Near Death (Rira)

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                                                Like unprepared attack one shot

Rachel was tired as she looked up at the starry night sky as she was making her way back home intel large dark  vines wrapped tightly around her dragging her to some sort of field surrounded by the black vines. Rachel struggled against the black vines "What Is thi..mph." Rachel didn't even get the chance to talk as a large black vine with black goo slammed down Rachel throat causing her oxygen to get cut off. Gura and Riva jump down from where they had been hiding as Riva leaned down lifting her chin causing the black goo vine to go down her throat further as it pushed all the way Intel there was none left all of the black goo vine squeezing the inside of her throat not giving any oxygen causing her to let out a strained gasp only pushing it down further intel she whimpered.

Riva smirked "Like are little surprise~~." Rachel may not have been able to talk but the expression she gave was enough to show she was in pain and was questioning how they were even alive. Gura laughed "Were alive because we tricked Bel....mostly."  Rachel chocked for oxygen as more black goo vines wrap around her throat and around her waist as they start pulling her into a large dark whole surrounded by the black goo vines that felt like tar that was stuck in her throat as she passed out not feeling her fall through the whole Intel the next day.

Once Rachel awoke all she felt was pain she didn't even know how the heck she was alive from the large lack of oxygen. Rachel strained to speak "Where.........." Rachel let out a pained sob as the black goo vines squeezed tightly to the inside of her throat blocking of more oxygen. Rachel was pulled into the wall of whatever this place was as one connected around her waist keeping her pinned to the wall as to black goo vines wrap around her legs spreading them apart but Rachel couldn't feel anything......but pain Intel she passed out once again.

Ira was grinning at the glitter force before confusion went to his features "So aren't there supposed to be 4 of you?." Heart looked back and forth with confusion and then formed into concern "he's right...where's RACHEL?!." Clover looked concerned "Didn't Rachel walk with you last night?." Maya only had concern written on her features "She did walk with me last night Intel she said she forgot something at the park telling me to go on I wish I didn't." Heart soon felt her phone vibrate through her transformation "Hmm who is calling me right now?. Clover shrugged "Could be important." 

Heart sighed as she detransformed and walked off to take the call. Maya smiled "Hello Rachel's mom...what can I..." Rachel's mother sighed "Maya did Rachel stay over at your place last night." Maya felt her chest tighten "No..." Maya heard Rachel's mother groan in horror through the phone "Oh gosh this can't be happening." Maya felt worry flash to her features "What is it?!." Rachel's mother sighed through the phone "Rachel never came home last night..." Maya felt her heart nearly stop "I'll try looking for her...I promise." Rachel's mother sighed sadly "Thank you..." And with that the phone call ended with Maya looking petrified. 

Clover walked over "Maya what is it?." Maya looked over at Clara "I never should have left her alone...Rachel's mom just called asking if Rachel stayed over at my place last night and when I said no...Rachel's mom said she never got home last night...SHE DIDN'T GET HOME LAST NIGHT CLARA!!." Clover detransformed staring in horror "Please tell me your joking...right...RIGHT?!." Maya looked shakily over at Clara as she soon shook her head sadly making Clara's worst dreams come to life..Rachel was missing...and there was nothing that they could do about it.

Rachel was slumped against the wall her energy running low as she had stopped feeling the goo vines squeezing her throat because she couldn't feel anything anymore all of it...all the feeling in her was gone....all she could think was how badly she wished she could have told Ira how she felt about him but she wont get her chance because all she knows is that she's running out of time as she whimpered in distress her voice horse as she ignored the squeezing of the black goo vines as she screamed "IRA!!." Ira was busy watching the trio panicking and to be honest he was worried...really worried as he moved his finger across the blood ring before he could has sworn he could have sworn he heard something coming from that direction as he soon wondered in that direction growing confused.

Once Ira had gotten there he stared at a large whole in the ground and all Ira could really think was "Where the heck did this come from...I do not remember this being here." but that thought was gone right when his eyes set on Gura and Riva very much alive "WHAT?!." Gura and Riva turn around and gasp at seeing Ira "Oh gosh we have been caught..." Ira was looking at them in pure disbelief "HOW THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN ALIVE?!." Gura and Riva laugh "Well we would love to tell you but um...we have to go...bye." And with that they were gone leaving Ira back to staring at the whole surround with black goo vines "What the heck is there is only one way to find out.." and with that Ira jumped in wondering how he didn't notice this place sooner because he had floated past this place earlier when he went to go face the glitter force.

Rachel had stopped struggling as she felt the sparkle in her eyes fade out as she slumped against the wall as her pulse slowly slowed to a stop as Rachel felt darkness take over her vision before the pain faded to nothing. Ira groaned "This place is just gross.." Ira soon skidded to a halt a stared at the fallen angel in front of him as he muttered under his breath in horror "Rachel..." Ira quickly rushed up to her and could tell that she had been there for way to long cause he could already tell that her pulse had stopped "You can not leave me now.." Ira pulled the black goo vines from around her throat to the one around her waist and the ones around her legs and knowing full well that there was definitely black goo vines inside of her throat and he needed to deal with that now.

Ira sighed in guilt "I am not sure you can hear me but I'm sorry cause this is gonna hurt...a lot." He moved his hand against her cheek as he soon pressed his mouth down against hers pushing air into her lungs as the black goo vines struggled to stay in there place as Ira pulled back smirking before sighing as he had to hold onto her as she struggled in his hold as the black goo vines were ripped out of her throat once they were all out Rachel slumped against him panting in pain. Rachel looked weakly up at Ira as her voice strained "I..Ir..Ira.." Ira sighed with concern "Yeah it's me...I gotta get you out of here this place is not good for you at all."

Rachel whimpered in pain as her throat burned with pain "I don't know if I should continue to talk or not cause my throat is killing me." Ira chuckled "I would suggest you didn't." Rachel hummed weakly as she moved her hand against Ira's cheek as she mumbled "I love you Ira.." Ira gently smiled as he lifted her up into his arms kissing her softly as Rachel let her arms fall around Ira's neck kissing back and all Ira could think was that he couldn't let this happen to her again..he couldn't bear the thought of Rachel actually becoming an angel it would be way to much for him to bear as he murmured softly into her ear "I will not let this happen to you ever again." Rachel hummed as she wrapped her arms gently around Ira's waist as she soon fell asleep in the warm arms of protection.

PS: your probably all wondering why I always put Rachel through being either hurt or other stuff it's because I absolutely love protective boyfriend Ira and I just feel the need for more...have a great day and I hope you enjoyed 🙂 

GFDD Rira and a little Maygina One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now