forget how similar the two of y'all look darlin" my mimi smirked pointing the spatula at me.

Sometimes I forget my grandma uses her sweet old lady act to hide the badass underneath we can always count on that woman to hold us accountable.

"No comment" I stated making my Mimi laugh before walking up to my room

I started the shower and rinsed off using my coconut body wash before stepping out and drying off. I moisturized my whole body using a matching lotion, applied some coconut deodorant and picked out my outfit for the day. I went with a hot pink triangle bikini with light wash denim shorts and a black tube top. I detangled and brushed my hair and finished my look off with coconut body spray. Walking out of my bedroom I decided to go see what my sisters and Eastyn were up to.

"Y'all got ready quick, I thought I was the first." I mentioned with a blank face after opening the door revealing the four of them dressed and ready to go.

"Yeah we got they boys up and ready too." smirked Kacie she heard me and Knox's fight this morning.

"I'm not even mad loser." Sticking my tongue out at my sister

"Mimi's making french toast if y'all are hungry." I said before walking downstairs

"Look who it is, someone finally decided beauty rest doesn't work for everyone" I announced to my cousin.

"You must be talking to the mirror in-front of you, because you're the one with God awful eye bags, maybe you should try beauty rest once in a while." said Knox matter of factly

I just stood there surprised with my jaw open

"Oh you better close your mouth, you might catch flies." added a satisfied Knox

Rolling my eyes I grabbed some french toast and fruit from my Mimi and went to sit down by Gage after getting situated I poured some syrup onto my plate.

"You don't have eye bags jellybean he just has his panties in a twist" whispered Gage

"Thank you silly" I laughed before taking a bite of my toast.

"Yo Lex get your ass up" Dad laughed

Lex decided to sleep on the couch last night I can't blame her, sleeping with all of my siblings in one room is not promising. After breakfast I decided to go sit outside by the river, i've always loved being outside something about feeling the warm sun on my skin and being connected with nature makes me feel so peaceful, anytime I have a lot on my mind i've always went and sat outside for as long as I needed.

"Hey what are you doing girl?"

"I'm just sitting by the water papa, what are you doing?"I smiled

"Oh nothing just wanted to enjoy the river before everyone comes out for the day."

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