Chapter 9 (Shutoku High School Game)

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The next couple of days at school were surprisingly smooth. Kitari kept glaring at me as usual, but she never really did anything to me. One day I was walking through the hallway, with all the boys staring and all the girls glaring at me when Kitiari walked up to me.

I sighed before she spoke. "Hey, brat." she said. "What is it, Kitiari? I kinda have somewhere to be right now." I said. "Where you going? To your little boyfriend? Yeah, you think you can just get away with sending him after me?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't send anyone after you." I said, confused. "Well that big giant and the ghost came and warned me to stay away from you. That really pissed me off. 

Everyone is always protecting you, liking you. No one ever does that for me!-" Kitari kept rambling on about the same stuff she always does.

"Yeah, yeah. Save the sappy story. I already know. You say the same thing every time. 'I don't get enough attention. Pento gets all of it.' 'Pento's not even that pretty yet she has every boy under her spell. I'm pretty too.' And I answer with the same thing everytime.

If it wasn't for your snobby attitude, maybe you would get a guy." I said then I just walked off leaving her shocked. While I was walking I felt myself start smiling. 'Kagami. You big dummy. Why'd you go off and protect me still?'


The next couple of weeks went by really quick. Seirin had a lot of tough games to play but they ended up winning all of them in the end. Awesome. Then, we made it to the finals of the preliminaries and we were going up against Shutoku High School.

Midorima's team. We'll be going up against another generation of miracles.

After Seirin had just finished winning their game we all went to rest in the locker room. "Put your jackets on before your body gets cold. And don't forget to stretch!" Coach said. "Anyone need ice?" I asked. "Yeah, I could use some." Hyuga said.

"Alright. Gotcha." I said. I grabbed an ice pack and went over to him. "Where does it hurt?" I asked. "On my right knee, thanks." he said. I put the ice on his knee. "Me and Pento are gonna come around and massage each of you!" Riko said.

I started with Hyuga since I was already with him. "There, how does that feel?" I asked. Hyuga was blushing. "G-Great." he answered. I gave him a quick smile before getting up. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered to him. "Don't fall for me. I know about your feelings for the coach."

Hyuga blushed even harder and almost fell off the bench he was sitting on. I laughed then walked over and massaged the rest of the members. Koga looked over at Kagami and saw him sleeping.

We all followed his gaze and the coach started yelling at him. "Come on Kagami. If you sleep now your body will freeze!" "You might want to let him rest." Hyuga said. "Yeah, he's not usually this down after a game." Izuki said.

"Getting four fouls will do that to ya. There's no need to worry." Koga said. "Speaking of fouls, yours was so unexpected." I said. Koga fake cried. "Maybe he feels partially responsible in his own way." Hyuga said.

"Besides, I don't think he's sleeping. From where I'm sitting, he's saving every last drop off energy he has for this next game."

I looked at Kagami curiously with a blunt face. "Excuse me! I'm going to the bathroom." Kuroko announced. "Oh! I'll go too." Koga said.


"Alright, ten minutes left! Let's go!" We all walked out the door and onto the court. Me and Kuroko turned back and saw Kagami still sitting there. "Kagami, it's time." Kuroko said. Then Kagami opened his eyes.

"Hn. Let's go!" Kagami said. "Yeah." Kuroko and I said. We caught up with the rest of the team on the court and the team did a group huddle. Hyuga sighed before talking. "I'm beat. I've had this melancholy feeling all day. We've got two games back to back, both against kings.

And even when we were up against Seiho, all I could think about was having another game right afterwards...But this is the last game, so we don't have to think about garbage like persevering our energy. And that means, we can focus on this game.

So let's give it our all, and win this thing!" "Yeah!" the team said. The ref blew the whistle. "Line up!" he yelled. I watched Kagami as he walked out. 'He's quiet.' I thought. "Kagami!" I yelled out to him. He turned around to face me.

"Give it your all. And be careful. Go and win." I said, holding out my fist for him. "...Will do." he said, returning my fist bump. "Let the final preliminary round between Seirin High School and Shutoku High School begin." The ref said.

"Let's have a good game." Everyone said. "Wait, that's it? Kuroko is the only one you need to talk to?" Takao said. "There's no need. I have no business talking to someone who played such a pitiful game. If you have anything to say to me, you can show me on the court." Midorima said.

"Right back at ya." Kagami said. "Just thinking about it is pissing me off. I've tons of pent up frustration about a bunch of crap going on with Pento, and I'm ready to unleash it all on you. So let's hurry and do this."

I put my head down. For some reason, I was feeling a sudden wave of shame, and guilt.

"What did you say?" Midorima growled. The game finally started and for more than 2 minutes no one scored until the ball got passed to Midorima. "Uh oh." I said under my breath. He scored from way behind the three point line and made the shot.

Everyone on the bench and the court was shocked. Midorima even started walking back before he made the shot. Then all of a sudden the ball zipped down the court with lightning fast speed. Kuroko had passed the ball to Kagami and he dunked it in the hoop!

"Sorry. But I can't let you take the first quarter that easily, or at all." Kuroko said. "Alright! Nice work." I said. Midorima might be a generation of miracles, but Seirin is going to win. No matter what!

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