Chapter 8 (Back In Middle School)

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"Okay fine. You got me. I'll tell you the truth. It's a boring old story and I hate telling it, but since you begged and begged, I guess I'll spill." I said. "Let's hear it." Kagami said. I sighed.

"Her name is Kitari. We never really got along well. It started back in middle school. She'd bully me because I was prettier, smarter, more talented, more popular and all together just better at everything than her. Then in our second year of middle school we encountered someone.

There was this guy on the basketball team, who shall go unnamed, that we both liked. Let's just call him The Giant, okay?" Kagami nodded.

"Anyway, I never made a move on him, but Kitari did. The Giant didn't like her and turned her down pretty badly. 

The thing is, the reason he turned her down...was for me. Of course I said yes when he asked me out and later asked me to be his girlfriend. She got even more envious of me, and the bullying became more violent." I said.


Kitari cornered me in the bathroom.

"Thief! You knew I liked him and you stole him anyway!" Kitari yelled. "I didn't steal anything. I can't help it if I got better genes from my family than you." I said, tauntingly. 

"Shut up! I hate you! I'll hate you for the rest of my life and make yours a living nightmare!" Kitari yelled and pulled out a knife.

I noticed and tried to run away.


I lifted the side of my shirt up and there was a scar. "As you can see, she managed to slice my side." Kagami stood up aggressively and I put my shirt down. "She cut you!?" He yelled. "Yeah, nothing crazy. It wasn't deep or anything." I said casually and Kagami sat back down.

"Anyway, all she ever did was bully me my whole middle school life, and in our last year me and "The Giant" broke up for unspoken reasons... But yeah, That's that. She stayed true to her word. Everyday has been garbage thanks to her." I said in a nonchalant tone.

"So all of this is because you're better than her at everything and she's jealous?" Kagami asked. "Yeah. pretty dumb, right?" I said while resting my chin in my hand. "Anyway, now you know. So what now?" I asked.

"Next time I see her, I'm gonna teach her a thing or two." Kagami said. "Don't do anything stupid. She's just a bully, and I told you I could handle it. This isn't your problem." I said. 

Kagami growled then slammed his hands on the table and screamed at me. "You're not handling it, you're taking it, and that's two different things!

She hurt you and you need help! If you won't let me..." Kagami walked over to the door. "Then I'll just have to do it myself." Then he walked out and slammed the door behind him. I sat there shocked with wide eyes. 'What...just happened?'

The Next Day (3rd POV)

Kagami walked into school looking for Kuroko but he was nowhere to be found. Then all of a sudden Kuroko popped up behind him. "Good morning." Kuroko said in his usual blunt voice. Kagami jumped back from being startled.

"You seriously need to chill with that!" Kagami yelled. "You're the one who came up to me." Kuroko said. Kagami sighed. "Anyway Kuroko, I need to talk to you." "You want to talk? This is very out of character of you." "Shut up. It's about Pento. You guys went to the same middle school, right?"

"That's right. We were together for the whole three years." "Thought so. So, do you know a girl named Kitari?" Kagami asked seriously. Kuroko paused, then answered. "So Pento told you then?" Kagami nodded yes.

"Then you must know that she doesn't want us to do anything, right?" Kuroko said with a serious face. "I don't care about that stuff. We have to do something about this bullying before it gets out of hand!" Kagami yelled. Kuroko put his head down sadly. "Yes, I know. But Pento-"

"Won't let us? She doesn't have to know. We can do something in secret to make Kitari back off." Kagami suggested. "What did you have in mind?" Kuroko asked.


After school and practice Kagami and Kuroko crept behind a wall and watched as Kitari and her friends were going their separate ways. "Bye girls!" Kitari said. "See ya, Kitari!" her friends said. "There she is." Kagami whispered. "Let's go." Kuroko said.

Kagami and Kuroko walked up to Kitari. "Yo. Kitari." Kagami said. "Oh. Looky here. It's Brat's bodygaurd." Kitari said with a bratty tone. "The name's Kagami. Don't you forget either." Kagami growled. Kuroko sensed his anger rising and grabbed his shoulder. "Kagami. Calm down. I'll take it from here." Kuroko said.

"Anyway I have to go." Kitari said she started walking away when Kuroko called out to her. "It's been a while, Kitari." Kitari paused and jumped back when she saw Kuroko. "What the heck! Wait. Kuroko? I didn't know you went to Seirin! But then again you are basically a ghost." Kitari said.

"And you're still bullying Pento. When are you going to stop?" Kuroko said with his anger rising just as much as Kagami's. "Never. You know what she did. She put this on herself. If she didn't want to get hurt, she shouldn't have hurt me! 

This is what the Thief deserves. The Tomboy needs to learn that when I say I want something, I get it!" Kitari said, raising her voice. Then Kagami stepped forward and got in her face.

"She doesn't deserve any of this! All you did was bully her because everyone thought she was a better person than you! And you know what? I think so too. She's smart, pretty, funny, and the best at basketball! 

So what if she's a tomboy, she's also my friend and I won't let you beat on her anymore!" Kagami grabbed her collar and reeled his fist back.

Then Kuroko took his feet and made him fall to the floor. Kitari stood there shocked with wide eyes. "What'd you do that for?" Kagami growled while holding his nose. "You're letting your emotions get in the way. Trust me, I'm angry too but we agreed on no violence." Kuroko said.

"Yeah. Sorry." Kagami said. Kitari snapped back to reality and snickered. "What were you thinking? Were you seriously going to hit a pretty girl? The Brat's got even you wrapped around her finger huh? Just like in middle school." 

"Kitari. A fair warning. We agreed on no violence this time, but next time you touch Pento, you'll see nothing but black." Kuroko said in an angry tone.

Kitari crossed her arms to try not to seem intimidated. Kuroko and Kagami turned to walk away and took a few steps then Kagami stopped and turned his head back at Kitari. "And by the way, compared to Pento, you're like an ugly frog that hasn't gotten kissed by their prince yet. And you never will." Kagami said, smirking.

Kitari scoffed and walked away.


Kagami and Kuroko were walking together to go home when Kagami spoke up. "Man, that girl gets on my nerves! And the way she talked about Pento is really pissing me off." "Yeah, she made me mad too, but you really went overboard for Pento. But she usually has that kind of effect on boys anyway." Kuroko said.

Kagami blushed. "Huh!? What do you mean by that?" "I mean, when a guy gets around Pento they usually feel a sense of need to protect her. Pento seems tough but she's actually really easy to read. And everyone can tell she's always bothered by something even though she tries to hide it a lot."

Kagami breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, you're right." "Also, the way you were talking, it sounded like you had a crush on her. like at the end when you started talking about frogs and princes. That was so weird. Kuroko said.

Kagami blushed again and jumped from shock. "Shut up!? Of course I don't have a crush on her." Kuroko chuckled with his eyes closed. "Moron!" Kagami said as he pushed Kuroko. Kuroko stopped laughing. "That hurt. Just what are you made of?" "Shut up!"

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