33| Abilities

18 6 11

3rd Person POV

Hannah gently swept her hair back as she approached Zach in the courtyard. He had invited her earlier, nervous as to what she would say to his love confession. Would she accept it? He didn't know. But what he did know was that he loved Hannah Cayleigh Dubois.

"Hannah," he mumbled as she sat down in front of him. The scent of her perfume was different than usual, she smelled like blueberries and Zach couldn't help but feel taken aback by it.

"What is it?" Hannah sighed as she crossed her arms. "I have a lot on my mind right now."

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Zach asked as he sat up attentively.

"No, tell me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," he replied. "Will you go on a date with me?"

Hannah's eyes shot up to look at Zach. "You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently before sitting down. His heart raced as his stomach churned with butterflies. Hannah was Zach's first love and he wanted her to be his last.

Meanwhile, while Hannah and Zach were busy talking in the courtyard, Micheal and Marc were playing a board game in a local cafe.

"Is that how you spell perpendicular?" Marc asked Micheal. The two boys were playing scrabble and despite being in English honours, Marc wasn't too good at the board game.

"That is definitely not how you spell perpendicular," Micheal hissed. "Since when does perpendicular have a 'y' in it?"

"Fine then. How about you spell it without looking it up?"

"P-e-r-p-e-n-d-i-c-u-l-a-r," Micheal spelled out.

"I can spell prep, though!"

"That works," Micheal replied.

Marc smiled at him as he set the letters down. "Next time, we will play UNO," Marc suggested.

"That's fine by me!"

Vanessa was in juvenile detention, so she wasn't having too much fun. Her mother and father didn't even want to talk to her after what she had done. Vanessa knew that what she did was bad, though. She decided to stop chasing after Micheal and focus on fixing herself instead of being boy-crazy.

"My best friend turned out to be a criminal," Hannah said to Zach. The two were still in the courtyard, talking about how wild the year had been so far.

"At least she's locked up," he replied. "And Micheal's back now. It's good that he's not dead. Vanessa is crazy for doing what she did."

"It hurts, though," Hannah muttered. "She was my closest friend."

"But she never treated you right anyways, so you're not missing out on much."

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Zach." She wanted to say the words "I love you" to him, but was having trouble mustering up the courage to do so.

"I love you," Zach said. "I'm so happy that we're together now."

"I wanted to say it first!" Hannah exclaimed. "Now, you owe me hot chocolate."

"We can leave right now since it's the weekend," Zach said as he got up. Hannah followed suit and the two went to a local cafe.

"Micheal? Marc? What are you two doing here?" Hannah said as she sat down next to her brother.

Zach sat down next to Marc. "Micheal and I were just playing a board game," Marc began. "But I think that Micheal's words are non-existent."

"Google says otherwise!" Micheal exclaimed as he put down the word 'Corker.' "Look, it says the definition right here!"

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