The Unknown

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"You almost made me spill my beer jackass"

"Sorry babe, the opportunity was right there." Gage said cockily climbing up using the porch rails downstairs as leverage.

"What are you doing up, I thought you went to bed?" I questioned

"I couldn't sleep" he sighed running his hand down his face

"Is everything okay? You seem off."

"Yeah I just- I can't stop thinking about what happened, If I wouldn't have walked up in time he could've seriously hurt you." he explained

"Knox and Baker were right there, you shouldn't worry about it." I said resting my head back onto the rail

"They were on the whole other side of the table distracted by their own conversations, he could've at least punched you once before they had the chance to defend you." he said laying down on his back. I knew that was possible but it didn't happen, I didn't want to worry him.

"Here" I reached into my beer bucket "Have a beer." He took it smiling

"You know me so well" he said sipping his beer

"What are you doing out here?" he finally asked me

"Just thinking, once we get home I have bullshit waiting on me."

"Are you nervous to see your mom?" he asked gently, Harley has been in my life ever since I was nine and practically raised me and my sisters as her own. My mom left, my parents had spilt custody for years until a lot of things came out like drinking problems and abuse. My dad filed for emergency custody of my sisters and I until they could go to court, once they did my dad won full custody. We all visited her every other weekend but I quickly realized she didn't change she just started hiding her drinking problem. I had enough left for good and cut contact. Everyone else slowly filed out as well except Kacie she held on, they were always close.

"A little bit, I just hope she doesn't try to start any problems at Kacies Graduation." I sighed

"She won't, she knows everyone will be there."

"I just want Kacie to enjoy her day, she deserves this. She worked her ass off to graduate a year early her success shouldn't be ruined by family drama." I said taking a sip of my beer

"It won't, you should be proud she would've never attempted to graduate early if you didn't already do it first, I doubt she even thought about it before you. You set an amazing example for your sisters, you don't give yourself enough credit." he said patting me on the back

"I'm extremely proud and excited for her she's going to kickass as an ultrasound tech, I can't wait to get pregnant so I can put her to work." I laughed

"Let me know if you need help making it happen." he winked

"Shut the fuck up asshole." I blushed smacking him on the shoulder

"I made you blush." he smiled pushing a strand of hair behind my ear looking deep into my eyes. my heart race kicked up my body feeling chills every time his hand brushed up against me.

"You are an amazing beautiful woman and if your mom doesn't realize that it's her fault. She missed out an a great person but Harley did not she sees you for who you are and embraces that. Focus on that not your mom, so many of us are willing to fight for you and your sisters safety she will not hurt you." with tears in my eyes I wrapped him up in a big hug "Thank you Gage." I sniffled "I appreciate you always being there for me it means a lot, it really does." I pulled back from the hug wiping my eyes.

"I will always be there no matter what, you can't get rid of me that easy" he crossed his arms

"I know" I laughed

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